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Pine Island Home
Serie: Pine Island (1)

From Newbery Honor—and National Book Award—winning author Polly Horvath comes a story of four sisters searching for home.

Fiona, Marlin, Natasha, and Charlie McCready are left on their own when their missionary parents are washed away in a tsunami. Fortunately, their great aunt Martha volunteers to have them live with her on her farm in British Columbia. But while they are traveling there, Martha dies unexpectedly, forcing Fiona, the eldest, to come up with a scheme to keep social services from separating the girls - a scheme that will only work if no one knows they are living on their own.

Fiona approaches their grouchy and indifferent neighbor Al and asks if he will pretend to be their live-in legal guardian should papers need to be signed or if anyone comes snooping around. He reluctantly agrees, under the condition that they bring him dinner every night. As weeks pass, Fiona takes on more and more adult responsibilities, while each of the younger girls finds their own special role in their atypical family. But even if things seem to be falling into place, Fiona can't help but worry that it is only a matter of time before they are caught. What she needs to do is find them a real guardian.

Tween, Kids
Offerto da
Tundra Books (Editore)
(User: TundraBooks)
Agosto 2023
Inizia il: 2023-08-01
Termina il: 2023-08-25
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9 recensiti, 1 contrassegnati come ricevuti, 1 contrassegnati come non ricevuti
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