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Making Mental Might: How to Look Ten Times Smarter Than You Are

Doctor Bernard Patten―erstwhile Memory Fellow of the New York Academy of Medicine, founder of the first memory clinic at the Neurological Institute of New York, and author of scientific papers on memory therapy and memory problems―wants to help you to a better mind, a better memory, and, consequently, a better life.

Memory degradation happens to everyone. Even people in good health forget where they park their cars or leave their reading glasses. Some draw a blank entering their PIN. Is the stove off? Cat fed? Door locked? Did you take your medication? Not sure? How come? These memory problems only get worse as we get older unless we employ mental exercises to improve memory now.

Mountains of scientific research prove that mental exercise benefits the brain as much as physical exercise benefits the body. Mental gymnastics boosts brainpower, augments memory, and (in some cases) actually increases brain size. It can help prevent dementia, mental decline, and the much-feared Alzheimer's disease.

Making Mental Might does not aim to increase your IQ or show you how to get smarter. It offers the proper mental training to look, sound, and perform worlds better. These techniques have helped hundreds of students at Rice University's School of Continuing Studies under Doctor Patten improve their working memory. They can do the same for you.

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Science & Nature, General Nonfiction, Health & Wellness, Nonfiction
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Identity Publications (Editore)
(User: gregorydiehl)
Agosto 2022
Inizia il: 2022-08-01
Termina il: 2022-08-25
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