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Sarah Tarkoff

Autore di Sinless

3 opere 80 membri 3 recensioni


Opere di Sarah Tarkoff

Sinless (2018) 58 copie, 1 recensione
Fearless (Eye of the Beholder) (2019) 21 copie, 2 recensioni


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After reading "Fearless", I had to find out how the whole story started, and had to get this. Now I know how "The Prophet" came to power, why everyone embraced the craziness, and everything else that led up to book #2. I enjoyed it, and again, what a scary place the world would be if all of this ever happened.
Stacy_Krout | Mar 17, 2019 |
Wow-- what a horrible world to live in. After the "Revelations" when the "Prophets" came to power and released upon masses of the global population nanotech, that they unknowingly inhaled, that imbedded itself in people's brains. These mini-computers then would "sense" guilt or other negative feelings by the chemicals those feeling give off in the body, and if detected, would start to deform the that person-- "revealing" them to the rest of the world as "unworthy"-- and everyone is brainwashed into believing that this is through the amazing power of the main "Prophet". Most people have become robots-- unwilling to think any of their own thoughts that differ from whatever is "prophet-correct"-- and basically no more free- will. Except for Grace Luther, who has been learning the truth, and has joined the "Resistance" to end this tyranny and expose this "Prophet" for what he really is-- which is anything but holy or pious. She has also just seen someone that looks like her mom, who she had been led to believe died years before as an "unworthy outcast". Between trying to find this mysterious woman and get some answers, and bring down the "Prophet", and having to watch every word she says and every step she takes-- since no one can be trusted-- not ever her father-- her hands are quite full, and that is a lot for a teenager to deal with. I enjoyed "Fearless"-- it kept me guessing as to what could happen next, and now I have to get #1 in the series, Sinless, to see what events happened in the world to make everyone so willing to embrace such a monster as a leader-- and what had actually happened to Grace's mother. I won this book in a #goodreadsgiveaway-- my thanks to the author and publisher!… (altro)
Stacy_Krout | 1 altra recensione | Feb 11, 2019 |

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