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The Fault in Our Pants: A Parody of "The Fault in Our Stars"
As I was approaching the mall exit, this cute little girl with barretted braids appeared in front of me and said, "What's that in your nose?" "They're called cannula," I said. "These tubes give me oxygen, which helps me breathe." "Would they help me breathe, too?" she asked. "I dunno, wanna try?" "Nah," she replied, "I don't wanna look like a weirdo." "Wanna know a secret?" I asked. "Yeah!" I licked my finger and rubbed it on her arm. "I just gave you cancer," I whispered. *** You've read the book. You've seen the movie. Now read the parody! THE FAULT IN OUR PANTS is the hilarious new full-length parody of "The Fault in Our Stars". Just listen to these reviews: "Grand." -Augustus Waters "A douchefest." -Hazel Grace Lancaster "Will there be a braille edition?" -Isaac "Why wasn't I in the movie?" -Kaitlyn All the big scenes that weren't in the book but should have been are here! For example: --The scene where Hazel tells Isaac that "always" no longer applies if your significant other goes blind --The scene where Hazel wastes her Genie Wish by wishing for a million more wishes --The scene where Hazel tries to take it past first base in the Anne Frank House And many more! From support group to the swing set of tears, from Augustus' trophies to Amsterdam, from Van Houten to Venn diagrams, it's all in THE FAULT IN OUR PANTS. So go ahead, give it a shot. You know you want to read it more than "Paper Towns." ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Steve Lookner has quickly become one of Amazon's top parody authors. He began his writing career as an editor of The Harvard Lampoon and has written for such TV shows as Saturday Night Live, MADtv, and even an episode of Seinfeld. Steve is also the author of Gone Bitch: A Parody of Gone Girl and The Relief Fisher: A Parody of Mariano Rivera's "The Closer", both available on Amazon.
Fiction and Literature
Offerto da
Sfuzzi Publishing (Editore)
(User: slslsl)
October 2014
Inizia il: 2014-10-06
Termina il: 2014-10-27
In vendita
Jungtinės Valstijos
Informazioni sul libroPagina LibraryThing dell'opera
8 recensiti, 5 contrassegnati come ricevuti, 2 contrassegnati come non ricevuti
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