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The Million Dollar treasure Box Philosophy by Sri Vishwanath

This book is what brought Sri's life into a clarity that he wanted to share with you as his personal story.
He would put 20 Indian rupees, which equals 1.00 in USA Dollars into a Box, every morning. He learned this by a friend whom taught him Feng Shui techniques. Once he showed his family how he gained 365.00 dollars in one full year everyone including his family was amazed. His family would add money all the time. He heard from God's voice:
“Vish the reason you were given an empty treasure box is because I wanted to compare your personality to the treasure box. Right now you are a treasure....(you have to read the book, it will grab you like a claw)!
I loved this book and hope you want to read it as it adds value to your personality, money to help others and inspiration from a man whom has written over 13 transformation books.
© 2013 Jackie Paulson

Vishwanath, Sri (2013-01-09). The Million Dollar Treasure Box Philosophy (Kindle Locations 59-61). Soul Power Magic. Kindle Edition.
jackie1966 | Jan 12, 2013 |