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Bad City
Enlarge Cover READ CHAPTER ONE BISAC: FIC028000 FIC028010 FIC028070 E-BOOK: e-ISBN: 978-1-77053-093-5 $5.99 US KINDLE KOBO (TBA) Bad City Release Dates: Pre-Order Kindle E-book: July 20, 2015 (Pre-Order Price: $2.99 July 20 thru August 16, 2015) Exclusive Kindle E-book Release: August 17, 2015 E-book Everywhere Release: November 9, 2015 Dark, atmospheric, and gritty... In the violent world of post-apocalyptic South Town, Eli Baxter is king, ruling from the thirteenth floor of his building while henchman do his bidding. Simon Gray, a talented young thief, now disillusioned with South Town, is desperate to escape with the woman he loves. As he plots their journey north, glimpses of his childhood in South India and Northern Ontario reveal the world as it once was, fueling his desire to break away. But when he's handed a new job, one that will make Eli untouchable, Simon realizes that escape - and transcendence to love and a peaceful way of life - might be harder than he thought. About the Author: Matt Mayr grew up in a small mining community north of Lake Superior, where he learned to hunt and fish from a very young age. He holds an Honours English Degree from York University, and attended the Humber School for Writers mentorship program twice. He has traveled extensively in India, Nepal, and South America, trekking to Mount Everest Base Camp, and paddling deep into the Amazon Basin. He lives in Toronto with his wife and daughter.
Fiction and Literature
Offerto da
EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing (Editore)
August 2015
Inizia il: 2015-08-03
Termina il: 2015-08-31
In vendita
Australija, Jungtinė Karalystė, Jungtinės Valstijos, Kanada
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