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Alexia PurdyRecensioni

Autore di Ever Shade

63+ opere 1,094 membri 51 recensioni 1 preferito


{my thoughts} – This book was a beautifully written in so many different ways. In this book we got to learn more about all four of the Ancients and a handful of their ancestors. We also got to learn that even though some individuals appear to be very evil inside that in the end it is possible for them to become good.

Jade and Dylan are stronger then ever in this book. Her siblings have mostly grown up and evolved well in the Land of Fairie. Things have changed for the entire family, but for the most part it has been all good things. She has her siblings and her two best friends Brisa and Soap. She also has Lana her Grandmother still helping to guide her deep within her thoughts. She makes a few new pals in this book and of course some more enemies but in the end it all works out magnificently. A little heads up – The Epilogue is emotionally well written!

There are so many things I want to say about this book, but I don’t want to ruin it for others. So, I am going to say you need to get the book or the whole series if you haven’t read any. They are worth the read. You can trust me! I am anxious for Miss Purdy to start releasing the spin-off series mentioned at the back of this book!
Zapkode | 1 altra recensione | Jun 1, 2024 |
Evangeline Bk 0.5 – This book is about two sisters Evangeline and Jade. They are both fire elemental witches. Evangeline however is part Faerie and her sister Jade is human. This causes some troubles for the girls when their mother passes away and they are left to co-depend on one another. Evangeline {Evie} has bad headaches that her sister Jade helps her to deal with but they both understand the only true way to make them go away is for her to go into the Faerie woods. Eventually she gives in and they go. At this point they both meet a Faerie guy in which they become involved with, however the one Jade meets has an odd belief in what a relationship truly means. If you want to know what happens to Jade and Evie you will need to read this short book. It is well written, it is engaging and it leaves you with a few questions.

Ever Shade bk 1 – Shade is one interesting character. I mean that in many ways. She is so obnoxious and helpless when this book begins. Her attitude in a whole irritated me. She had this woe is me, I don’t know what to do, I am lost, I am confused – the world is against me perspective.

When the book begins she is walking home from school. She hears voices in her head that tell her she needs to go some place. She listens and she meets this guy named Jack. She sees many strange things that leave her rather frightened. She then decides that she will follow Jack back to his home in order to try and retrieve some answers in regards to her hearing voices and what she had seen him doing.

When she gets there she is told that she is a faerie and that she is the only person that can prevent a war from taking place. She then goes on this journey to obtain some special water in order to stop the war from happening. She learns so much about herself and her family on this journey. She feels like she has been incredibly betrayed because they person she knew as her father wasn’t her father. She learned she is from a whole new world that she didn’t know existed and that she has dominant powers within her just waiting to be trained.

Throughout the journey she discovers herself. She becomes much more likable and she accepts her roll in the new world. She sort of has a coming of age journey I would call it. She changes her entire perspective on life, on who she is and how she views those around her. It’s all different to her and scary but she learns to embrace it as opposed to being afraid of it. There are little clues throughout the book that help you to better understand her and who she is, but not enough to give you the full picture. This is a definite must read for anyone that enjoys faeries and other paranormal beings. I look forward to reading the next book in the series.

Ever Fire bk 2 – This book picks up right where the last one has left off. Shade has finished her journey and she is back home. She is summoned to go on a trip to talk to a Prince. She discovers that the Prince is the same one that had helped save her life when she had fallen off course on her previous journey. Her and Dylan are still blood bound, however they are able to be apart despite how much it makes them both ache inside to know that they are not with one another. Shade continues going to and from Faerie as she pleases while her mother and siblings appear to be oblivious to her actions.

Soon we find out that she isn’t the only powerful one in her family and a lot of unanswered questions are answered. We find out where she really comes from: who her father was, what his powers were and who his mother was. We find out many other things as well. We find out just hoe strong and ambitious Shade can be as well, there is much I want to say but won’t because I do not like spoilers, however, read the book your missing out on a lot if you don’t.

