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Mortal Heart

A fallen angel sentenced to a mortal life among humans.

A former soldier turned private investigator who's been there, killed that.

The bad guys don't have a prayer. Ronan, once the archangel Remiel, chose to fall from Heaven after breaking angelic law. For centuries, he used his skills to live and work among humans as a bounty hunter. A chance encounter with a mysterious mage named Alice Worth in the so-called Broken World forced him to violate angelic law once more, this time to save millions of lives. Now cut off from his angelic kin with his wings and power bound, Ronan is a man without a future, purpose, or reason to live.

Arkady Woodall left a dangerous job at the Vampire Court to return to the profession she loves most: private investigator. Now she's Alice Worth's business partner, and for the first time in years she's calling her own shots. But now that she's between cases, it's the perfect time to find out more about Ronan, the enigmatic man who'd mysteriously shown up beaten and near death in Alice's yard and then vanished again as soon as he'd recovered.

Knives, punches, and sparks fly when Ronan and Arkady cross paths at a roadside dive bar and stumble upon a kidnapping in progress. What starts as a simple rescue quickly turns into a deadly mystery that sends them on a wild and daring chase from the city's most depraved depths to its highest and most luxurious penthouses, dodging bullets and black magic along the way. When their shared addiction to danger puts them on a collision course with a merciless and powerful enemy, Ronan and Arkady realize their only hope of success and survival is each other, but a devastating secret might spell doom for them both?

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Fantasy, Fiction and Literature
Offerto da
City Owl Press (Editore)
(User: CityOwlPress)
Novembre 2022
Inizia il: 2022-11-01
Termina il: 2022-11-28
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8 recensiti, 3 contrassegnati come ricevuti
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