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With Each Tomorrow returns us to Kalispell, Montana, with another compelling installment of the Jewels of Kalispell series. Immersed in faith and amazing historical detail this story revolves around changes being made in the community with the departure of the railroad and plans for a National Park which result in major conflicts. The intriguing plot twists and turns with a bit of suspense near the end. The characters are well-crafted and memorable although Eleanor’s attitude throughout most of the story got a bit tiresome to me. She did, however, show some growth personally and spiritually by the end of the story. I love Carter and his strong faith. Their romance develops slowly with its ups and downs. It was great to reconnect with delightfully eccentric Marvella and honorable Judge Ashbury and Rebecca and Mark from the first book which I totally loved. I enjoyed this book and recommend it for fans of Christian Historical Romance.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley with no obligation to write a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Joycar_1 | 5 altre recensioni | Jun 14, 2024 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
I liked the subject matter of this book, dealing with women in science. The addition of women as paleontologists fed my interest in dinosaurs and fossils. The author does a fine job of weaving in the Christian message as well. There is a lot to like in this book for readers who are also mystery lovers. I thought this book started out a bit slowly, but gained momentum later. I didn’t read the first book in the series but this one could be read as a standalone. I received a complimentary copy of this book from Early Reviewers.
LadyoftheLodge | 17 altre recensioni | Jun 1, 2024 |
I've become a fan of both of these authors but there's always a special magic when they combine their talents to create a story. With Each Tomorrow is filled with memorable characters, a beautiful western setting, and historical details involving the formation of the Glacier National Park and the impending departure of the Great Northern Railway regional headquarters from Kalispell, Montana. Throw in adventure, suspense, and an intriguing relationship between Eleanor Briggs and Carter Brunswick and I was totally engaged! I also loved catching up with some of the Kalispell townspeople that I'd already met, and I must say that Marvella Ashbury was still a force of nature! How could Carter and Elly escape her matchmaking efforts?

If you're looking for a captivating plot with sweet romance and a thought-provoking faith message, grab a copy of this book! I recommend With Each Tomorrow to all who enjoy historical Christian fiction and I'm eagerly awaiting the third book in The Jewels of Kalispell series. Well done, Tracie Peterson and Kimberley Woodhouse!

I received a complimentary copy from the authors and publisher. There was no obligation for a positive review.
fcplcataloger | 5 altre recensioni | May 27, 2024 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
I did not finish reading this book. I think it just moved a little to slowly but for me and did not catch may interest. I may go back sometime and try again, but I don’t like to continue reading something that doesn’t grab my attention.
esthersorber | 17 altre recensioni | May 27, 2024 |
The reason I like historical fiction is that I always learn something. This time it was the early foundation of Kalispel, Montana and how the railroad helped the town expand and threatened its future when it left. I also learned about the clashes of the conservationists and landowners during the quest to set aside lands for a National Park.
The characters brought the scenes to life, from the not so cute meet of Ellie and Carter to the nefarious plotting of the villains who took matters into their own hands.
The sweet romance moved slowly because Ellie and Carter were struggling personally. Carter was a strong Christian who was attracted to Ellie but was not willing to compromise his beliefs. Ellie wanted to please her father but learned to think for herself and to build on her spiritual heritage to make her faith personal.
I appreciate the clear gospel message that these authors include in their books. The historical information and suspense elements made it that much more enjoyable.
* A complimentary copy of this book was provided by Bethany House via NetGalley. I was not required to post a favorable review. All opinions are mine alone.*
paulashreckhise | 5 altre recensioni | May 27, 2024 |
I loved With Each Tomorrow! Glacier National Park is one of the most beautiful National Parks and a definite favorite. It was so fun to step back in time to 1904 and learn a bit of the history surrounding how this magnificent place became a National Park through this reverse grumpy/sunshine, opposites attract historical romance! I adored the first book in the Jewels of Kalispell series and couldn’t wait to reconnect with the delightfully nosey matchmaker Marvella, Sir Theophilus, the judge, and the other endearing residents of Kalispell.

Eleanor Briggs and her conservationist father have just arrived in Kalispell, Montana to work towards the formation of Glacier National Park. The spunky, spitfire Eleanor is in no mood for the laidback ways of Kalispell and immediately raises the ire of Carter Brunswick at the train station. From that moment on, Carter takes it upon himself to tease the grumpy “Ellie” especially when he finds her opinions so at odds with his own.

