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Set in rural Tennessee, QUIVER by LAMBDA Award-winning author Julia Watts is a brilliant LGBTQ YA novel that focuses on the unlikely friendship between two teens from opposite sides of the culture wars. Libby is the oldest child of six, going on seven, in a family that adheres to the “quiverfull” lifestyle: strict evangelical Christians who believe that they should have as many children as God allows because children are like arrows in the quiver of “God’s righteous warriors.” Like the other families who adhere to this philosophy, Libby’s family regards the father as the “Christian patriarch” and leader and the mother as the “helpmeet” who gives birth to, cares for, and homeschools the children. Meanwhile, Zo is the gender fluid offspring of Libby’s new neighbors who have moved to the country from Knoxville in hopes of living a slower-paced, more natural life. Zo and hir family are as far to the left ideologically as Libby’s family is to the right, and yet Libby and Zo, who are the same age, feel a connection that leads them to friendship—a friendship that seems doomed from the start because of their families’ differences. Through deft storytelling, built upon extraordinary character development, author Watts offers a close examination of the contemporary compartmentalization of social interactions, and forms a story that resonates far beyond its pages. High Praise for QUIVER “This just may be the perfect book for our times, when acknowledgement of common ground and empathy are sorely needed.” —New York Journal of Books “A hopeful book. . . . Recommended for readers who seek possible bridges across the divides in our society.” —Me, You, and Books “With Quiver, Julia Watts captures the essence of growing up in two wildly disparate families, and weaves a unique, compassionate tale of unlikely friendship.  It's impossible not to root for Libby and Zo! ”—Meagan Brothers, author, Weird Girl and What’s His Name “Julia Watts’ latest novel captures, with painful accuracy, the pointed conflicts between liberals and ultra-conservatives, tensions that pervade the United States in general and Appalachia in particular at this perilous point in our country’s history. Quiver is one of the most moving books I’ve ever read.” —Jeff Mann, author, Cub and Country “HIGHLY Recommend. This is the type of book that can make magic happen: it can open minds and challenge viewpoints through the unfolding of a truly beautiful story.” —Amy Christine Parker, author, Gated and Astray ABOUT THE AUTHOR Julia Watts is the author of thirteen novels for adults and young adults, all published by independent presses. Her books, which are set in Appalachia and often depict the lives of LGBT people in the Bible Belt, have won a loyal following and several awards. Her novel Finding H.F. (Alyson Press, 2001) won the Lambda Literary Award in the Children’s/Young Adult category, and her historical YA novel Secret City (Bella Books, 2013) was a finalist for the Lambda Literary Award, a winner of a Golden Crown Literary Award, and a selection for the 2015 ALA Rainbow List.
Young Adult, LGBTQ+, Teen, Fiction and Literature
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Three Rooms Press (Editore)
(User: three-rooms-press)
June 2018
Inizia il: 2018-06-04
Termina il: 2018-06-25
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