
Nome vero
Kelley Floyd
La mia biblioteca
My library is fairly large and varied. I am part of Netgalley and Edelweiss so I receive E Books to review there. When I review a book I will place the review on my blog and as well post to Facebook and Twitter as well to my accounts at Netgalley and Edelweiss. I am also an avid Member of Goodreads and post all of my reviews there.
Informazione su di me
Hello! I'm a book lover from South Carolina. I have a blog where I read and review books. I am also part of a blog network that hosts blog tours and guest author posts. My favorite genres are YA (anything), romance, and adult fiction..however, I am open to reading almost anything. I read on average 1-2 books per week and try to do 2 reviews per week on my blog and 3 other unique posts. I am an active member of Goodreads where I also keep my content current as I move through my books.
South Carolina
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Librerie: A Very Little Bookstore - PERMANENTLY CLOSED