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This is a compilation of some 19 papers and essays on the topic of gun violence. It lists several policy suggestions based on statistical analysis and previous policy. What does this book suggest?

-Rates of violence and crime are, in fact, comparable to other developed nations. The difference in fatality rates is due to the number of guns.
-The effectiveness of the Brady Act was limited due to a loophole in private sales and looseness of background checks.
-Present mental health laws and restrictions need to be further refined. Schizophrenics are less likely to commit violent crime than standard, and those with bipolar syndrome are more likely. Depressives are more likely to commit suicide with firearms.
-Prevent juveniles, alcohol abusers, and those who commit domestic violence from purchasing firearms.
-Create stricter barriers for the purchase of guns across state lines.
-Begin federal action against arms traffickers across national borders.
-After the United Kingdom and Australia enacted broader weapons bans after school shootings, their violent crime rate plummeted. The United Kingdom has not had a school shooting with a handgun in over 20 years. The most recent one involved a still-legal shotgun, and that spurred reform.
-The increased sale of guns as a self-defense mechanism is risky due to personal accidents and improper training - e.x.: Brazil.

The book also has a focus on the legality of firearms restrictions from interpretations of the second Amendment, as well as the popularity of various gun control measures (Background checks received 85% approval).

As for policy suggestions?
-Establish a universal background check system
-Facilitate all sales through a federally licensed gun dealer
-Increase maximum amount of time for FBI to complete background checks
-Require firearms owners to report the theft of their firearms
-Subject those who already have licenses or permits to a further background check

Conditions from a background check?
-Those convincted of a violent misdemeanor, for 15 years
-Those who committed violent crime as a juvenile - until age 30
-Those convinced of 2 drug or alcohol crimes over a period of 3 years for 10 years
-Prohibition for those with a drug-trafficking offense
-Prohibition for gang members
-Establish a minimum of 21 years for purchase
-Prohibition for those who have violated a restraining order
-Those with temporary restraining orders and convicted of the misdemeanor of stalking

-A refocus on restrictions based on mental illness, based on the danger the individual focus to others and themselves
-Funding of federal incentives for states to provide information on mental health conditions to the Background Check system

-Further restrictions on inspection of gun dealers, sanctions for those who violate gun laws, the repeal of protection of gun sellers from tort liability, the expansion of laws mandating the report of multiple gun sales
-Incentives for states to place childproof laws on guns
-FCPSC regulations on firearms and ammunition as consumer products

-Ban future sale of assault weapons with a broader definition than the 1994 risk
-Ban the sale and possession of 10-round ammo magazines

-Further funding to eh CDC, NIH, etc. on the causes of gun violence, public health
-Surgeon General report on the effects of gun violence

HadriantheBlind | Mar 30, 2013 |