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Loved it! This is the first time I've read a Hellcat-centric graphic novel and I'm so glad I finally am. It's definitely a lighter, funnier story (think Squirrel Girl) that blends superhero stuff alongside contemporary New York life as a young woman. Truly though, my favorite thing about this was probably all the amazing female characters! Patsy has some of the best friends a girl could ask for, and I loved seeing them all interact. Also, I'm veryyy curious to see how her plans to find jobs for superheros goes; I really thought that was a unique way for this to be written and it has a lot of potential.
deborahee | 13 altre recensioni | Feb 23, 2024 |
Representation: Black main character
Score: Six out of ten points.

It was only okay.
Law_Books600 | 5 altre recensioni | Nov 3, 2023 |
Goldie Vance is a sweet graphic novel that gives me old school Nancy Drew vibes.

I love a fun graphic novel, especially one with lots of spunk like this one! Goldie lives in her Father's resort, and she's great at getting into shenanigans. She's really good at solving tiny cases, like missing jewelry within the hotel. When a bigger mystery comes about, she decides to help a detective solve it since her curiosity is just too high!

Goldie is spunky and fun, everything you want in a character like this. She reminds me of Nancy Drew, Cam Jansen, and those other fun books from my childhood! Except this time, it's in graphic novel form! I can easily see middle graders, young adults, new adults and just adults loving this story. There's really no set age group - it's just a fun mystery!

The illustrations were spectacular and super colourful. They drew my attention in and kept it there, alongside the excellent story. Throw in that this book also has a diverse cast and is LGBT friendly, and I'm even more excited.

Overall, this story was super sweet and cute!

Four out of five stars.

Thank you to NetGalley and Boom! Studios for providing me a free copy of this book in exchange of an honest review.
Briars_Reviews | 20 altre recensioni | Aug 4, 2023 |
A celebrity-driven graphic novel that's not bad but lacks real spark.

Loretta "Lolo" Wright undergoes a fairly standard "teen discovers they have super powers" origin: sharing her powers with some friends and family, hiding them from other friends and family, dealing with random bullies and a neighborhood-level bad guy with a simple profit motive, finding out a member of her family has been hiding a secret. Kids who haven't seen these beats too many times already and fans of Alicia Keys trying graphic novels for the first time will probably enjoy it, but it's all too familiar to me. The characters are likable though, and I would be interested in seeing a sequel that truly allows Lolo to show her inner fire instead of just reacting to everything.

I wonder if there was a whole creative/editorial discussion wherein it was decided Lolo having pyrokinetic powers would be too on the nose? They have settled on telekinetic and telepathic powers instead, which seems sort of safe and ordinary as far as super powers go.
villemezbrown | 5 altre recensioni | Jul 7, 2023 |
Cute, fun, fast read. I enjoyed the characters and the artwork. The only thing about the book that kind of bothered me was how convenient a lot of things were, but I suppose that is what you can expect from a YA detective story that is slightly cheesy. Not sure if I’ll pick up the sequels immediately, but I may check them out some day when I’m in the mood for another quick read.
TimeLord10SPW | 20 altre recensioni | Jul 4, 2023 |
boredwillow | 13 altre recensioni | Mar 4, 2023 |
The drawings were amazing. The character of Lolo will be an inspiration to girls everywhere. A strong voice of girl power. Believing in yourself and those around you.
The story just felt like it jumped too much. No explanation of what caused the mom to leave, just inferred that she had “issues” which turned out to be her own powers. Michael’s background was implied, had to read into the story to understand his background. How did he cause Lolo to tap into her power? Teens will enjoy this story.
Z_Brarian | 5 altre recensioni | Dec 12, 2022 |
Note: I accessed a digital review copy of this book through Edelweiss.
fernandie | 5 altre recensioni | Sep 15, 2022 |
This volume of Patsy Walker is just straight-forward fun. The comic features a blend of traditional comic art and anime chibi elements which gives the characters the opportunity to demonstrate sarcasm, exasperation and other emotions without actually having to over-explain with dialogue. Amazon’s Panel View for the Kindle is especially handy for a volume like this where visual punchlines or reactions can't be spoiled by scanning ahead. The story is light and simple but makes for a great palette cleanser in between darker, harder reads.
MC_Rolon | 13 altre recensioni | Jun 15, 2022 |
This felt very early 2000’s and not necessarily in a good way. Could have been a Static Shock (which I do like!) episode. I liked the artwork and the dialogue was good. But the story’s execution could’ve been better. A few abrupt transitions and rushed pacing.

The chapter titles are all Alicia Key songs, but I personally think there was a missed opportunity in not tying the songs more into the narrative.

I can’t figure out if I liked this or not. A mixed bag. Definitely some things I liked and others I didn’t.
fictional stories always have multiracial gangs, but I’ve yet to really see that in real life.

