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{my thoughts} – This book was incredibly well written. It pulled me in from the beginning. I suppose because I am one of those individuals that really do enjoy a casual, not to frightful, yet entertaining story to read.

Sloane Masterson works for the High School newspaper and was assigned a story to get the inside scope on a new boy named Hayden Lancaster. Devin the chief editor of the paper seems to have a thing for Sloane and can’t seem to make his eyes look any where other then her chest. This annoys her as well as those around her that see what he is doing. He is the one that gave her the story to chase and that is exactly what she plans to do – chase the story. Or should I say chase the guy!

She ends up getting to know Hayden and they become friends. Throughout the book they develop an understanding where he is going to be her friend ad protect her and she is going to be his friend and not write the story. She just wanted to know him, to know his secrets, write her story and be done with it all, but she ended up getting in way over her head. In the end she was dealing with far more then she could have ever bargained for!

The end of the book. I can say I assumed it would be the ending, but I wasn’t certain. Make sure you pay attention to the little clues that the author nibbles you with as your reading!

{some quotes i loved} –

“Viola prefers book boyfriends over real guys, and I gotta admit, she has a point. Fictional hotties are way more exciting than the real thing.”

“If you can survive a High School lunchroom you can survive anything. Well, with the exception of a zombie apocalypse.”

“No “I, myself, am strange and unusual,” I say, quoting one of my favorite movies, Beetle Juice, Love me some Tim Burton films.”

“I want to be accepted for who I am. Respected despite my style choices. So I favor the dark-side in apparel, what’s the big deal.”

{about the author} –

Award-winning author, Sherry Soule writes thrilling tales of romance and suspense, of-ten mingled with a dash of the mystical and a splash of trendy fashion.
Her published novels do not include any graphic sex, explicit violence, or excessive profanity, so that all of her novels can be read and enjoyed by both teens and adults Sherry currently lives with her family and one very spoiled black cat in California’s San Francisco Bay Area.
Zapkode | 1 altra recensione | Jun 1, 2024 |
{my thoughts} – This book was incredibly well written. It pulled me in from the beginning. I suppose because I am one of those individuals that really do enjoy a casual, not to frightful, yet entertaining story to read.

Sloane Masterson works for the High School newspaper and was assigned a story to get the inside scope on a new boy named Hayden Lancaster. Devin the chief editor of the paper seems to have a thing for Sloane and can’t seem to make his eyes look any where other then her chest. This annoys her as well as those around her that see what he is doing. He is the one that gave her the story to chase and that is exactly what she plans to do – chase the story. Or should I say chase the guy!

She ends up getting to know Hayden and they become friends. Throughout the book they develop an understanding where he is going to be her friend ad protect her and she is going to be his friend and not write the story. She just wanted to know him, to know his secrets, write her story and be done with it all, but she ended up getting in way over her head. In the end she was dealing with far more then she could have ever bargained for!

The end of the book. I can say I assumed it would be the ending, but I wasn’t certain. Make sure you pay attention to the little clues that the author nibbles you with as your reading!

{some quotes i loved} –

“Viola prefers book boyfriends over real guys, and I gotta admit, she has a point. Fictional hotties are way more exciting than the real thing.”

“If you can survive a High School lunchroom you can survive anything. Well, with the exception of a zombie apocalypse.”

“No “I, myself, am strange and unusual,” I say, quoting one of my favorite movies, Beetle Juice, Love me some Tim Burton films.”

“I want to be accepted for who I am. Respected despite my style choices. So I favor the dark-side in apparel, what’s the big deal.”

{about the author} –

Award-winning author, Sherry Soule writes thrilling tales of romance and suspense, of-ten mingled with a dash of the mystical and a splash of trendy fashion.
Her published novels do not include any graphic sex, explicit violence, or excessive profanity, so that all of her novels can be read and enjoyed by both teens and adults Sherry currently lives with her family and one very spoiled black cat in California’s San Francisco Bay Area.
CrimsonSoul | 1 altra recensione | Jun 1, 2024 |
**ARC was provided by the Author for an honest review**

Upon reading the synopsis of this book, I didn't know if this book would be humorous, action-packed, or mysterious. But as soon as i started reading the novel I was hooked! Immortal Eclipse is an action-packed, character driven novel that is guaranteed to give you goosebumps!