Carter’s a successful wheat farmer who suddenly finds his livelihood in jeopardy when the Great Northern Railway threatens to leave Kalispell for Whitefish, Montana. Depending on the railroad to transport his wheat, he and his family rely on their ingenuity and faith to find a solution to their growing problem. But some residents of Kalispell aren’t willing to work to find solutions and begin plotting against those who would ruin their futures. When Ellie & Carter find themselves in the middle of the dispute, they must work together to find common ground and stop those who would inflict harm.

I thoroughly enjoyed Eleanor “Ellie” and Carter! Eleanor is the grump in this romance, but understandably so. She lost her mother at a young age and has never forgiven God for not saving her. She also has very strong opinions on public land use. It was so fun to watch her and Carter match wits. I loved seeing Eleanor’s opinions change as she understood more of the farmers’ and ranchers’ perspectives. Then there’s Marvella who delights in playing matchmaker. She’s an absolute hoot!

The faith elements in this story were so well done. I think one of the most powerful parts is when Ellie reads several accounts of the Savior in the Bible. It was very touching. I also appreciated how the authors depicted faith as a realistic struggle for Ellie. Carter’s the opposite of Ellie in that his faith never wavers. Though presented with potentially disastrous circumstances, he’s willing to turn it all over to God. It was enjoyable seeing how these two with such diametrically opposed views could come together and find mutual understanding & love.

Highly recommend this beautiful, fun, faith-filled, romantic story with a hint of suspense and gorgeous descriptions of Glacier National Park. It really made me want to return for a visit. While it can be read as a standalone, I recommend reading The Heart’s Choice first. Looking forward to the next book in the series! I received an advanced complimentary copy from the authors and publisher. All opinions are my own and voluntarily provided. 4 1/2 to 5 stars!
Melissas-Bookshelf | 5 altre recensioni | May 22, 2024 |
With Each Tomorrow, by Tracie Peterson and Kimberly Woodhouse, is the second book in The Jewels of Kalispell series. This is a Christian historical fiction story that tales place in Montana in 1904. This is such a good story to read. It is well written and easy to read with wonderful characters. I enjoyed the father/daughter relationship and how Eleanor and her father look out for each other. I enjoyed the suspense behind the changing of the railway, how it affected the community and how they reacted to the possible change. It is interesting to see how the railroad was so important at that time in history. I appreciate the faith the characters have and how they are there to help and support each other.

I voluntarily received a complimentary copy of this book, this is my honest review
eccl | 5 altre recensioni | May 22, 2024 |
These novels are so fascinating and I learn so many things about history that I had no idea happened. Eleanor and her father head west to Montana, to advocate saving land for national parks and to respect and keep the beauty that has quickly dwindled in the east part of the United States. It seems as though many are against her thoughts on land preservation and want her to see why it needs to be used instead. But why does a single person need to own thousands of acres? Why can it not be a community land and all share in the bounty and beauty? But as the threat of the railroad also looms for the town of Kalispell, Eleanor is starting to understand more about the workings of farming, cropping, land management and the influence of the railroads in these areas. I really enjoyed the characters in this novel as well as the scenery and laid out storyline of all sides of these issues. I am looking forward to the next one in the Kalipsell series! Thank you to the authors for the complementary novel and for being a part of the launch team. This review is of my own opinion and accord.
Chelz286 | 5 altre recensioni | May 15, 2024 |
I have to admit that this book had everything that a great novel should have. It had a rich blend of historical facts and mystery that made it difficult to put down. For every somber historical fact, there was also a lighthearted moment often between Olivia, her brother or Joseph.
The characters were lifelike in their emotions and actions, especially Olivia. Despite everything she had gone through, she eventually came to find hope through reading the Bible with Joseph and her brother, Daniel.
I would recommend this delightful tale to anyone who is in need of a historical mystery with a touch of romance.
Personal Rating: 5 Stars
Content Rating: 4 Stars
*I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
libraryofemma | 16 altre recensioni | Apr 18, 2024 |
4 Stars

I was not sure how this book would turn out with how I heard the book before it was, but I'm pleased to see that this was much better and really easy to dive into with some great faith content, which is really great to see!

Negative Content and
Triggers for blood.