This book was a wonderful read. It flowed nicely with the previous two and kept right on track. I am enjoying seeing how everything is tied together. Everything and Everyone. It’s amazing what wonderful pictures authors are able to paint in your mind with just their words. Simply amazing.

If you want to know more about Shade, Jade and her Siblings, this book is definitely for you.

Ever Winter bk 3 – I enjoyed this book. It was a bit of a change to the all fascinating realm of Faerie. Shade and her family have grown stronger. Her mother knows who she is for certain. Things appear to be going well and in Shade’s favor. In the last book Shade had been kidnapped by the UnSeelie Queen Aveta. She wanted to use Shade’s water powers to help fight the war and well win the war in the name of evil. Shade wouldn’t agree and she was dealt much pain and injury through the process. The Queen’s first Lieutenant, Corb was the one that had been healing her. Some how he had managed to bind her magic to him within the time she was there while he had been healing her. She remembered the feeling of knowing that he had to be one of the oldest Faerie that she had ever encountered and she was right. He was one of the For Ancients meant to rule the world of Faerie.

This book starts with her making a journey to find him. She obviously wants her magic back and will stop at nothing to try and get it. She goes through a lot of trial and error throughout this book, but she is stronger then she appears. The more trouble she finds herself in the stronger she seems to become in the end. She is after all said to be a very powerful Faerie.

This book ends with her trying to regain her rightful position is the Queen of the Scren Seelie Court. You’ll have to read the book to find out all the left out spoilers. What I can say though is I am still in love with how all the characters are tied together. You learn more about the Prince, Brisa, Soup, Corb and Dylan then you would imagine in this book. It is truly amazing and wonderful to read. I look forward to reading the next book in the series.

The Cursed bk 3.5 – This book is about the back history that isn’t quite explained within the actual books in regards to the Seelie King and Quens. It is primarily focused on the UnSeelie King and what happened to him, why he was in such a deep slumber, and why everyone is looking for the Summer Seelie Queen. It is a short little book/story that helps to answer some of the questions in regards to who these characters are and what their importance is in the Land of Faerie. It is a nice quick read that can only benefit the reader with more information leaving them with a better understanding of the storyline.
Zapkode | 1 altra recensione | Jun 1, 2024 |
{my thoughts} – This book is about the back history that isn’t quite explained within the actual books in regards to the Seelie King and Quens. It is primarily focused on the UnSeelie King and what happened to him, why he was in such a deep slumber, and why everyone is looking for the Summer Seelie Queen. It is a short little book/story that helps to answer some of the questions in regards to who these characters are and what their importance is in the Land of Faerie. It is a nice quick read that can only benefit the reader with more information leaving them with a better understanding of the storyline.
Zapkode | 2 altre recensioni | Jun 1, 2024 |
{my thoughts} – I enjoyed this book. It was a bit of a change to the all fascinating realm of Faerie. Shade and her family have grown stronger. Her mother knows who she is for certain. Things appear to be going well and in Shade’s favor. In the last book Shade had been kidnapped by the UnSeelie Queen Aveta. She wanted to use Shade’s water powers to help fight the war and well win the war in the name of evil. Shade wouldn’t agree and she was dealt much pain and injury through the process. The Queen’s first Lieutenant, Corb was the one that had been healing her. Some how he had managed to bind her magic to him within the time she was there while he had been healing her. She remembered the feeling of knowing that he had to be one of the oldest Faerie that she had ever encountered and she was right. He was one of the For Ancients meant to rule the world of Faerie.

This book starts with her making a journey to find him. She obviously wants her magic back and will stop at nothing to try and get it. She goes through a lot of trial and error throughout this book, but she is stronger then she appears. The more trouble she finds herself in the stronger she seems to become in the end. She is after all said to be a very powerful Faerie.

