
romance (3), paranormal (2), Florida (1), Pacific_NW (1), poison_hemlock (1), fleabane (1), strawflower (1), butter_and_eggs (1), wild_rose (1), coneflower (1), sacred_ground (1), Bell_Rock (1), New_Age (1), TV_journalist (1), Portland_OR (1), James_River (1), life_lessons (1), free_will (1), Montecello (1), Gulf (1), Salmon (1), Denver (1), arrest (1), Magazine (1), Native_Americans (1), teasel (1), starting_over (1), side-trips (1), Metarie (1), subway_station (1), big_apple (1), NY_subway (1), transit_cop (1), skin_graft (1), intubation (1), burn_unit (1), Salt_Lake_City (1), burn_recovery (1), Idaho_wildfires (1), Royal_Street (1), Deerhurst (1), Beale_Street (1), second_string (1), krewe (1), fat_tuesday (1), mardi_gras (1), Magazine_Street (1), Bourbon_Street (1), GArden_District (1), French_quarter (1), personal_ads (1), New_Orleans (1), Christmas (1), newscaster (1), vacation (1), hotels (1), reporter (1), cops (1), ambulance (1), Wales (1), therapy (1), plantation (1), NOLA (1), Louisiana (1), subway (1), arson (1), choices (1), Illinois (1), Delta (1), Arizona (1), jazz (1), police (1), travel (1), legends (1), reincarnation (1), dating (1), resorts (1), Idaho (1), gifts (1), bayou (1), Boston (1), Virginia (1), divorce (1), Jefferson (1), traditions (1), birthday (1), Katrina (1), destiny (1), cajun (1), cop (1), widowers (1), ranching (1), Willamette (1), patrol (1), Sedona (1), NYPD (1), wildfires (1), metro (1), Hartford (1), commuters (1), wildflowers (1), anniversary (1), turnstile (1)
Dec 25, 2007
La mia biblioteca
I'm starting with my own darlings...those wonderful books from my publishing comapany.
Informazione su di me
I'm a life-long book lover...I was a librarian in junior high and high school. Mysteries are my favorite genre, but I enjoy almost all novels except SciFi and horror. In 1998, I started a independent press and over the past ten years, have published almost 50 books. The best thing is making my favorite passtime my business, so I am books, books, books, 24/7, with the exception of gardening season, during which another love gives serious competition for my attention at least for a few months.
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