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This book gives an overview of several women involved in the early social settlement movement, specifically of the settlement "Hull House." Because this was originally a dissertation, the writing is a bit flat.

I also didn't think it quite delivered on the subtitle's promise to discuss their friendships with one another. It was not as in-depth as I was hoping, and didn't give a good picture of the women's day-to-day living. But for me, it was a decent first foray into social settlements.

I really appreciated that Stebner clearly stated:
It is inappropriate to apply late-twentieth-century standards to nineteenth-century persons. People must be understood in relation to their own time and historical judgments need to be historically grounded. This does not mean, however, that contemporary critiques are unnecessary or irrelevant. Acknowledging limitations and past injustices is crucial, and provides insight for our present culture and our attempts to create a more just society. p 25
It was sad to me to hear how many of the women who started out with Christian roots ended up finding their worth in their own works, rather than in Christ.

I thought the following was a good point, and applicable to the various work that we do today, as well. Because we live in a broken world, we often don't have "ideal" solutions to our problems. Instead, we must take multiple approaches to address the challenges we face in society.
Many people criticized Hull House because they perceived its work to be inconsistent...
Hull House supported nursery facilities for working mothers, yet it also advocated societal changes which would render working mothers unnecessary for family survival. It did not support relief or charity as essentially helpful to the poor, yet it found itself distributing relief during times of economic strife. Inconsistency is contradictory to the movement toward institutionalization The policy set forth in the settlement's charter was not meant to curtail actions or to make them consistent, but to encompass the many activities deemed necessary in a complex society.
p 150
RachelRachelRachel | Nov 21, 2023 |