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The Little French Bistro
Marianne is a housewife of 41 years, stuck in a loveless, unhappy marriage. Over time, limits and missed opportunities have taken shape into the self-denial and regret that defines her, until one day she decides to end it all. In the midst of a trip to Paris, Marianne jumps into the Seine for final relief in its cold, dark depths. But then she is saved. And hospitalized. Irritated by the fuss, her husband leaves her bedside for home, and Marianne flees the hospital to find her ending elsewhere. In her escape she sees a portrait of Brittany, France--a picturesque, beautiful destination--and vows to end her life there instead. In Brittany, Marianne meets a cast of true Bretons who take her under their wing, gradually drawing out hitherto-unacknowledged aspects of her personality and encouraging her to take pleasure in life. Among her talents are Marianne's abilities of empathy and healing, and one could think she may even have special powers. She becomes something of a local icon, abandoning her original plan and settling into a new, happy life. And when she finds love with a handsome artist, Marianne is forever changed. With all the buoyant charm that made The Little Paris Bookshop an instant hit, The Little Breton Bistro is a dazzling story of second chances and the transformative power of love and art to conquer all that life throws at us.
General Fiction, Romance, Fiction and Literature
Offerto da
Crown Publishing (Editore)
(User: CrownPublishing)
February 2017
Inizia il: 2017-02-06
Termina il: 2017-02-27
In vendita
Jungtinės Valstijos
Pagina LibraryThing dell'opera
18 recensiti, 1 contrassegnati come ricevuti
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