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Endless Love
Format: DRM-locked epub or pdf file (60 day expiration, renewable — you don't own the ebook), which can be loaded on Nooks, Sony eReaders, Kindles or read on a computer using Adobe Digital Editions (which is free to download). Ebook provided through NetGalley, which requires you to sign up with them. The impassioned love of two teenagers leaves a path of destruction in its perilous wake Seventeen-year-old David Axelrod is consumed with his love for Jade Butterfield. So when Jade’s father exiles him from their home, David does the only thing he thinks is rational: He burns down their house. Sentenced to a psychiatric institution, David’s obsession metastasizes, and upon his release, he sets out to win the Butterfields back by any means necessary. Brilliantly written and intensely sexual, Endless Love is the deeply moving story of a first love so powerful that it becomes dangerous—not only for the young lovers, but for their families as well. This ebook features an illustrated biography of Scott Spencer, including rare photos from the author’s personal collection. Scott Spencer (b. 1945) is the critically acclaimed, bestselling author of ten novels, including Endless Love and A Ship Made of Paper, both of which have been nominated for the National Book Award. Two of his books, Endless Love and Waking the Dead, have been adapted into films.
Fiction and Literature
Offerto da
Open Road (Editore)
(User: OpenRoadMedia)
November 2010
Inizia il: 2010-11-08
Termina il: 2010-11-29
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