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The Artist, the Philosopher, and the Warrior
Following Leonardo Da Vinci, Niccolo Machiavelli and Cesare Borgia through the mountains, remote villages and hill towns of the Italian Romagna, this is a vivid and gripping account of a fateful collusion of extreme significance and considerable danger. They were three men who could not have been more different. Da Vinci is even today considered the epitome of the Renaissance man, possessing the most inquisitive mind of his generation and inspired talent. Machiavelli was a power-broker, an influencer, a man of subtle talents and radical ideas that would redefine leadership through his work, The Prince. The name of Borgia reso- nates through the ages with alarums of dark deeds and deadly ambition. Yet Da Vinci worked with and for Borgia; Machiavelli and Da Vinci debated philosophy; Borgia was a patron to many artists whose brutal despotism was all the more notable for the brilliance with which he applied inhuman patience and the element of surprise. Through these intersecting lives, the glory and gut-wrenching adventure of the Italian Renaissance unfolds--in all its artistic beauty, political complexity, and martial brutality.
Biography & Memoir, History, General Nonfiction, Art & Design, Nonfiction
Offerto da
Bantam (Editore)
(User: BDBooks)
July 2009
Inizia il: 2009-07-01
Termina il: 2009-07-30
In vendita
Jungtinės Valstijos
Informazioni sul libroPagina LibraryThing dell'opera
21 recensiti, 3 contrassegnati come ricevuti, 2 contrassegnati come non ricevuti
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