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Beach Colors
While Margaux Sullivan was presenting her highly praised "M Atelier" collection at New York City’s Fashion Week, her husband of thirteen years cleaned out their bank account and disappeared. A week later the bank foreclosed on her apartment and business. Suddenly broke, betrayed, and humiliated, Margaux returns home to the small, coastal town of Crescent Cove, Connecticut, where she once knew love, joy and family—three things she’s lost on her climb to fame. Margaux just wants to be left alone, but friends and family have different plans. Encouraged by her widowed mother, challenged by her two closest childhood friends, and bullied by a displaced Brooklyn hairdresser, Margaux begins to design a new line of clothes, determined to get back in the game. Nick Prescott left his job as a college professor to return home to care for his nephew Connor, taking the role of interim police chief in Crescent Cove while he tries to sort out Connor’s troubles after the loss of his father, Nick’s brother, in Iraq. Just when he is finally settling in to his new role, he stops Margaux for speeding on her way into town. Nick recognizes her immediately; she was one of the bright spots of his boyhood; the beautiful girl who summered at the beach and never noticed the “townie” boy who looked forward to seeing her return each year. But he’s no longer a boy, and he’s no longer content to love her from afar. Margaux is too vulnerable to let Nick and Connor into her life, but through Connor’s eyes, she rediscovers the beauty of the shore and finds a forgotten place in her heart that wants to love again. When a chance to return to New York as a top designer threatens her new found happiness, Margaux must make the most important decision of her life. Does she have the strength to let go of the past and grasp an uncertain future? Can two people who have so little in common find a way to become a family?
General Fiction, Romance, Fiction and Literature
Offerto da
William Morrow (Editore)
(User: MarySasso)
April 2012
Inizia il: 2012-04-02
Termina il: 2012-04-30
In vendita
Jungtinės Valstijos
Informazioni sul libroPagina LibraryThing dell'opera
13 recensiti, 2 contrassegnati come ricevuti
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