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Opere di Laura Vikmanis


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I chose this book from a recommendation from CNNSI to give a window in life as an NFL Cheerleader. More than half of the book was more about how Laura decided to become a cheerleader.

The working conditions of an NFL Cheerleader are horrid working for under minimum wage and making some serious lifestyle changes ... It makes feel sorry for the lowly NFL cheerleader, so I can't just ogle as I please.

Not sure if I would have enjoyed hanging out with the young Laura who was insecure and self-defeating. And as she auditioned and eventually made it to become a Ben-gal, she further distanced herself from me in her shallow goal of becoming an NFL cheerleader.

But maybe it's not that shallow of a job. It might even be an exalted job.

The current Laura I would like to meet, thus moving this book to four star status. The current Laura inspires people to improve themselves in ways I wish I could do. People read about the forty year old cheerleader and decided "Hey, I can change my life as well."
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wellington299 | 2 altre recensioni | Feb 19, 2022 |
It's not about the pom-poms is really not about the pom-poms. It is a story of a woman who decides she wants to do something - to become a Bengal Tigers cheerleader - and does it. What makes this such an amazing story is that Laura was coming out of a terrible abusive marriage that had torn down all her self esteem and she was 40 years old. Before her marriage Laura was happy and athletic and she wanted to get that feeling back. When she saw the open call for the Ben-Gals she went for it, becoming the oldest NFL cheerleader. I admire the strength Laura showed in moving beyond the abuse, self doubt and achieving her dream.

August 2012
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mlake | 2 altre recensioni | Apr 28, 2015 |
The author has not had an easy life, dealing with young motherhood and a bad marriage. She always enjoyed dance and fitness, and at an age when most cheerleaders were long past their glory days, became a Cincinnati Ben-Gal. Good for her! Not the most interesting book, though.
ennie | 2 altre recensioni | Jan 30, 2014 |


½ 3.3