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Ugh I used to like Dr. Laura on the radio, but this sounds like the kind of anti-feminism written by people who think feminist = misandry. I'm surprised to find this in the pile of books given to me by a friend.
Doodlebug34 | 16 altre recensioni | Jan 1, 2024 |
So far, I don't like the constant emphasis that martial bliss rests on the foundation of a traditional marriage where the male financially supports the household and the female takes care of the children. I understand there are gender differences, but who can afford to be supported by their husband? If you are a stay-at-home mom, lucky you. If not, then try not to get too discouraged by reading this book. I would suggest reading "The Good Marriage" by Wallerstein and Blakeslee instead.
AngelaLam | 2 altre recensioni | Feb 8, 2022 |
I learned what NOT to do in my marriage, but I read this after the damage had already been done. My only hope is to always appreciate my husband using the skills taught in this book.
AngelaLam | 16 altre recensioni | Feb 8, 2022 |
Slickly done... Dr. Laura writes to a specific audience and uses a specific tone. She's selling a persona, which is fine. She doesn't claim anything else. While I don't think that there is anything wrong with them, if you're looking for statistics and/or studies/scientific points, this isn't the place.

But I still enjoyed it. And I've read enough of those other books and seen enough to think she may have a case.
OutOfTheBestBooks | 2 altre recensioni | Sep 24, 2021 |
I actually didn't mean to read this one... I picked it up on accident (meaning to get the marriage one). Oops.

I feel sheepish. :)

That said, I was quite interested in her point about female negativity towards men... It's definitely a trend I've seen increase. But I wish her books were backed up with studies. It would really support her points.
OutOfTheBestBooks | 16 altre recensioni | Sep 24, 2021 |
She's right. . . on almost all counts. Thank goodness (according to her) my problems are minimal. However- I went a little crazy that she was so free with her negative comments. Sure- women need to see how it is AND THEN they need to know how they can change. People might respond differently if she told them how wonderful they are and how they are living beneath their deserved lifestyle. Just a couple thoughts. . .
OutOfTheBestBooks | 8 altre recensioni | Sep 24, 2021 |
My husband actually looked over this book before I got a chance to read it and he told me that I shouldn't read it because I was already doing pretty much everything in there :) He is very sweet! I enjoyed reading this book mostly because I have a lot of the same core values as Dr. Laura and it helped to re enforce them.
mcsp | 16 altre recensioni | Jan 25, 2021 |
fantastic self-help book. subject is obvious considering its title.
assuming you're seeking help from recovering from a painful childhood, you'll see yourself in this book. i did, and was thankfully surprised to find out that I wasn't the only one that had the symptoms that was causing me so much pain in my adult years. Its not a destination book its a means to an end. Dr Laura attempts to fast-track the reader to better emotional health because info is limited on paper. i didn't stop with this book but it was a life-changing beginning for me. a must read. so powerful.
misjuhon | Feb 3, 2019 |
Dr. Laura Schlessinger's picture book teaches young children that having everything we want is not always good for us. The story follows a little boy going to the toy store to buy his cousin a birthday present, when decides he needs all the stuffed animals he has found, in the end he discovers that having so many stuffed animals isn't as wonderful as he thought. Wonderful watercolor illustrations help to show the emotions the little is going through.
Savage48 | 2 altre recensioni | Feb 24, 2018 |
Sammy and his mother are going shopping for a birthday present for his cousin, Rachel. Sammy finds so many stuffed animals in the store that he wants for himself. His mother tells him that he is supposed to be shopping for his cousin, not himself. But, Sammy throws a fit and says he wants them all because they will make him happy. Sammy's mother agrees to it, because she has an idea to teach him a valuable lesson. Sammy ends up learning that it doesn't matter how many toys or things you have, it just matters how valuable it is to you personally. Sammy decides to donate his extra toys. This book is a cute, fun way to teach young readers a valuable life lesson.
chloeford | 2 altre recensioni | Mar 26, 2017 |
It was just OK. Not that I disagreed with her, but her examples were so depressing. And sometimes her self-quotations got on my nerves.

