
Dec 10, 2015
Informazione su di me
Writing and reading are my passions! My dream to be a writer began, when as a five year old child I would ask my mother to write down the stories I would make up about talking dogs.

Since growing up and becoming further educated with a Bachelor's Degree in English (I have an affinity for classic literature), a Master's Degree in Leadership, and a degree in Unltrasound, I have begun to pursue that dream in hopes of one day making it my career. I have many interests and ideas so my ultimate goal is to release works of fiction in multiple genres. Fantasy will always be my first love however, as I have always had an intense imagination that threatens to inundate me if not expelled onto paper.

Aside from writing, I enjoy physical activities like running and yoga. I am blessed to have an amazing family, close friends and two beloved canine companions.
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