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What if your family had a big secret . . . a life changing secret? My dad, the bigwig CIA agent, was always on the run. Whether he was being chased or doing the chasing. I missed him. Then my mom passed away, and my sister was murdered, leaving me so alone. I turned my solitude to strength because the alternative was too bleak. But my luck seemed to turn, or so I thought: I met Tango. Rugged, tempestuous and everything I knew I should stay away from. He was supposed to keep me safe, but it turned out he needed to be saved more. I offered to give up my safety to help him, and in return, he found my weakness and I found his strength. Before she was gone, my mom warned me to know everyone and trust no one. But maybe . . . maybe he could be the exception. Twenty-two years is a long time to go without letting your guard down. Should I trust him? Introducing author Shari J. Ryan’s New Adult novel, TAG, where the canyons hold secrets, the waterfalls provide safety, and romance has a pesky way of showing up when you are sweaty, dirty and least expect it. This book will be made available in pdf, mobi, or epub format by the publisher.
Romance, Fiction and Literature
Offerto da
Booktrope (Editore)
(User: booktrope)
December 2014
Inizia il: 2014-12-01
Termina il: 2014-12-30
In vendita
Jungtinės Valstijos, Kanada
Pagina LibraryThing dell'opera
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