A mention of a bad guy having killed a man, and it mentions a pool of red (blood) growing around him. The bad guy thinks of the man as a fool, and that he did not deserve life.

A mention of a confounded rock.

Many mentions of people thinking of pastors as reverends.(we are not to call a man reverend, but rather pastor or preacher, for reverend is a title reserved for God.
"He sent redemption unto his people: he hath commanded his covenant for ever: holy and reverend is his name." Psalms 111:9 KJV)

Someone thinks of somebody as a stupid fool.

Someone thinks that if they can keep the occasional fool from messing up their plans, everything would be perfect.

A mention of derogatory comments about women.

Someone thinks of somebody as a fool.

A mention of someone over hearing two men talking about a another man who had been discovered at a brothel, and the glint in their eyes told the person all that was needed to be known about their own indiscretions.

A mention of men who were working telling stories that were not the cleanest, and a man joining in with his thoughts and convictions, wondering if they thought he was judging them and condemning them for their lewd behavior, and thinks that he hadn't wanted to listen to the garbage the men spewed.

A man gives a woman a grin and then winks at her, and the woman blushed, thinking that a man didn't wink at a lady, that it was entirely too . . . intimate.

A mention of someone saying that a man had just come from a brothel.

A mention of brandy.

A mention of a bad guy having had killed the bad guys villain father.

Some mentions of someone having stabbed people.

If I had to say what lowered the rating for me, I'd have to say it was the mentions of someone thinking of different people as fools, and the mentions of men having been to brothels (but it was portrayed as being wrong to do so).

I received a complimentary e-book from the publisher to review through Netgalley. I was not required to give a positive review, and the thoughts above are my own.
ethanscleanreads | 17 altre recensioni | Apr 17, 2024 |
Set in Stone was an absolutely gripping and well-written historical suspense read!! I loved it and highly recommend it! The romance in it was perfectly done, and squeaky clean.
AstridHofferson | 17 altre recensioni | Apr 7, 2024 |
With a setting in Colorado in the late 1800s, a female paleontologist who has her own dig, and a sigh-worthy hero, Kimberley Woodhouse’s second book in her Treasures of the Earth series caught my attention and kept it captive. I enjoyed the history behind the story, including the Bone Wars and the finding of dinosaur bones in the Colorado/Utah area. Woodhouse has obviously researched the subject well and worked her characters and story around it carefully. I particularly enjoyed the epigraphs at the beginning of the chapters with quotes by Earl Douglass. They were inspiring and gave a little clue as to what the chapter would bring.

Paleontologist Martha Jankowski is competent, passionate about dinosaur digs, and motivated to succeed in unearthing an intact dinosaur for display in a museum. Jacob Duncan is a student of paleontology and is hired by Martha to help on her dig. Jacob’s work ethic, honesty, and integrity were exemplary, and contrasted greatly with some of the other characters in the tale. I enjoyed seeing their relationship change and grow as they worked together.

Plenty of history, suspense, twists and turns, and inspiration combine to make this an intriguing and entertaining story. A dash of romance is added in for those who enjoy a bit of that along with their historical fiction. There are very strong inspirational elements woven throughout the story with focus on faith, forgiveness, trust. The contrast between good and evil was very evident. I recommend this book to those who enjoy faith-filled historical romance.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy from Bethany House Publishing through Interviews and Reviews. All opinions are my own.
swissgranny | 17 altre recensioni | Mar 27, 2024 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
Set In Stone is not a long book but the author manages to fold into the pages several elements to keep the reader turning the page. Family; the relationship between father and daughter, the importance of giving: giving of yourself to nurture your children to love a science deeply ;to fiercely carry it on ;and finally the willingness to fight for what is right (and fall in love along the way).
For me it wasn’t about the love story or even the back story of cheating etc but the fact that women were doing jobs that were once only thought of as for men. A woman making breakthroughs. I came away fascinated about the stud of paleontology. The book was cleverly written and I enjoyed reading it.
Pat_Bunk_Malecki | 17 altre recensioni | Mar 24, 2024 |
I dare you to figure this one out! I’m guessing that by the title you assume it has something to do with Crossword puzzles (which I’m horrible at). But it was fun to try and figure out the clues. But, even then there’s no way you can guess what’s coming. Lots of suspense, some romance, and lots of twists and turns.