DestDest | 5 altre recensioni | Apr 21, 2022 |
Goldie -- smart, fearless, gifted in her ability to drive fast cars and scrape her way out of trouble. A sweet romance is developing with the girl at the record store, and Goldie and her father keep their Florida resort running. Reminiscent of Archie's and Nancy Drew, but beautifully updated.
1 vota
jennybeast | 20 altre recensioni | Apr 14, 2022 |
I thought the art style and aesthetic of this book were super cute! The Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys-esque whodunnit plot were very appealing to me when I picked this up. Unfortunately the story felt super rushed; this page length didn't feel like it allowed for the mystery to be fully fleshed out (especially the way it escalated from small-time local mysteries to crimes with international/intergalactic implications) let alone leave time to throw in a few romantic couples. Maybe my expectations were just too high, but this didn't quite hit the mark for me.
1 vota
torygy | 20 altre recensioni | Mar 31, 2022 |
Miles Morales meets #BlackGirlMagic
JennyArch | 5 altre recensioni | Feb 19, 2022 |
Everything about this is perfect! The Art! The story! The strong queer woc! The characters! Everything is a yes! Can't wait for the next one!
bookdrunkard78 | 20 altre recensioni | Jan 6, 2022 |
The plot is absolutely weird. I did not see that ending coming. But I smiled while reading this, the art style is just up my alley and I love the subtle humor throughout the story.
Jonesy_now | Sep 24, 2021 |
This series really brings a smile on my face.
Jonesy_now | Sep 24, 2021 |
For some reason I heard her growling the name Goldie...
Jonesy_now | Sep 24, 2021 |
I thought this was awful. Let's chalk it up to I'm not the intended audience. The issues in the book and the dialogue were juvenile. And, the employment service for super heroes is hardly a novel concept. In fact, the only thing I liked was the author's choice to feature openly gay characters, which is refreshing for this genre.
skipstern | 13 altre recensioni | Jul 11, 2021 |
Fun comic with a unique setting and appealing art.
coprime | 20 altre recensioni | Mar 4, 2021 |
Young sleuth Goldie Vance works as a valet at the Florida resort her dad manages. When a guest reports that an invaluable necklace has been stolen from his room, Goldie inserts herself into assists with the investigation.

Oh my goodness! This is so stinking cute and smart!

I was never a big mystery reader as a kid. I could never guess “whodunnit” and that irritated me. Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys were practically nonstarters for me. I wish Goldie Vance had been around back in the day because she would have turned me into a mystery reader for sure!

Goldie herself is a treasure. (See what I did there?) She’s intelligent, fearless, tenacious, assertive without being aggressive, and a daredevil. As most precocious teens do, she drives the adults around her a bit crazy. I absolutely loved her and I can’t wait to see the direction her personal life takes in the next books.

I wish we had seen more of the supporting cast because I think I’m going to like them a lot too. The characters are very diverse and I loved that inclusiveness. There are allusions to Goldie’s past history with other characters that I want to read about in more detail.

The ending of the mystery goes in a completely unexpected and frankly implausible direction but it’s fun.

The illustrations with their popping colors and retro, “cool cat” vibe (the book feels like it’s set in the 1960s) were awesome!

I loved this so much that I immediately requested the next three volumes of the series from the library. I highly, highly recommend this as a fun, retro mystery with a diverse cast of characters.
1 vota
JG_IntrovertedReader | 20 altre recensioni | Jan 8, 2021 |
Way too cute for my tastes. Some intriguing characters and promising plotlines, but the whole thing felt like it was trying to be sitcom level funny and felt flat.
wisemetis | 13 altre recensioni | Dec 7, 2020 |
I liked this better than Volume 1, though it is still a bit cutesy for my tastes. But there was a lot more plot going on which drew me into the story. I'm glad it was available on KU because I'm not sure I would have picked it up otherwise. I'm more open to continuing on with the series now than I had been.
wisemetis | 4 altre recensioni | Dec 7, 2020 |
A lot of unfinished stories to tell. I hope Leth and Williams can keep them all going. There's some great Ian character development in this one.
DrFuriosa | 4 altre recensioni | Dec 4, 2020 |
THIS was fun. Lighthearted, adventurous, female-oriented, quirky fun. I have not read the previous Patsy Walker comics, but this volume was set up to help me get the general idea of her backstory without needing too many details. I believe this is what I was looking for when I read and was disappointed in Lumberjanes. Patsy is a protagonist to root for, and she's got a cadre of friends and associates who round out her circle. I'm really looking forward to seeing where this series goes next!
DrFuriosa | 13 altre recensioni | Dec 4, 2020 |
Adorable, sentimental, and just plain fun. We all need a healthy dose of Patsy Walker in our lives.
DrFuriosa | Dec 4, 2020 |