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Rides a Dread Legion
Raymond E. Feist’s all-new Midkemia series begins ten years after the conclusion of the Darkwar Saga (Wrath of a Mad God). Laromendis is a conjurer from another world -- a world inhabited by a race of high elves whose home is being ravaged by the Dread Legion of the Demon King. The elves’ only hope lies in finding the lost homeworld of their ancient legends. Midkemia is that lost world, Laromendis tells his people -- and now they must reclaim it, at any cost! In Midkemia, the magician Pug and the Conclave of Shadows believe the elves to be refugees and potential allies, for they know the true threat is the demons who invaded the elves’ world. To battle this fearsome enemy, Pug summons the help of a demon master, the warlock Amirantha, and a holy demon-taming cleric, Sandreena of the Order of Dala. Unwittingly, Pug has reunited two former lovers whose parting was bitter . . . and who just might have secret agendas of their own. For Sandreena has a shadowy past and is as fierce a soldier as any man in her order, and Amirantha is brother to Pug’s sworn enemy . . . who may be in service to the Demon King Maag himself. Above all hangs the question: Can the beleaguered elves be trusted, or are they as dire a threat as the demons who pursue them?
Fantasy, Fiction and Literature
Offerto da
HarperCollins (Editore)
(User: mbarrs)
February 2009
Inizia il: 2009-02-02
Termina il: 2009-02-25
In vendita
Jungtinės Valstijos
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