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Phaedra WeldonRecensioni

Autore di Wraith

69+ opere 1,268 membri 35 recensioni 2 preferito


It says a lot when you can't get through more than 20 pages of a book. The premise is really interesting; the writing? Sucks. It's in first person and reads like a 15 year old and not a 20-something year old. I tried to stick with it but I just couldn't, which is a shame because I was looking forward to this book.
justgeekingby | 14 altre recensioni | Jun 6, 2023 |
This is entertaining. There is a love story, but it didn't get in the way of the rest of the action. Until the last chapter of the 3rd book. It may have just jumped the shark for me.
KittyCunningham | 1 altra recensione | Apr 26, 2021 |
Amusing but bland

You can almost see the end from the beginning. The short story trips along quite rapidly but there is little substance.
wildwily | 1 altra recensione | May 28, 2020 |
Amusing but bland

You can almost see the end from the beginning. The short story trips along quite rapidly but there is little substance.
wildwily | 1 altra recensione | May 28, 2020 |
Interesting first book

I enjoyed this book a lot and I wasn't sure I would after reading the description. I gave it a shot and it was worth it. The author is a good story teller and has created believable characters in real life NOLA. My one complaint is that the editing could have been a little better. The writing was a little obtuse in some areas but the story was so good I still gave it 4 stars.
bm2ng | 2 altre recensioni | Apr 9, 2019 |
At this point, I'm attached. Not so very much to Zoe's powers, but to her mother and her friends and to the way Zoe is with them. It's kind of nice to see Zoe at least temporarily without her powers, it makes me like her more.
tldegray | 1 altra recensione | Sep 21, 2018 |
This series seems to be falling into the trap of making it's main character more and more powerful. What kept me hanging in there was the mystery behind who is her most loyal and long-term client.
tldegray | 7 altre recensioni | Sep 21, 2018 |
Zoe can travel astrally, out of her body. She hires herself and her talent out and it's a pretty good moneymaker that's gained her at least one devoted client. Until one day she seems something weird in the astral plane, someone else who seems to be able to do what she does. Only that someone else commits murder and knows Zoe was a witness.
tldegray | 14 altre recensioni | Sep 21, 2018 |
2.5/5 stars, mostly because the opening 10% is clunkily written and full of awkward exposition. The rest of the story is interesting and I will read on in this series.
tldegray | 2 altre recensioni | Sep 21, 2018 |
The story was interesting and held together well but the file badly needed editing of the most basic kind.
tldegray | 1 altra recensione | Sep 21, 2018 |

I absolutely loved Wraith and Zoe, she is reckless, irreverent and funny and I'm kicking myself for waiting do long to read it! How can you not love a heroine who admits she's not the brightest bulb in the sign? One who talks to herself and has the unfortunate tendency to let her mouth run away with her at the worst moments.

Zoe is operating blind, when it comes to her ability or the paranormal world. Most of what she has learned comes from trial and error and she often takes stupid risks, but since she doesn't know anything about Travellers, she has no other way except to throw herself into dangerous situations in an attempt to discover the truth about her own abilities and the paranormal world she finds herself in, despite being out of her depth on more than one occasion.

Zoe often finds herself relying on family and friends for support and information though she is hesitant about putting them in danger. Her mother, Nona seems to know more than she is letting on about Zoe's abilities and the paranormal, and misguidedly thinks she is protecting her by keeping her in the dark.

Phaedra Weldon deftly draws you into Zoe's world until you are completely sucked in and leaves you wanting more. The first book is a great start to the series and I've immediately ordered the second one, I can't wait to discover more about the can of paranormal worms opened in Wraith.
yas4735 | 14 altre recensioni | May 1, 2018 |
I quite liked this despite the silly title, which seems to be along the lines of those who don't study history are doomed to repeat it. A conflict between brothers leads to the sort of shenanigans you might expect. In amongst this are at least three different sorts of elves, which adds to the variety

The prophesied son who was going to save the humans from a forthcoming invasion of the evil elves, was accidentally dropped into the holy fire and died as a baby. The King found a convenient replacement and killed everyone who knew the truth, apart from his most trusted elder brother and advisor. The 2nd son is always slightly grumpy about being 2nd and not as handsome as the (replacement). Cue scheming priest who can tell something's up even if not what.½
reading_fox | Sep 29, 2017 |
This is entertaining. There is a love story, but it didn't get in the way of the rest of the action. Until the last chapter of the 3rd book. It may have just jumped the shark for me.
Kitty.Cunningham | 1 altra recensione | Jul 19, 2017 |
This story is somewhat confusing. We’re thrown into a world which has the potential to be interesting with different types of witches, the fae as well as more than one type of vampire, demons and apparently dragons. But we seem to start in the middle of the story with major happenings already having taken place. We get an explanation on these, but not enough to provide a clear picture. And they are important to the story.

I never felt a connection with Samantha, the main character and some of her actions and her attitude took me by surprise. I wanted to smack her when she pulled this “You are only here by my sufferance” type of talk involving two non-human cops who are trying to help her. She can banish “Others” back to where they belong. Just where is that?

