Galleria di WoolfLibrary
The greenhouses at Monks House, located at the rear of the house facing the gardens, were an addition by Leonard in his older years, therefore never seen by Virginia. Image courtesy of…
Books in Virginia’s bedroom, Monks House. The original books are no longer at the house but duplicates from the era have been placed there. Image courtesy of…
Virginia Woolf's writer's retreat, known as 'Lodge Writing Shed', located in the gardens of Monk's House, Rodmell, Sussex.
An oil canvas by Vanessa Bell, dated 1943, depicting The Memoir Club which included Duncan Grant, Leonard Wool, Vanessa Bell, Clive Bell, David Garnett, John Maynard Keynes, Lydia Lopokova, Sir…
An ink monogram with the initials 'A.V.S.' penned on the front pastedown of Homer's Odyssey translated into English prose, and rebound by Virginia Woolf.
The interior pages of a copy of Homer's Odyssey translated into English prose, and rebound by Virginia Woolf.
The spine and cover of a copy of Homer's Odyssey translated into English prose, and rebound by Virginia Woolf.
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