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- Aggiunto
- Sep 19, 2011
- Nome vero
- Frederick Douglass
- La mia biblioteca
- The books included here are those inventoried by the National Park Service as being in Douglass' library at his home, Cedar Hill, near Washington, D.C.
- Informazione su di me
- Frederick Douglass (~February 1818 - 20 February 1895). Born a slave, Douglass escaped to freedom and became a leading abolitionist, reformer, writer and speaker.
- Luogo
- Cedar Hill, Washington, D.C.
Gli iscritti hanno fatto di recente:
FrederickDouglass ha aggiunto
Memoirs of the life of Colonel Hutchinson, governor of Notingham Castle and town, representative of the County of Nottingham in the Long Parliament, and of the town of Nottingham in the first Parliament of Charles the Second, with original anecdotes of many of the most distinguished of his contemporaries, and a summary review of public affairs / defended by the Countess of Derby against Sir Thomas Fairfax di Lucy Hutchinson
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