There’s a sweet Christian faith that’s woven in the story with the characters. It’s not overwhelming, it’s just everyday faith.

Let me say, it’s been awhile since I read book 1, 26 Below. I think it would have been best to have reread it before reading this book. There’s so much I had forgotten, but the author did fill in some blanks and it helped. But these books are all connected and cannot be read out of order. The 3rd book will be out in October and I’m sure I will have forgotten how this one ended. So, yes, it’s a great series, I highly recommend them. But as for me, reading them one right after the other would work better. And just to be truthful, I’m the same with all mystery/suspense series that continues either with the plot or characters.
cbcmedia | 8 altre recensioni | Mar 20, 2024 |
I loved this fantastic historical fiction story that has some action and some romance. I loved Martha and Jacob. I loved learning about how a paleontologist works. I love learning about dinosaurs and where they can be found. I loved the underlying story about a killer and all the twists and turns to uncover the truth. I received a copy of this book from the publisher for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will.
Virginia51 | 17 altre recensioni | Mar 18, 2024 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per Recensori in anteprima di LibraryThing.
Kimberly Woodhouse does not disappoint! I loved this book and all the morals that are in it. It's one of those books that you finish and want to be a better person from it and grow stronger in your faith. Overall the story line was really good and it was a hard book to put down. I love all the books in this series and would love to read more books by this author! Definitely will recommend to friends and family!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are my own.
Irina-Bal | 16 altre recensioni | Mar 15, 2024 |
Kimberly Woodhouse takes her readers on an amazing adventure with her extraordinary prose to the Colorado territory during the Bone Wars. Set in Stone is strong in faith with an oh-so-sweet love story that reaches across the social class divide in the late 1800s, with a murder/mystery. I was in suspense, reading late into the night, this totally intriguing who-done-it!

Woodhouse also educates her readers in paleontology history and science, of the era, in such a fun way, as we join Martha and Jacob digging for dinosaurs. I was rooting for Martha throughout this heartfelt story, as Jacob with his steadfast faith and patience, guided her throughout her journey to reconnect with God.

Kimberly Woodhouse is one of my favorite Historical Christian Fiction authors, and I always enjoy reading her stories. A definite must read, Set in Stone, is the second book in the Treasures of the Earth series, which can be enjoyed as a standalone.

I received a complimentary copy from Bethany House via Interviews and Reviews through NetGalley for an honest review. I was under no obligation to write a favorable review and all opinions are my own.
ladyharris | 17 altre recensioni | Mar 14, 2024 |
Wow! What a riveting sequel in the Treasures of the Earth series! Kimberley Woodhouse brilliantly combines history, a compelling mystery, a rollercoaster romance, and faith in this exciting new book. I’ve always been fascinated by dinosaurs and loved learning more about the Bone Wars in Set in Stone. Set in the late 1800’s when female paleontologists were unheard of, this story captured the competitive, thrilling, painstakingly difficult job of excavating dinosaur bones in the quarries of Utah & Colorado made even more challenging for a woman in a predominantly male field. It’s a page-turning historical mystery/romance I eagerly devoured!

Martha Jankowski grew up admiring her father’s work and as a child, enjoyed participating in his paleontological digs up until she was forced to stop after her father was severely injured. Now as an adult, she’s reawakened her dream of discovering dinosaur bones and having her name in a museum despite her mother’s disapproval. The competition for finding the next big discovery is fierce, and dangerous, especially when there’s another team working against her. Finding obstacles and sabotage at every turn, the only person Martha can rely on is her friend Jacob, a paleontology student who appreciates her intellect and shares her passion for dinosaur bones. But, when Jacob’s motives are called into question and he’s accused of theft and murder, can she trust him? And what of her fledgling faith Jacob reintroduced her to?

Absolutely loved this story and the opposites attract romance! Where Martha’s from the wealthy, upper class, Jacob struggles to help support his family, and their class differences are definitely a hurdle to overcome. There’s also the question of faith between them. With Darwin’s discoveries and writings, Martha struggles with the tension between science and religion while Jacob is a strong believer. As they reconcile differences, their sometimes turbulent relationship develops into a beautiful love. Jacob is ever patient and I appreciated his humility and willingness to work things out when Martha was often quick to judge and understandably wary of trusting others. I loved how their relationship evolved and they grew together.

