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Ashley Tate

Autore di Twenty-Seven Minutes

1 opera 61 membri 14 recensioni

Opere di Ashley Tate

Twenty-Seven Minutes (2024) 61 copie, 14 recensioni


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Who is the bad guy are they ghosts? Car accident
Rosemary1973 | 13 altre recensioni | Jun 11, 2024 |
I had a hard time connecting to the characters in this book. I wasn't invested in what happened until halfway through the story. I did like that the chapters are short and that they alternate POV between the main characters affected by the accident and that we alternate between the present and the past. I was not able to guess the ending of this story, so that was a great surprise.
Shauna_Morrison | 13 altre recensioni | May 31, 2024 |
A single question has haunted them for a decade: why did it take Phoebe Dean's brother, Grant, so long 27 to call for help?​ TWENTY-SEVEN MINUTES is the debut novel by Canadian Ashley Tate. After her mother died suddenly, the author wanted to write about how dark and transforming grief can be. She used an event set in a small town to share that feeling of fear that comes when everything changes in an instant.
Just don't expect to actually like any of the characters.
MM_Jones | 13 altre recensioni | Feb 17, 2024 |
What really happened the night of the accident ten years ago?

Why didn't Grant call the ambulance immediately instead of waiting twenty-seven minutes to call for help.

It has been ten years and those people that know what happened have been struggling with the truth they didn't make known all of these years.

Now that they are going to have a memorial service for Phoebe, Grant's sister, will the truth come out?

Why do they need this memorial when another person just got killed on that same bridge, and talk of tearing it down are in the works?

And what about the disappearance of Wyatt on the same night? Had he been involved?

TWENTY-SEVEN MINUTES goes back and forth in time telling events and life situations from ten years ago and present day.

The book took a while to catch my interest, and the odd characters were none that I could warm up to or sympathize with, but it does get better so don't give up.

There is a surprise ending. 4/5

Thank you to the publisher for a copy of this book. All opinions are my own.
… (altro)
SilversReviews | 13 altre recensioni | Feb 5, 2024 |


Premi e riconoscimenti


½ 3.5

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