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“My friend found this album after the well-known events on the Maidan in Kyiv. He couldn’t find the owner, so he brought it to me in France. A few pages had been lost; some were damaged. I augmented the album with my own photographs, presenting myself as a virtual participant in these events in the role of various heroes.”

– author Sergey Kamennoy explains the idea for the book

At first glance, this photo book seems to have been made by another person. In reality, it was made completely by Kamennoy. This is a fantasy project, or a “fake,” in which the author ironically imagines himself as an ancient hero, an ancient sculpture even, taking part in the dramatic events on the Maidan virtually.

Just like The Album of the Discharged Soldier (2017), Kamennoy’s Ukrainian Suprematism incorporates many of the author’s thoughts, irony, and self-deprecation, his vision of events from the view of different centuries, within the context of other eras, and in conversation with well-known works of art.

Design: Sergey Kamennoy
petervanbeveren | May 12, 2024 |