The mystery definitely kept me turning the pages, especially with a female villain! I loved getting her chilling perspective and don’t worry, I’m not spoiling anything because there are several suspects with motivations for murder. While I definitely had my suspicions, I loved the uncertainty until the very end when the devious plot is all revealed.

I also appreciated the history incorporated in Set in Stone. Each chapter begins with a compelling quote from Earl Douglass, a turn of the century paleontologist who first discovered dinosaur bones where the Dinosaur National Monument now sits. I loved how the author captured a glimpse of what must have been like to find these amazing discoveries through the eyes of the characters.

Highly recommend this well written, unique, exciting, historical mystery/romance! Though part of a series, it can definitely be read as a standalone. Now, I’m eagerly anticipating the next book in the series. I received an advanced complimentary copy from the author and publisher. All opinions are my own and voluntarily provided.
Melissas-Bookshelf | 17 altre recensioni | Mar 14, 2024 |
Set in Stone is the second book in Kimberley Woodhouse's Treasures of the Earth series. It is the character that remains in the shadows for most of the story that holds the reader's attention. A serial killer lurks in their midst and Martha Jankowski is completely unaware. Martha is focused on fulfilling her lifelong dream of becoming a full-fledged paleontologist. In those efforts, Martha is leading a dig in competition with another for the right to display a full dinosaur skeleton in a Denver museum. While rules are in place to keep the competition above board, someone is pulling strings to cause increased tension between the competitors.

An important part of this story revolves around the compatibility between the Christian faith based on the Bible and science, specifically paleontology. While not all of the questions often posed are answered, one can appreciate the characters wrestling and coming to terms with what seems contradictory to many. One also has to appreciate the author's perseverance in gifting readers with a wonderful story while also caring and grieving for a beloved family member.

I am grateful to have received a complimentary copy of Set in Stone from Bethany House via NetGalley without obligation. All opinions expressed here are my own.
claudia.castenir | 17 altre recensioni | Mar 13, 2024 |
My high expectations for this second book in the Treasures of the Earth series were met and exceeded! The story is set in the late 1800s in Colorado with the world of the Great Dinosaur Rush as a backdrop. The plot—skillfully crafted with action, suspense, romance, and faith--kept me immersed in the story from beginning to end. I guessed early on who the duplicitous villain was, but that did not distract from the enjoyment of the read. As always, the author excels in bringing alive her compelling cast of characters. I love Jacob and the way he stands by his faith despite accusations and even physical harm. I had ambivalent feelings toward the heroine Martha but enjoyed and appreciated her spiritual journey. I love the way their sweet romantic relationship develops with all its ups and downs. The historical detail woven into the fictional narrative is entertaining as well and informative evidencing extensive and impeccable research. If you are looking for an enthralling, faith-filled read, I highly recommend this one. Note: Each book in the series is a standalone read.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley with no obligation to write a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Joycar_1 | 17 altre recensioni | Mar 12, 2024 |
“But what good is it having dreams if they aren’t big?”

Woo-Hoo, Set in Stone, book two of Treasures in the Earth, by Kimberley Woodhouse, releases March 12! I absolutely love this series by Kimberley Woodhouse!

Set in Stone is just as exciting and suspenseful as its predecessor, The Secrets Beneath. Both involve a woman archaeologist, history, romance, and mystery. Set in Stone, as Secrets Beneath, can be a stand-alone.

This is a heart-wrenching story, at least for any daddy’s girl, of which I was one. Young Martha Jankowski is also one, idolizing her father, loving any time at home with him, and ecstatic when her archaeologist father lets her start “working”with him on a dig at age 6. But shortly after that, her parents return home from a trip, with her father maimed, unable to work any more, and greatly changed.

Unable to get her social-rule-conscious mother to show any love or approval, Martha hopes as an adult, by working her own dig, to gain her parents’ approval.

We meet Jacob Duncan working on an opposing dig, as the powers that be have pitted two digs against each other for dinosaur bones and speed. This is part of the Bone Wars that took place during that time, leading to sloppy practices, carelessness, and greed in a field demanding meticulous care. It is interesting to see how Woodhouse introduces Jacob and Martha to each other and how their lives become entangled both in matters of work and the heart.

If that were the only storyline present, Set in Stone would be interesting. But Woodhouse takes her novel a step above to “ominously mysterious” with the mystery over Martha’s father’s personality change and the invisible, ruthless owner of the other mine.

