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How to Make Your Cat an Internet Celebrity
For decades, we believed the keys to personal wealth were a college diploma and marketable job skills—but no more. Today, your best hope for financial security is literally right at your feet: it’s your cat. The Internet offers an unprecedented opportunity for cats to become superstar “personalities” and global multimedia brands—but how can a human cash in? How to Make Your Cat an Internet Celebrity has the answers. Readers will learn the secrets of grooming their kitty for success, creating a terrific viral video, and making the most of the famous feline’s fifteen minutes. With practical yet tongue-in-cheek advice, this get-rich-quick guide for the modern era celebrates the brightest stars of the Internet and gives you everything you need to follow in their venerable pawprints. PATRICIA CARLIN is the author of the hilarious Quirk backlist title How to Tell If Your Boyfriend Is the Antichrist (and If He Is, Should You Break Up with Him?). She lives in Pennsylvania. DUSTIN FENSTERMACHER is a photographer whose work has appeared in the New York Times, Vice, the Village Voice, New Jersey Magazine, Washington Post Magazine, and a litany of other publications.
Fiction and Literature, Nonfiction
Offerto da
Quirk Books (Editore)
(User: quirkbooks)
February 2014
Inizia il: 2014-02-03
Termina il: 2014-02-24
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Jungtinės Valstijos
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