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En una isla tropical un grupo de científicos internacionales lleva a cabo un sospechoso experimento genético. ¿Tienen alma esos híbridos de hombre y chimpancé que están produciendo sus experimentaciones? Averígüelo el lector a través del singular triángulo protagonista, formado por un biólogo borrachín y vividor, una romántica esquizoide de apremiante sensualidad y un político corrupto -secretamente enamorado de un psicópata homosexual, pero capaz de asesinar por su honor conyugal. Personajes muy adecuados, en su torrentera de pasiones, para comprender que sienten los monstruos que la ciencia genera en la isla. Joao Ubaldo Ribeiro nació en Brasil en 1941. Se dedica al periodismo y está considerado como uno de los mejores escritores brasileños de nuestros días. En España aún no ha sido descubierto más que por un fascinado grupo de lectores y críticos. Alfaguara ha publicado sus dos novelas más importantes: Sargento Getúlio y Viva el pueblo brasileño.
libreriarofer | 1 altra recensione | Feb 20, 2024 |
No livro, ele aborda temas como a ambição humana, o amor e as ameaças do mundo moderno, numa história cheia de traições e mistérios, que não perdeu nada de sua atualidade desde seu lançamento, em 1989.
EuniceGomes | 1 altra recensione | Apr 8, 2023 |

Ambientado no Nordeste dos anos 50, Sargento Getúlio narra a história de Getúlio Santos Bezerra, homem de confiança de um poderoso coronel de Sergipe, que precisa levar um preso político de Paulo Afonso até Aracaju. No meio do trajeto, uma reviravolta política faz com que as ordens se alterem: Getúlio não deve mais prosseguir com a missão. Desconfiado, determinado a cumprir à risca o serviço que lhe fora dado, o sargento parte em uma jornada que não terá outro destino a não ser o da violência e da morte. Sargento Getúlio, um dos romances mais importantes da literatura brasileira no século XX, é inspirado em fatos reais que Manoel Ribeiro, chefe da Polícia Militar de Sergipe, contava ao filho João Ubaldo na infância. Quando o escritor era criança, um certo sargento Cavalcanti, baleado num atentado em Paulo Afonso, foi socorrido por seu pai e levado com vida até Aracaju.
EuniceGomes | 2 altre recensioni | Apr 2, 2023 |
Quando vários jornais anunciaram que João Ubaldo Ribeiro estava escrevendo um romance sobre a luxúria, para a coleção Plenos Pecados, da Editora Objetiva, o escritor foi surpreendido com um misterioso pacote em sua portaria. Eram os originais de A Casa dos Budas Ditosos. Depois da gula (Luis Fernando Verissimo), da ira (por José Roberto Torero) e da inveja (por Zuenir Ventura), chegou a vez de João Ubaldo escrever sobre a luxúria na coleção Plenos Pecados. O livro traz a história de CLB, uma mulher de 68 anos, nascida na Bahia e residente no Rio de Janeiro, que jamais se furtou a viver - com todo o prazer e sem respingos de culpa - as infinitas possibilidades do sexo. Seriam as memórias desta senhora devassa e libertina um relato verídico? Ou tudo não passa de uma brincadeira do autor? Nunca saberemos. Importa é que ninguém conseguirá ficar indiferente à franqueza rara deste relato e a seu humor corrosivo.
AlbertLeonhardGieg | 3 altre recensioni | Mar 17, 2023 |
Según cuenta, cuando recibió un paquete con la transcripción mecanografiada de varias cintas grabadas por una misteriosa mujer, el escritor João Ubaldo Ribeiro no podía imaginar lo que le esperaba. Y ahora eres tú, lector inocente, que no puedes ni sospechar lo que te espera en cada una de las páginas de este libro. Hay una vida en ellos. Y la presunta autora habría enviado su testimonio para ser utilizado en el volumen sobre la lujuria en la Coleção Plenos Pecados. El escritor aceptó la oferta y el resultado final está ahora ante ti, que debes prepararte para una historia insólita, a veces impactante, a veces irónica, siempre sugerente. De hecho, la ficción difícilmente podría alcanzar los límites de lo que la dama lasciva vivió y narró con lujo de detalles. Si el lector tiene alguna duda, pronto será disipada, en esta fascinante inmersión en la asombrosa vida de una mujer sin duda excepcional, cuya narración alcanza las dimensiones de un retrato sociológico de toda una cultura y generación, involucrando uno de los pecados más indomables y capitales.
Natt90 | 3 altre recensioni | Dec 14, 2022 |
Uma das cópias, encadernada, está em EstSalaA8
ulisin | Jun 7, 2022 |
Sargento Getúlio, um dos romances mais importantes da literatura brasileira no século XX, é inspirado em fatos reais que Manoel Ribeiro, chefe da Polícia Militar de Sergipe, contava ao filho João Ubaldo na infância. Quando o escritor era criança, um certo sargento Cavalcanti, baleado num atentado em Paulo Afonso, foi socorrido por seu pai e levado com vida até Aracaju.
BolideBooks | 2 altre recensioni | May 14, 2021 |
Taddone | Nov 25, 2019 |
É um western passado em Sergipe, o uso da linguagem que Ubaldo faz é extraordinário.
Adriana_Scarpin | 2 altre recensioni | Jun 12, 2018 |