I loved the growth in the two main characters. The spiritual insights are as relevant for the reader as they are for the protagonists.

Don’t miss this exciting, mysterious second book in the Treasures of the Earth series.

Notable Quotables:

“…it doesn’t matter where God places you, it only matters that you use what you have to shine His light.”

”Whoever covers an offense seeks love, but he who repeats a matter separates close friends.“
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭17‬:‭9‬ ‭ESV‬‬
Becky_L | 17 altre recensioni | Mar 11, 2024 |
I was just as enthralled by book two in The Treasures Of The Earth series as I was with book one. Each book is a standalone but I highly recommend not missing out on being glued to your seat as you quickly turn pages. I love the science lessons on paleontology and what tedious work it is to excavate a site. I can’t imagine the patience it would entail especially during the dinosaur wars which upped the ante to finish quickly without rushing and causing unrepairable damage. The dangerous mystery contained within the pages had me flip flopping in my guess of who it was but I was able to figure out after a while. The author does a great job of keeping you guessing and trying to figure out why. It was shocking to learn the extent of it. I enjoyed reading the quotes from Earl Douglas before each chapter. I found the characters believable and loved the Faith thread that was woven throughout. The romance was tender and brought everything together with a satisfying ending. A very impressive read that leaves you with a feeling of wanting to read more. I highly recommend reading.
I received a complimentary copy from the author/publisher. The honest review and opinions are my own and were not required.
Lucy_M_Reynolds | 17 altre recensioni | Mar 11, 2024 |
Set in Stone is book two in the Treasures of the Earth series. While this is a series, they are also great stand alone stories. This one focuses on Martha and her father's love of being paleontologists. Martha and another man are in a rush to provide a full skeleton to a museum. The first one to do so will have theirs displayed. This story is filled with action, suspense and mystery, yet it has the touch of romance.. It is so well written and very descriptive, it was easy for me to imagine. I especially enjoyed the information the author gives about the digs. I found this story so enjoyable in so many ways. I enjoyed how freely Jacob shared his faith, the mystery behind Martha's parents, and the strength and dedication Martha has for the dig. I was left guessing to the end of the story as to who is causing the troubles with the digs and why.
I voluntarily received a complimentary copy of this book, this is my honest review.
eccl | 17 altre recensioni | Mar 7, 2024 |
8 Down is the second novel in the Alaskan Cyber Hunters trilogy and if you thought the first novel was intense then just you wait. This novel was one heart-pounding moment after another with scarcely a breath in between. The fact that the time ticks down with the use of crossword puzzles is so incredibly clever and added a unique charm to an otherwise dark tale. I loved watching them solve the puzzles while I myself also tried to solve them with the clues at the beginning of each section and chapter.

Not only do we get to bear witness to the investigation into the cyberattacks but we get to hear the thoughts from the man behind the terror, his evil personified on the pages. I couldn’t help but feel sorry for Carrie. Here she is in a new state that feels like a whole new world, not knowing anyone and is the lead on a high profile case. I can see how she would second guess herself and her choices the deeper into the investigation she gets, but I admired her tenacity and determination to stay focused and solve this case.

I’m usually a sucker for a good love story but sadly that was the one part that felt forced to me. I didn’t feel like the intensity we’re supposed to believe happens between Carrie and Scott is organic and would’ve preferred if that arc was left out completely. I think the fact that it was sandwiched in between such intense suspense made it pale in comparison to the main narrative.

I love this series so, so much and hate that I have to wait to see its conclusion. It is highly entertaining, the characters are wonderfully fleshed out, and the scenes so incredibly vivid. I love the whisper of faith that is breathed throughout and the suspense and action are unparalleled. I seriously cannot wait to see the conclusion of this trilogy and cannot recommend this series highly enough.

*I have reviewed a copy of this book which I received from the author/publisher through JustRead Tours. All views and opinions expressed are completely honest, and my own.
cflores0420 | 8 altre recensioni | Mar 7, 2024 |
I loved this romantic suspense novel. I loved all the action and the romance. I loved that the story flows very well. I loved Carrie and Scott. I felt that Carrie as an agent and Scott as the cyber guy were a great pair. I did not want the story to end and I could not put it down. I received a copy of the book from the publisher for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will.
Virginia51 | 8 altre recensioni | Mar 5, 2024 |