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Thirty years ago, five toddlers were found alone in a luxury boat tied up to a dock in Puerto Rico after a devastating hurricane. No one knew who they were or where they came from. Now adults, after being raised by different families, but always connected by a special bond, David, Taina, Holly, Adrian, and Raymond have always considered themselves siblings, even if their blood relations were unknown. When David is diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer, the five brothers and sisters meet at Griswold Island off the coast of Connecticut and the family home of David's ex-girlfriend, Julia, a woman whose own deeply rooted family tree is a direct opposite to the siblings' hidden beginnings. However, though David's siblings think the trip is just a chance to spend quality time with David and help him get his mind off the disease, David has an ulterior motive for planning the vacation--the brain tumor has triggered flashbacks to the time before the hurricane and prompted a strong desire in David to find out the truth of their origins. He's determined to find out if they are siblings in blood as well as heart and the circumstances behind what happened to them those many years ago. The gathering is the first time that they are all able to share and document the wisps of fading memory, all of it conflicting, all of it charged with emotional attachments to whatever truth they have each come to embrace.
General Fiction, Romance, Fiction and Literature
Offerto da
Harper Paperbacks (Editore)
(User: MarySasso)
September 2010
Inizia il: 2010-09-06
Termina il: 2010-09-26
In vendita
Jungtinės Valstijos
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15 recensiti, 2 contrassegnati come ricevuti
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