The political changes in Europe 1989/90 affected probably no other city more than Berlin. The divided city was not only re-united but became once again a magnet for writers, artists, and all kind of creative people. With them came the hipsters, this sort of people that is so difficult to categorize and for whom Berlin seems to be the place for a never-ending party.

In literary terms, Berlin is - like any other bigger city - the scenery for many novels and stories; it also seems to be a good inspirational place for autobiographical books with sketches or travel notes. Cees Nooteboom's Berlin Notes or his Roads to Berlin are good examples, as well as Wladimir Kaminer's Russian Disco, a bestseller with cult status in Germany (more than 1.3 million sold copies).

When João Ubaldo Ribeiro, the most famous contemporary Brazilian novelist (I am talking about literature here, not drivel - which excludes Paulo Coelho of course), came to Berlin in the early 1990s with his family, he published during his one year as a guest of DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) and after his return to Brazil a number of newspaper columns about his life and experience in Berlin which were later collected under the title A Brazilian in Berlin.

His adventurous travel to Berlin, experiences in supermarkets or on the street (the aggressive Berlin cyclists were probably never described more up-to-the-point), examples for the mentality of the Berliners, visits of classmates of the kids at home, the very different concept of the word "tomorrow" in Brazil and Germany, the phenomenon that he met a lot of Berliners but no Germans at all, the naked people in Halensee (Freikörperkultur or short FKK is a very serious German movement, and indeed there is probably no other country with fewer legal restrictions of public nudity than Germany), or the unexplicable habit of many Berliners to go to public readings - voluntarily! - all this and a few other experiences are subject of Ubaldo Ribeiro's causeries.

Although all his texts breathe humor and mild (self-)irony, the author has also a sensorium for the more serious effects of re-unification: since he knows the city from visits before the re-unification, he feels a certain difference in the attitude of people to visitors. Since Berlin was overwhelmed by visitors (and migrants) in the years after the changes, he feels that people are more stressed, less polite. Something seems to have changed...well, Berlin has never been a place of particular politeness, and typical Berliners are famous for their rough wit and no-bullshit attitude.

The book is a very fast read and a suitable preparation when you go to visit Berlin or plan to live there for a while. It was the first book I read by this author and it made me read his more serious works such as Sargento Getulio. The only downside of the book reviewed here: it is not translated in English.
Mytwostotinki | 1 altra recensione | Mar 19, 2016 |

The political changes in Europe 1989/90 affected probably no other city more than Berlin. The divided city was not only re-united but became once again a magnet for writers, artists, and all kind of creative people. With them came the hipsters, this sort of people that is so difficult to categorize and for whom Berlin seems to be the place for a never-ending party.

In literary terms, Berlin is - like any other bigger city - the scenery for many novels and stories; it also seems to be a good inspirational place for autobiographical books with sketches or travel notes. Cees Nooteboom's Berlin Notes or his Roads to Berlin are good examples, as well as Wladimir Kaminer's Russian Disco, a bestseller with cult status in Germany (more than 1.3 million sold copies).

When João Ubaldo Ribeiro, the most famous contemporary Brazilian novelist (I am talking about literature here, not drivel - which excludes Paulo Coelho of course), came to Berlin in the early 1990s with his family, he published during his one year as a guest of DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) and after his return to Brazil a number of newspaper columns about his life and experience in Berlin which were later collected under the title A Brazilian in Berlin.