I had enjoyed many books in her Zoe Martinique series, but I have to say between the lack of world and character building and the grammatical errors, this whole thing needs a good editor and revisions.½
dearheart | 2 altre recensioni | Apr 18, 2015 |
This book was more structured than the first one. I loved the characters and the world building.

This is an excellent urban fantasy with a well crafted mystery.
slayra | 7 altre recensioni | Sep 21, 2013 |
romsfuulynn | 7 altre recensioni | Apr 28, 2013 |
Horrible. One star is too much.
Morana.Mora | 14 altre recensioni | Mar 30, 2013 |
Hmm. Spectre feels less like a sequel to Wraith than a chapter two, if that makes any sense. Both books are full-sized novels, but they're so closely related that book two wouldn't make any sense without having read book 1 (and the novella in between). Unfortunately, Spectre ends on a cliff-hanger. I hate that. At least I know (from her blog) that Weldon is working on the third book. I can only hope that it comes out soon and wraps up all the loose threads without introducing new ones that aren't left hanging again.I do have to agree with another GR reviewer who mentioned that the main character carries on more like a 13-year-old kid than a 28-year-old woman. I have to agree. I understand that losing one parent early might, for some people, to a closer relationship with the surviving parent—but give me a break! Zoë apparently needs to move across the country to learn to live without Mommy. Or maybe Mommy should move?
BellaMiaow | 7 altre recensioni | May 29, 2012 |
Good story, and I'm glad I read it before beginning Spectre. It absolutely screams for copyediting, though!
BellaMiaow | 1 altra recensione | May 29, 2012 |
Zoë Martinique spies on people for a living. Need information? Zoë can get it in a unique way – astral projection. In six years as a Traveler, Zoë never met another person on the astral plane. Zoë takes a break from a ho-hum assignment when a feeling leads her to Atlanta's Bank of America where Zoë witnesses a murder. Seconds later, Zoë realizes the murderer is also a Traveler, although unlike Zoë, he can interact with physical objects. After a harrowing escape, Zoë overhears the victim’s boss try to warn off the investigating officer, Lieutenant Daniel Frasier, saying the murderer is beyond justice. As she helps Frasier hunt the killer with her collection of odd friends, Zoë learns about her powers and about entities she never dreamed existed. It’ll be up to Zoë to save the innocent and stop the evil of both humans and spirits. Zoë’s 4th investigation, Revenant, was released in 2010.
ktoonen | 14 altre recensioni | Apr 1, 2011 |
I don't know if anyone actually reads anything that I write about the books I read, but if anyone does, I need some help. Has anyone read the rest of the books in this series? I have started, or want to start A LOT of series. Because of that, I am always way behind on everyone of them. I always tell myself that if I start a series and don't think it is just great, then I will drop it so I can spend more time on the ones that I do think are great. But, the problem is, that i have a hard time letting them go. I read this book, I know the characters and now I almost feel obligated to keep reading.
This book, for me, started out very slow. About 70 pages in I had decided that I would not continue with the series. However, it then got very good and I shot thought almost all the rest of it until the end which I didn't enjoy.
So, what I need to know, is does the series get better? Should I continue? If anyone has any advice on the subject, I would love the help.
pat1eiu | 14 altre recensioni | Aug 31, 2010 |
Bland. Slow. Campy. Dull. Irritating. Unconvincing. Awkward ... And I had such high expectations ...½
TheBooknerd | 14 altre recensioni | Jul 1, 2010 |
Even though I read this book out of order, it recapped enough to let me follow along in the story. I wish she had focused more on the relationship between Zoe and Daniel instead of leaving him out of the picture for most of the book. Enjoyable read however.½
jillyjameson | 7 altre recensioni | Feb 1, 2010 |
Zoe is a detective of sorts. Since she can travel out of body, she is able to spy on people without them being able to see her. The author has created a world that is sometimes difficult to follow. Wraith, corporeal, symbionts, phantasm, Abysmal, etc. Zoe has lost 24 hrs of her life and only has a recollectioon of a demon-type from the Abysmal who looks like Vin Diesel taking some of her powers and giving her some of his during a night of vague passion. Vin Diesel and a cute cop are vying for her affections (ala Stephanie Plum. The author even uses the term "damn skippy.") It's somewhat sassy, a dash of sexy, but a bit silly beause Zoe is constantly making "note to self," and when she astral travels wears her pink bunny slippers. I had read the second in the series, Spectre, first which referred to things that happened in book one. So I would suggest you read the books in order.
1 vota
SandyLee | 14 altre recensioni | Feb 26, 2009 |
It took me a little bit more time to start enjoying this book than the the first one in the series ("Wraith.") At first I thought Weldon had turned like Laurel Hamilton and changed from writing entertainment to writing erotic crap. Lucky for me, Weldon didn't go that route.

I found Spectre to be a fast and fun read, that leaves you waiting for the third in the series.
1 vota
stinkypup | 7 altre recensioni | Dec 10, 2008 |