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Pension Dumping: The Reasons, the Wreckage, the Stakes for Wall Street
Pension plans in America no longer represent commitments that financially troubled companies will honor. Neither bankruptcy courts, nor Washington, nor unions have the clout to make them do so. The disposition of these plans is instead left to serve the needs of big investors. Often these investors are a failing company's best hope of restructuring after bankruptcy. Investors want a lean investment unburdened with financial promises to employees no longer on the payroll. Despite laws passed to discourage the termination of plans, the courts allow it, caving in to the forces garnered to reinvigorate a failing company. Unions are often compelled to choose between the financial welfare of retirees and jobs for active workers. Pension Dumping explains in shocking detail how terminating the pension plan became a knee-jerk strategy for bankrupt companies that hope to attract big investors to help them reorganize. Hawthorne traces the dynamics and the players involved as a pension is targeted for termination: the bankruptcy court and the hierarchy of power that dictates whose interests will prevailthe choices forced on unionsthe burden placed on the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporationthe risks investors take and the returns they look forthe companies' efforts to salvage what they can as they restructure, as well as the backlash they risk by breaking pension promises
Business, General Nonfiction, Nonfiction, Economics
Offerto da
Bloomberg Press (Editore)
(User: )
March 2008
Inizia il: 2008-03-04
Termina il: 2008-03-13
In vendita
Jungtinės Valstijos, Kanada
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5 recensiti, 13 contrassegnati come ricevuti, 2 contrassegnati come non ricevuti
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