This book ends with her trying to regain her rightful position is the Queen of the Scren Seelie Court. You’ll have to read the book to find out all the left out spoilers. What I can say though is I am still in love with how all the characters are tied together. You learn more about the Prince, Brisa, Soup, Corb and Dylan then you would imagine in this book. It is truly amazing and wonderful to read. I look forward to reading the next book in the series.
Zapkode | 2 altre recensioni | Jun 1, 2024 |
{my thoughts} – This book is about two sisters Evangeline and Jade. They are both fire elemental witches. Evangeline however is part Faerie and her sister Jade is human. This causes some troubles for the girls when their mother passes away and they are left to co-depend on one another. Evangeline {Evie} has bad headaches that her sister Jade helps her to deal with but they both understand the only true way to make them go away is for her to go into the Faerie woods. Eventually she gives in and they go. At this point they both meet a Faerie guy in which they become involved with, however the one Jade meets has an odd belief in what a relationship truly means. If you want to know what happens to Jade and Evie you will need to read this short book. It is well written, it is engaging and it leaves you with a few questions.

{reason for reading} - There are three reasons for reading this book. The author had given me a copy in return for a review, I received a copy through netgalley in return for a review and I had downloaded it for free through amazon.
Zapkode | 6 altre recensioni | Jun 1, 2024 |
{my thoughts} – This book picks up right where the last one has left off. Shade has finished her journey and she is back home. She is summoned to go on a trip to talk to a Prince. She discovers that the Prince is the same one that had helped save her life when she had fallen off course on her previous journey. Her and Dylan are still blood bound, however they are able to be apart despite how much it makes them both ache inside to know that they are not with one another. Shade continues going to and from Faerie as she pleases while her mother and siblings appear to be oblivious to her actions.

Soon we find out that she isn’t the only powerful one in her family and a lot of unanswered questions are answered. We find out where she really comes from: who her father was, what his powers were and who his mother was. We find out many other things as well. We find out just hoe strong and ambitious Shade can be as well, there is much I want to say but won’t because I do not like spoilers, however, read the book your missing out on a lot if you don’t.

This book was a wonderful read. It flowed nicely with the previous two and kept right on track. I am enjoying seeing how everything is tied together. Everything and Everyone. It’s amazing what wonderful pictures authors are able to paint in your mind with just their words. Simply amazing.

If you want to know more about Shade, Jade and her Siblings, this book is definitely for you.
Zapkode | 2 altre recensioni | Jun 1, 2024 |
{my thoughts} – Shade is one interesting character. I mean that in many ways. She is so obnoxious and helpless when this book begins. Her attitude in a whole irritated me. She had this woe is me, I don’t know what to do, I am lost, I am confused – the world is against me perspective.

When the book begins she is walking home from school. She hears voices in her head that tell her she needs to go some place. She listens and she meets this guy named Jack. She sees many strange things that leave her rather frightened. She then decides that she will follow Jack back to his home in order to try and retrieve some answers in regards to her hearing voices and what she had seen him doing.

When she gets there she is told that she is a faerie and that she is the only person that can prevent a war from taking place. She then goes on this journey to obtain some special water in order to stop the war from happening. She learns so much about herself and her family on this journey. She feels like she has been incredibly betrayed because they person she knew as her father wasn’t her father. She learned she is from a whole new world that she didn’t know existed and that she has dominant powers within her just waiting to be trained.

Throughout the journey she discovers herself. She becomes much more likable and she accepts her roll in the new world. She sort of has a coming of age journey I would call it. She changes her entire perspective on life, on who she is and how she views those around her. It’s all different to her and scary but she learns to embrace it as opposed to being afraid of it. There are little clues throughout the book that help you to better understand her and who she is, but not enough to give you the full picture. This is a definite must read for anyone that enjoys faeries and other paranormal beings. I look forward to reading the next book in the series.
Zapkode | 13 altre recensioni | Jun 1, 2024 |
{my thoughts} – This book was a beautifully written in so many different ways. In this book we got to learn more about all four of the Ancients and a handful of their ancestors. We also got to learn that even though some individuals appear to be very evil inside that in the end it is possible for them to become good.

