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La mia biblioteca
Lots of books. Not as many as one of my friends who is starting a serious collection and now has over 12,000 books. Between 2,000-3,000 for me. So joined LibraryThing so I could catalogue what I have, and what I'd like to read. And talk about books, and find new ones through other readers.
Informazione su di me
Love books, always. When I travel, I look for bookstores to visit. I love museums, and art galleries, too. I live in Ottawa, Canada. I have worked in new and used bookstores. Currently I work in a government job so I can buy books (and have a house to live among the books). lol None of my kids read as much as I do, though I keep buying everyone books. My husband now has a whole bookshelf - 5 rows - of books I've bought him. To his credit, he's read many of them. I garden when I'm not reading, write poetry, study tarot cards, and go for walks. I also travel via books all over the world.
Ottawa, Canada
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