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Gossip of the Starlings
Gossip of the Starlings traces the destructive friendship of Catherine Morrow and Skye Butterfield, two teenage girls struggling to blossom in the confines of an elite prep-school in New England. Catherine, a talented seventeen-year-old horse rider with an unfortunate pension for cocaine, befriends the beautiful Skye, and they kick start a relationship both romantic and dangerous. Skye, daughter of a beloved senator, daring and determined to rebel, is drawn to Catherine's quiet habits of drug-use and drinking. Catherine is in turn seduced by Skye's charm, and both are unable to resist a headlong rush toward danger that is borne from their newfound friendship. The story ends in widespread tragedy that neither girl is able to prevent or turn away from, destroying the lives of teachers, friends, and family. Gossip of the Starlins is a thrilling novel of how things can quickly spiral out of control in the pulsing world of adolescence. Tracing the closeness found in the friendship of young women, it also harbors a depth and darkness that is sure to enrapture. Nina de Gramont is the author of Booksense selection Of Cats and Men. Her fiction has appeared in Nerve, post road, Exquisite Corpse, and Seventeen magazine
General Fiction, Young Adult, Fiction and Literature
Offerto da
Algonquin Books (Editore)
(User: )
January 2008
Inizia il: 2008-01-07
Termina il: 2008-01-15
In vendita
Jungtinės Valstijos, Kanada
Informazioni sul libroPagina LibraryThing dell'opera
13 recensiti, 7 contrassegnati come ricevuti
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