The main character is Skylar Blackwell. She was a fantastic protagonist, interesting to read about, she is kick ass, witty, and quite the fashonista! Her character in a sense made the book come alive, especially when she arrives at Summerwind Mansion. Her interactions with the mansion's staff really make this novel shine. There is definitely something sinister going on at Summerwind and Skylar is determined to get to the bottom of things, no matter what. Underneath all that love of material things, she really was a compassionate person; her family meant the world to her.Dorian!!! :) A very intriguing character and Skylar's love interest. But he kept pushing her away. However in the end I understand why he did the things he did.

I loved this book, it was really good, the story-line is captivating and you wont be able to put the book down! I really enjoyed this book, and highly recommend it to people in the mood for a paranormal mystery with a creepy haunted house feel and If you are looking for a gripping tale of action, romance, loss, and all things that go bump-in-the-night, then this is the book for you!!

Review is posted on My Blog
AnaCarter | 3 altre recensioni | Feb 14, 2023 |
"Hexes and Hijinks" is the perfect first installment in a promising new cozy mystery series! It covers everything needed to set up the series (characters, relationships, locations, jobs, pets, and a new love interest) without ever bogging down the storyline. This can be difficult to accomplish at the start of Book 1, and I appreciate the author's skill in integrating everything so well.

Main character Danika is a breath of fresh air as a cozy heroine. She has pink hair, a serious love of tacos, and a great sense of humor. Occasionally, she directs a comment directly to the reader, which I enjoyed. I felt it drew me in to the narrative, and made me even more immersed in the story than I already was.

The mystery itself was very well-crafted. There were plenty of suspects, and the author seamlessly integrated them all into the story without overwhelming the reader. (There is a helpful character list at the beginning if needed.) I enjoyed Danika's upfront sleuthing style, and her logical mind and outgoing personality are well-suited to this role. When all was revealed in the end, everything made sense given what the reader had learned along the way.

All in all, I enjoyed everything about this book, and very much look forward to the next installment in Danika's adventures.

Five out of five slices of provolone!
Simmmba | Oct 20, 2021 |

There are a few things I disliked about the book, but the storyline far outweighed that dislike.

We all know how character driven I am. If a book has great characters I tend to like it. The only downfall I had with this book was the main character, Skylar. She’s very shallow, and I felt mentioned brand names too much. She does seem to grow as the story progresses, but I just didn’t connect with her very well. The main thing I admire about her is that she doesn’t let others push her around. She deals with any scenario as best she can. Dorian is stupid hawt! I mean helllooo hot man. He also seems like he is from another time. His voice is one I absolutely love. He’s got a ton of problems, and doesn’t trust easily. I guess my favorite thing I like about him is that he tries to hold his urges in check, and think about what’s best for everyone. I absolutely ADORE Emma. She’s thoughtful and so very sincere. I loved her the instant her character came up. Victor is incredibly creepy. He just gives me the chills when he comes into the story.

The storyline was excellent, and original. It’s like nothing I’ve read before. There were definitely elements of surprise mixed in with a few things that were easily guessed at. The whole vibe was creepy. What the hell are these deaths about, and who is behind them. I took a wild guess, and I was wrong. You also have to wonder at the attraction between Dorian and Skylar, why is it so damn intense. And who is Dorian???? He knows so much about the creepy estate, and you begin putting pieces together here and there, but you would never guess the real story behind it all. There are also a ton of secrets, you think you know what’s going on only to see that things aren’t what they seem.

Even though I didn’t care for the main character, I loved the storyline. It’s original, creepy, and keeps you guessing.
BookishThings | 3 altre recensioni | Mar 23, 2016 |

Many thanks to Night Owl Reviews for providing a copy to read and review.