I bought it on the $2 table at Half Price Books, and didn't bother to keep it.
CarolJMO | 16 altre recensioni | Dec 12, 2016 |
I liked this book because of its characters, plot, and illustrations. The characters, the mother and Sammy, were well-developed in telling the story “Why Do You Love Me?”. Keeping the conversation between Sammy and his mother kept the story simple but at the same time got the point across. The plot in this book was very simple but ended up telling an important story between the relationship of a mother and child. Sammy asks his mother “Why do you love me?” In which she responds declaring her never-ending love for her son. This book tells a heartwarming story on how parents should love their children no matter what, and that in general people should love one another. The illustrations bring the story to life through their bright colors and detailed visuals bringing the story to life while aiding the reader.
AnnaRubin | 4 altre recensioni | Sep 12, 2016 |
This book should really be called 'The proper Care and Feeding of People'. It is an easy read on how to live your respect for other people. A must read for anyone who has a family, neighbours, friends, co-workers and acquaintenances.
GeneHunter | 16 altre recensioni | Mar 13, 2016 |
My Mom sent this to me for Mother's Day 2009! I was so surprised! I am looking forward to reading it!----What a good book! It reminded me of why I am a SAHM!
AmieB7 | 2 altre recensioni | Jan 21, 2016 |
I was given this right after my parents divorced by well meaning relatives of my father. It's a bit condescending. From what I remember there were some things that were useful in this book and some things that were just outright insulting. I've mostly used this book on my bookshelf to protect the covers of my other books from some of the rough edges on my shelf. It was time for it to go. I don't think the used bookstore gave me anything for it with the other books..or maybe it was a quarter. Who knows.

Schlyne | 8 altre recensioni | Nov 12, 2015 |
Why Do You Love Me? Is an excellent book to share with children of all ages! This is an early reader because this book is short and has easy, assessable words for 1st graders and up to read. This is one of my favorite children’s books while I was growing up. This book helps explain to children what it means when you say “I love you". Sammy has many questions for his mother that other children could relate to, but often times you will never here these questions from children because they are too shy. When children read this book, it will help them understand that no matter what they do, their parents or family will always love them. Why Do You Love Me shows that parents will get angry with them or upset, but that doesn’t mean that their love for their children has stopped. The illustrations in this children’s book are very simple, sketchy, and colorful. There is enough detail in the illustrations to get the point across. This would be a great book for in the classroom so that children understand that their parents love to them is never ending no matter what the circumstances are. I recommend this book to anyone who has the desire to read. This is an important message that everyone should hear and comprehend no matter how young or old they are.
klytle | 4 altre recensioni | Oct 12, 2015 |
This is a children's picture book that is about a young boy named Sammy. He is being tucked in by his mother and he asks her why she loves him. He asks if it's because he was nice to his brother, or because he won his race. She then tells him that she loves him but not because of those things. He asks if she still loves him even when he misbehaves like when he yelled at her. She reassures him that she will love him no matter what, that her love is "like the sun in the sky. It is always there." She tells him it is okay for him to feel angry or hurt and he doesn't feel like he loves his mom and that "love is like the sun." It is always shining even when he can't see it. This is a great book to start discussions about what is means to have unconditional love and what it means to love someone no matter what. It can also be utilized to talk about feelings and emotions and that it's okay to feel the way they are feeling. The illustrations in the book are drawn and they have a lot of color and the shading is done with cross hatching and it makes the images a little on the busy side but they are cute and simple and hold the reader's attention. Teachers can use this book in their classroom and then have older students discuss a time when they felt like they had a hard time loving someone. For younger students have them focus on the simile that love is like the sun and have them draw a picture of their parents or someone they love a lot and a sun in the sky to remind them of the book.
cpaavola | 4 altre recensioni | Sep 12, 2015 |
This book, given to me by a concerned employer, helped me get out of a bad relationship. Dr. Laura gives outstanding advice to women. It's hard to read because it makes you feel like crap, but it's pretty useful stuff. If you have christian morals, have a history of bad choices and relationships, and desire to be married some day, this book's for you.

