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Feast Day of the Cannibals
Serie: American Novels (6)
A bankrupt merchant encounters Herman Melville and is pursued through the depths of Gilded Age Manhattan by a brutal antagonist In the sixth stand-alone book in The American Novels series, Shelby Ross, a merchant ruined by the depression of 1873–79, is hired as a New York City Custom House appraiser under inspector Herman Melville, the embittered, forgotten author of Moby-Dick. On the docks, Ross befriends a genial young man and makes an enemy of a despicable one, who attempts to destroy them by insinuating that Ross and the young man share an unnatural affection. Ross narrates his story to his childhood friend Washington Roebling, chief engineer of the soon-to-be-completed Brooklyn Bridge. As he is harried toward a fate reminiscent of Ahab’s, he encounters Ulysses S. Grant, dying in a brownstone on the Upper East Side; Samuel Clemens, who will publish Grant’s Memoirs; and Thomas Edison, at the dawn of the electrification of the city. Feast Day of the Cannibals charts the harrowing journey of a tormented heart during America’s transformative age. “This spectacular work will delight and awe readers with Lock’s magisterial wordsmithing.” —Library Journal (starred review) “Transfixing. . . . This historically authentic novel raises potent questions about sexuality during an unsettling era in American history past and is another impressive entry in Lock’s dissection of America’s past.” —Publishers Weekly “While Moby-Dick is often referenced by the characters, it’s Billy Budd, a later work of Melville’s, that's alluded to thematically, as Lock addresses questions of desire and repression, both personal and societal. . . . [Feast Day of the Cannibals] memorably provides a window into old New York and its narrator’s conflicted mind.” —Kirkus Reviews
General Fiction, LGBTQ+, Historical Fiction, Fiction and Literature
Offerto da
Bellevue Literary Press (Editore)
(User: blpbooks)
May 2019
Inizia il: 2019-05-06
Termina il: 2019-05-28
In vendita
Jungtinės Valstijos
Informazioni sul libroPagina LibraryThing dell'opera
9 recensiti, 1 contrassegnati come non ricevuti
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