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The Patient Survival Guide: 8 Simple Solutions to Prevent Hospital and Healthcare Associated Infecti
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates 1.7 million patients developed healthcare acquired infections in 2010, resulting in over 100,000 deaths, adding extra days hospital stays, and costing our already broken health care system 35 to 50 billion dollars. Infections after surgery account for 20% of these healthcare acquired infections; according to CDC statistics, every year over 8,000 patients die of these infections. We also know that if you get a surgical site infection, you are five times more likely to be readmitted to the hospital after you’ve been sent home. Since most people spend only a small part of their lives in healthcare facilities, this guidebook also tells readers how to avoid picking up serious infections in day care centers, schools, business offices, and other common locations. Unlike other books, which focus on how to change the hospital systems, The Patient Survival Guide focuses on patient protection. The patient Survival Guide empowers readers with the knowledge and techniques to ensure a safer healthcare experience when the need arises to seek medical help. Since most people spend only a small part of their lives in healthcare facilities, this guidebook wouldn’t be complete without telling readers how to avoid picking up serious infections in day care centers, schools, business offices, and other common locations.
Offerto da
Demos Health (Editore)
(User: demoshealth)
February 2012
Inizia il: 2012-02-03
Termina il: 2012-02-29
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Jungtinės Valstijos
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