Skylar's life is in shambles. She's just lost her job (on her birthday for god's sake), her last living relative is dead, and she's single with no prospective boyfriends to speak of. She feels guilty for not visiting her kooky, yet lovable uncle before he passed, so she decides to pack up her awesome designer shoe collection and move across the country to her knew home, a dusty old mansion named Summerwind and play detective. She'd always been suspicious about her uncle's death.

She realizes right away the people and history of Summerwind were not as they appear. From the moment she first arrives she hears creepy chanting late at night. There are ghostly sightings of a dead girl that looks surprisingly like her, and the Summerwind staff is dropping dead one by one.

This book surprised me. I started the story expecting a light, whimsical story about a fashionista seeing ghosts and meeting a hot guy and living happily ever after. Yeah, this book was the exact opposite. I never expected it to be so dark or addictive. I was genuinely surprised by how much I wanted, no needed to know who was causing all the "suicides" and spooking all Summerwind's residents.

Immortal Eclipse had so many pivotal characters, it's hard to do a character analysis like I usually do. Skylar and Dorian are obviously the main characters, but then there's Victor, Dorian's creepy cousin. Isabella, the dead girl that looks suspiciously like Skylar. Emma, who seems like the only character that doesn't have some kind of agenda, but she it's noticeable that she has her own secrets. Mrs. Pratt, the housekeeper that makes me want to punch her in the face.

Usually in a book it's easy to determine protagonist from antagonist. In Immortal Eclipse, not so much. There is so much murky gray, even Skylar looks suspicious in some areas. Everyone has an agenda, but who's the good guy and who's the bad?

This book makes the reader think. I've never read such a unique mixture of witchcraft, murder, and heated romance. There were quite a few surprises that made my eyes bulge in surprise, and I loved every bit of it. If you love a jaw-dropping ending that will leave you awed, pick up a copy of Immortal Eclipse.

Sarah_Hearts_Books | 3 altre recensioni | Sep 29, 2013 |
Our Review, by LITERAL ADDICTION's Guest Reviewer - Cheryl:

I received Immortal Eclipse as an eBook for review on behalf Literal Addiction. I read the blurb and was really looking forward to it but have to admit that I tend to stay away from ghost stories and haunted house stories. But, I honor my obligations so I tucked in yesterday to see what this story had to offer. Skylar is a gifted photographer who has had photos on the cover of some of the best fashion magazines published. She also spends more than her fair share of money on designer shoes and clothes. Her glamorous life takes a turn and she is suddenly without direction. She has received several calls from her recently deceased uncle's attornet to handle his estate which was left to her when her Uncle died recently. She decides it is as good a time as any to go to California and see how the investigation into his death is proceeding and handle his estate.

From the moment she arrives in California she is warned away, harassed, haunted and threatened. Everyone she has met that works at her uncle’s mansion, now her mansion, seems to dislike her. Oddly enough she expected better treatment from those that depended upon her for their livelihood. She finds that it is hard to trust any of them and some openly distrust her though they just met her. That is one of the things that is great about this book, the character development. You have no trouble seeing who the bad guys are but, there is some difficulty determining if those that seem like good guys really are good guys because everyone there has secrets and some of them involve Skylar though she is not aware of the secrets. One of the other things about Immortal Eclipse is the story line. Though ghost story/hauntings are not usually to my taste this one was well told and held my interest. Honestly at times it kind of crept me out which might be why I stay away from them. Skylar has to decide if risking her life is worth determining who killed her uncle since the police have already closed the case as a suicide or going back to New York and trying to rebuild her life. She sticks it out until it is too late and she has no choice but to push on and find out the secrets of her uncle’s home. I will be looking out for more titles by Sherry Soule!

LITERAL ADDICTION's Guest Reviewer gives Immortal Eclipse 4 Skulls.
LITERALADDICTION | 3 altre recensioni | May 3, 2013 |
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