Jade and Dylan are stronger then ever in this book. Her siblings have mostly grown up and evolved well in the Land of Fairie. Things have changed for the entire family, but for the most part it has been all good things. She has her siblings and her two best friends Brisa and Soap. She also has Lana her Grandmother still helping to guide her deep within her thoughts. She makes a few new pals in this book and of course some more enemies but in the end it all works out magnificently. A little heads up – The Epilogue is emotionally well written!

There are so many things I want to say about this book, but I don’t want to ruin it for others. So, I am going to say you need to get the book or the whole series if you haven’t read any. They are worth the read. You can trust me! I am anxious for Miss Purdy to start releasing the spin-off series mentioned at the back of this book!
CrimsonSoul | 1 altra recensione | Jun 1, 2024 |
Evangeline Bk 0.5 – This book is about two sisters Evangeline and Jade. They are both fire elemental witches. Evangeline however is part Faerie and her sister Jade is human. This causes some troubles for the girls when their mother passes away and they are left to co-depend on one another. Evangeline {Evie} has bad headaches that her sister Jade helps her to deal with but they both understand the only true way to make them go away is for her to go into the Faerie woods. Eventually she gives in and they go. At this point they both meet a Faerie guy in which they become involved with, however the one Jade meets has an odd belief in what a relationship truly means. If you want to know what happens to Jade and Evie you will need to read this short book. It is well written, it is engaging and it leaves you with a few questions.

Ever Shade bk 1 – Shade is one interesting character. I mean that in many ways. She is so obnoxious and helpless when this book begins. Her attitude in a whole irritated me. She had this woe is me, I don’t know what to do, I am lost, I am confused – the world is against me perspective.

When the book begins she is walking home from school. She hears voices in her head that tell her she needs to go some place. She listens and she meets this guy named Jack. She sees many strange things that leave her rather frightened. She then decides that she will follow Jack back to his home in order to try and retrieve some answers in regards to her hearing voices and what she had seen him doing.

When she gets there she is told that she is a faerie and that she is the only person that can prevent a war from taking place. She then goes on this journey to obtain some special water in order to stop the war from happening. She learns so much about herself and her family on this journey. She feels like she has been incredibly betrayed because they person she knew as her father wasn’t her father. She learned she is from a whole new world that she didn’t know existed and that she has dominant powers within her just waiting to be trained.

Throughout the journey she discovers herself. She becomes much more likable and she accepts her roll in the new world. She sort of has a coming of age journey I would call it. She changes her entire perspective on life, on who she is and how she views those around her. It’s all different to her and scary but she learns to embrace it as opposed to being afraid of it. There are little clues throughout the book that help you to better understand her and who she is, but not enough to give you the full picture. This is a definite must read for anyone that enjoys faeries and other paranormal beings. I look forward to reading the next book in the series.

Ever Fire bk 2 – This book picks up right where the last one has left off. Shade has finished her journey and she is back home. She is summoned to go on a trip to talk to a Prince. She discovers that the Prince is the same one that had helped save her life when she had fallen off course on her previous journey. Her and Dylan are still blood bound, however they are able to be apart despite how much it makes them both ache inside to know that they are not with one another. Shade continues going to and from Faerie as she pleases while her mother and siblings appear to be oblivious to her actions.

Soon we find out that she isn’t the only powerful one in her family and a lot of unanswered questions are answered. We find out where she really comes from: who her father was, what his powers were and who his mother was. We find out many other things as well. We find out just hoe strong and ambitious Shade can be as well, there is much I want to say but won’t because I do not like spoilers, however, read the book your missing out on a lot if you don’t.

This book was a wonderful read. It flowed nicely with the previous two and kept right on track. I am enjoying seeing how everything is tied together. Everything and Everyone. It’s amazing what wonderful pictures authors are able to paint in your mind with just their words. Simply amazing.

If you want to know more about Shade, Jade and her Siblings, this book is definitely for you.