Although she helped me stop "messing up my life," I no longer agree with much of what Dr. Laura has to say. I have very different values and goals in my life.
engpunk77 | 8 altre recensioni | Aug 14, 2015 |
Interesting book. Once I ignored the frequent anti-feminist rhetoric & proselytizing, I feel she had some very important points & made me re-think & question some long held beliefs I didn't even really realize I had. Any book that makes you do that is what literature is all about! I was particularly surprise by the realization that with all the talk of couples wanting & believing they have an "equal" relationship - many women take for granted their "right" for girls time, shopping spress, venting or ridiculing their spouses, while castigating their partners for daring to want or do the same things!! That alone made it a worth while read.
CMBlaker | 16 altre recensioni | May 6, 2014 |
Meh. It got slightly better but not one of her best.
CMBlaker | 2 altre recensioni | May 6, 2014 |
Very practical, easy to read advice
WWCMurrysville | 16 altre recensioni | Mar 28, 2014 |
tikilights | 16 altre recensioni | Jan 19, 2014 |
As a stay-at-home mom myself, partly by choice and partly by default, I didn't realize how much I needed the lift this book provided until I finished it. While SAHMs are gaining in support, thanks to the wonders of the internet, the effects of the feminist movement are hard to undo, and I still find myself feeling bad for not "running the hamster wheel."
This book is really about praising and uplifting SAHMs in every way, from giving advice on how to transition from working outside the home to becoming a SAHM, how to deal with naysayers, the impact of being a SAHM on the marriage, the children, and the woman herself, and the struggles that a SAHM goes through. Nearly every page features quotes from SAHMs who have contacted Dr. Laura with their opinions, experiences, questions, and wisdom, and these women all have unique living situations to fit any mother's lifestyle, even the ones who have been through a divorce because the husband does not support the idea of the woman becoming a SAHM. Dr. Laura dispels many notions and myths that run rampant about the type of woman that decides to be a SAHM, and what would make her choose such a lifestyle. Many of the women she quotes have college degrees or left great careers to become a SAHM. Others go on to degrees and careers once the children have grown and "fled the nest." Some of the best parts of the book were the stories that SAHMs related about the wonderful perks and unforgettable moments of being a SAHM, such as being able to cook healthy meals from scratch for their family and not missing all of those important milestones with their children.
This book helped me to change my perspective on my role in my family's life, as the heart of the home, to focus on the good things of what I have committed to, and to appreciate my husband and children, not as sandbags on my own personal improvement, but as buoys to lift me up and save me from my own destructive self-involvement.

JacobsBeloved | 2 altre recensioni | Nov 25, 2013 |
I read and loved two of Schlessinger's earlier works, The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands and Woman Power: Transform Your Man, Your Marriage, Your Life, so when I spotted this in my local library, I didn't think twice about reading it. The context of this book is relatively simple, but it really resonates with me and how I think. Probably half of the book is taken up with quotes from Dr. Laura's readers and listeners on various topics related to marriage, which I appreciate because it means that this isn't just a preachy "only my way works" self-help book, but a book chock full of experiences of many, many other married couples. One chapter in and I knew this book was gold - and then practically demanded my husband read it right after me. (We'll see how that goes.) I even shed a few tears at the end over a 57th birthday love letter a man wrote to his wife.
While some people will likely take offense at some of Dr. Laura's very strong opinions about the man and woman's role in marriage - man goes to work, woman stays home and takes care of home and children - I happen to agree with her as I am a stay-at-home mom myself. But even she admits to necessary exceptions to that rule in some circumstances - such as an injury preventing the man from working, and the woman choosing to take a job to pay for "luxuries." She had much to say about the negative effects that extremist feminism has had on marriage and child-rearing - and how to reverse those effects in the reader's own marriage, backed up with example after example from other married couples. While many counselors and therapists will simply listen to you verbally bash and complain about your spouse for session after session, she constantly brings the focus back to the complainer and encourages that person to do the changing he or she wants to see in the spouse. Her belief is that in most marriages, if one spouse gives what the other person wants, then that person will reciprocate. Dr. Laura's goals were very simply love and happiness in marriage, which everyone wants when they get married but often forget how to "do." Following her own KISS principle - "Keep it simple / small, stupid!" - she breaks down how to reach those goals very quickly and efficiently.

JacobsBeloved | 2 altre recensioni | Nov 25, 2013 |