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William Wildblood was born in London in 1955. He writes for BBC magazines.

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Meeting the Masters
A Spiritual Apprenticeship
by William Wildblood

I must admit that this 394 page spiritual tell-all of a life awakened was completely spellbinding. Written in first person the thing that spoke to me the loudest was the honest walk through one life altering change to another. I don't think anyone of us are ever really ready for our connection to spirit no matter how sought after it is. So the courage and strength it took our precious seeker to move forward was clearly evident.

The author's simple fresh style took me to my own thoughts and memories of when my teaching took a whole new dimension. I would recommend this divine rendition to anyone looking for confirmation and encouragement through the journey of others. Thanks William, the energy was fantastic.

Love & Light,

Riki Frahmann
… (altro)
biunicorn | 1 altra recensione | Jun 27, 2012 |
There is so much in this fascinating book for any seeker on the spiritual path. The most important thing being honesty. It contains a great deal of personal information and the constant effort to offer the truth shines through it all. I could see the sometime struggle, the moments of disappointment, as well as the leaps forward and that gives me hope and encourages me to carry on making my own small efforts and I would hope it would do the same for others looking to find meaning and to connect with something more than just the materiality of existence. I was absolutely gripped by the messages from The Masters and I was grateful for the conclusions often drawn on matters such as the body and sex. I’ve read other channelled works but for me, this is the best I’ve come across. Other books have been too impersonal to resonate with me and often the language has been difficult to grasp. Sometimes they have been far too complex or too simple. This is a book that has exactly the right balance. The material is often far from simple but it is presented in language which is easy to understand. I will refer to it often, when I’m struggling and when I have my moments of progression also. I can’t recommend it enough.… (altro)
Sara_Geller | 1 altra recensione | Apr 5, 2012 |


½ 4.5