His adventurous travel to Berlin, experiences in supermarkets or on the street (the aggressive Berlin cyclists were probably never described more up-to-the-point), examples for the mentality of the Berliners, visits of classmates of the kids at home, the very different concept of the word "tomorrow" in Brazil and Germany, the phenomenon that he met a lot of Berliners but no Germans at all, the naked people in Halensee (Freikörperkultur or short FKK is a very serious German movement, and indeed there is probably no other country with fewer legal restrictions of public nudity than Germany), or the unexplicable habit of many Berliners to go to public readings - voluntarily! - all this and a few other experiences are subject of Ubaldo Ribeiro's causeries.

Although all his texts breathe humor and mild (self-)irony, the author has also a sensorium for the more serious effects of re-unification: since he knows the city from visits before the re-unification, he feels a certain difference in the attitude of people to visitors. Since Berlin was overwhelmed by visitors (and migrants) in the years after the changes, he feels that people are more stressed, less polite. Something seems to have changed...well, Berlin has never been a place of particular politeness, and typical Berliners are famous for their rough wit and no-bullshit attitude.

The book is a very fast read and a suitable preparation when you go to visit Berlin or plan to live there for a while. It was the first book I read by this author and it made me read his more serious works such as Sargento Getulio. The only downside of the book reviewed here: it is not translated in English.
Mytwostotinki | 1 altra recensione | Dec 14, 2015 |
Ribeiro erzählt in diesem Buch anhand von miteinander verwobener Episoden und Familiengeschichten die Geschichte des modernen Brasiliens von den ersten Kolonisationsversuchen durch die Niederländer im 17. Jahrhundert bis zur Militärdiktatur und Demokratisierung im letzten Viertel des 20. Jahrhunderts.

Der vielschichtige Roman ist voll von sozialen Ungleichheiten, Korruption, Grausamkeiten und Kriegen aber auch voll subtilem Witz, Regionalkolorit und Lebensfreude. Er bildet ein buntes und vielfältiges Kaleidoskop des brasilianischen Lebens angereichert mit surrealen Elementen des magischen Realismus.

Leicht zu lesen ist das über 700 Seiten starke Werk aber nicht immer: Ribeiro ordnet die einzelnen Kapitel voll historischer Episoden nicht immer chronologisch an, die Vernetzung der Geschichte offenbart sich dem Leser erst allmählich. Auch Ribeiros Stil mit endlos langen Sätzen ist gewöhnungsbedürftig. Hinzu kommt die Vielzahl an brasilianischen Ausdrücken und Namen, die den Leser verwirren und eine hohe Aufmerksamkeit erfordern.
schmechi | 1 altra recensione | Mar 31, 2015 |
Een Braziliaanse vrouw in de herfst van haar leven, blikt vrijmoedig terug op een seksueel actief bestaan. Het mondelinge verslag van haar avonturen laat zij uittypen en bezorgen door João Ubaldo Ribeiro, die het integrale verhaal van haar opwindende leven ongewijzigde onder zijn naam heeft gepubliceerd. 'Het huis van de gelukkige boeddha's' is het openhartige relaas van een libertijnse vrouw, van de eerste opwindende ontdekking van orale seks tot en met het genoegen dat zij als oudere vrouw beleeft aan het inwijden van jonge mannen in de kunst van de erotiek.Ongehinderd door morele belemmeringen leeft zij zich volledig uit in alle mogelijke vormen van lichamelijk genot. Ze doet het met mannen en vrouwen, ze geniet schaamteloos van incest, ze praktiseert groepsseksm partnerruil en cyberseks.'Het huis van de gelukkige boeddha's' is een ode aan seks en erotiek en een pleidooi voor seksuele vrijheid. Nu eens uitbundig en hilarisch, dan weer betogend en badinerend, soms ingetogen en ontroerend, maar altijs even sprankelend en meesterlijk opgetekend.
gormel | 3 altre recensioni | Feb 27, 2011 |
Um exercício literário sobre a pornografia...
Um livro escrito por um dos grandes senhores das letras brasileiras.
Para ler especialmente a sós!
Fokas | 3 altre recensioni | Jan 18, 2008 |
Em Viva o povo brasileiro, João Ubaldo Ribeiro, além de uma reconstituição histórica admirável, recorre à literatura fantástica, ao naturalismo e ao realismo para recontar pouco mais de três séculos de uma anti-História do Brasil.
1 vota
patf4444 | 1 altra recensione | Jul 31, 2007 |
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