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Death Pulls the Strings

In this magical mix-up of fairy tales and murder, Little Red Riding Hood solves the mystery at the heart of Pinocchio...

What does it mean to be truly “alive?”

Red is looking forward to accompanying her boyfriend to a conference in the big city, Brass. Too bad her best friend and magical companion, William, isn’t on board! In fact, William’s been acting strange, and it’s only when he hears of a murder in Brass that he decides to tag along.

Along with their friend Officer Thorn, Red and William have been asked to consult as impartial investigators in the death of a city gnome. The problem? It wasn’t only a gnome who died: an enchanted broom was found destroyed as well. To make matters worse, the crime was reported by a young “puppet” who wasn’t taken seriously at first. With each new twist and clue, Red finds herself more tangled up in strings of deceit, magic, and politics. The entire city of Brass is wondering if puppets and magical creatures can act freely–and in the midst of it all, William is preoccupied with a shadowy stranger...

With each new mystery, Red is willing to learn something new. But this time, what she learns just may be the most elusive quality of all: what it takes to be a real friend!

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Fantasy, Mystery
Offerto da
ElleHartford (Autore)
Pubblicato da
Phoenix and Kelpie Press
Dicembre 2023
Inizia il: 2023-12-01
Termina il: 2023-12-26
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