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206 Bones
Serie: Temperance Brennan (12)
In the opening scene of Kathy Reichs’s 206 Bones, Tempe Brennan regains consciousness and discovers that she is in some kind of very small, very dark, very cold enclosed space. She is bound, hands to feet, and there’s something the matter with her ankle. She begins, slowly, to remember. Tempe and Lieutenant Ryan had accompanied recently discovered remains – the heiress had been missing for over a year – from Montreal to the Chicago morgue to be returned to the family. Suddenly, Tempe is accused of mishandling the autopsy – and the case. Someone has made an incriminating phone call. Within hours, the one man who knows who made the call is dead, and Tempe is in the dark. Who wants Tempe dead, or at least out of the way, and why? With deft assurance, Reichs weaves between the stories of the old case of the heiress Rose Jurmain and a new case that may or may not be related. She conveys the incredible devastation that would occur if a forensic colleague – through incompetence or design – sabotaged Tempe’s work in the laboratory. The chemistry between Tempe and Ryan is better than ever, and the suspense is fiercely intense in this twelfth novel from increasingly successful Reichs.
General Fiction, Mystery, Fiction and Literature
Offerto da
Scribner (Editore)
(User: tylerlebleu)
June 2009
Inizia il: 2009-06-08
Termina il: 2009-06-26
In vendita
Jungtinės Valstijos
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13 recensiti, 2 contrassegnati come ricevuti, 2 contrassegnati come non ricevuti
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