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Prophecy~the Fulfillment
A Powerful and Mesmerizing New Voice in Fiction Explores the Worlds of Faith, Hope, Life and Death and What It Means to Truly Believe. In Deborah Jaeger’s astonishing debut novel, Prophecy~the Fulfillment (Hampton House Publishing, June 2011), readers are thrust into a world of spiritual intrigue, mystery and love. Already a runaway success among early readers, you are invited to follow the spiritual and emotional quest for answers through this intense and captivating mystery. A typical teenager, Jillian Macomb, is looking forward to senior high. Or at least she was. Having just broken up with her boyfriend, she receives the stunning and unexpected news that she’s pregnant. As if that isn’t enough, she must also convince her parents and her doctor that she is still a virgin. Her father’s protégé, Stephen Jacobs, and she form an unlikely alliance as each realize that their nighttime apparitions are more than simple dreams, making it clear to them that the child she carries is no ordinary child. Then the miracles begin. When a geneticist discovers that Jillian’s pregnancy holds the key to inexplicable healings, he will stop at nothing to claim the magnificent discovery as his own. Meanwhile, government officials and representatives from the Catholic Church arrive to investigate the astonishing events, realizing that whoever controls the source of the miracles will become the ultimate world power. Face to face with evil, Stephen and Jillian realize that time is running out to save her child, and they are driven to escape the forces that covet control of the miraculous life she carries. In the ultimate test of faith, they must decide who they can trust, and whether or not to believe the compelling and terrifying message of the prophecy.
Christian Fiction, Fiction and Literature
Offerto da
Hampton House Publishing, LLC (Editore)
(User: HHouse)
June 2011
Inizia il: 2011-06-06
Termina il: 2011-06-30
In vendita
Jungtinės Valstijos
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26 recensiti, 2 contrassegnati come ricevuti
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