Ever Winter bk 3 – I enjoyed this book. It was a bit of a change to the all fascinating realm of Faerie. Shade and her family have grown stronger. Her mother knows who she is for certain. Things appear to be going well and in Shade’s favor. In the last book Shade had been kidnapped by the UnSeelie Queen Aveta. She wanted to use Shade’s water powers to help fight the war and well win the war in the name of evil. Shade wouldn’t agree and she was dealt much pain and injury through the process. The Queen’s first Lieutenant, Corb was the one that had been healing her. Some how he had managed to bind her magic to him within the time she was there while he had been healing her. She remembered the feeling of knowing that he had to be one of the oldest Faerie that she had ever encountered and she was right. He was one of the For Ancients meant to rule the world of Faerie.

This book starts with her making a journey to find him. She obviously wants her magic back and will stop at nothing to try and get it. She goes through a lot of trial and error throughout this book, but she is stronger then she appears. The more trouble she finds herself in the stronger she seems to become in the end. She is after all said to be a very powerful Faerie.

This book ends with her trying to regain her rightful position is the Queen of the Scren Seelie Court. You’ll have to read the book to find out all the left out spoilers. What I can say though is I am still in love with how all the characters are tied together. You learn more about the Prince, Brisa, Soup, Corb and Dylan then you would imagine in this book. It is truly amazing and wonderful to read. I look forward to reading the next book in the series.

The Cursed bk 3.5 – This book is about the back history that isn’t quite explained within the actual books in regards to the Seelie King and Quens. It is primarily focused on the UnSeelie King and what happened to him, why he was in such a deep slumber, and why everyone is looking for the Summer Seelie Queen. It is a short little book/story that helps to answer some of the questions in regards to who these characters are and what their importance is in the Land of Faerie. It is a nice quick read that can only benefit the reader with more information leaving them with a better understanding of the storyline.
CrimsonSoul | 1 altra recensione | Jun 1, 2024 |
{my thoughts} – This book is about the back history that isn’t quite explained within the actual books in regards to the Seelie King and Quens. It is primarily focused on the UnSeelie King and what happened to him, why he was in such a deep slumber, and why everyone is looking for the Summer Seelie Queen. It is a short little book/story that helps to answer some of the questions in regards to who these characters are and what their importance is in the Land of Faerie. It is a nice quick read that can only benefit the reader with more information leaving them with a better understanding of the storyline.
CrimsonSoul | 2 altre recensioni | Jun 1, 2024 |
{my thoughts} – I enjoyed this book. It was a bit of a change to the all fascinating realm of Faerie. Shade and her family have grown stronger. Her mother knows who she is for certain. Things appear to be going well and in Shade’s favor. In the last book Shade had been kidnapped by the UnSeelie Queen Aveta. She wanted to use Shade’s water powers to help fight the war and well win the war in the name of evil. Shade wouldn’t agree and she was dealt much pain and injury through the process. The Queen’s first Lieutenant, Corb was the one that had been healing her. Some how he had managed to bind her magic to him within the time she was there while he had been healing her. She remembered the feeling of knowing that he had to be one of the oldest Faerie that she had ever encountered and she was right. He was one of the For Ancients meant to rule the world of Faerie.

This book starts with her making a journey to find him. She obviously wants her magic back and will stop at nothing to try and get it. She goes through a lot of trial and error throughout this book, but she is stronger then she appears. The more trouble she finds herself in the stronger she seems to become in the end. She is after all said to be a very powerful Faerie.

This book ends with her trying to regain her rightful position is the Queen of the Scren Seelie Court. You’ll have to read the book to find out all the left out spoilers. What I can say though is I am still in love with how all the characters are tied together. You learn more about the Prince, Brisa, Soup, Corb and Dylan then you would imagine in this book. It is truly amazing and wonderful to read. I look forward to reading the next book in the series.
CrimsonSoul | 2 altre recensioni | Jun 1, 2024 |
{my thoughts} – This book is about two sisters Evangeline and Jade. They are both fire elemental witches. Evangeline however is part Faerie and her sister Jade is human. This causes some troubles for the girls when their mother passes away and they are left to co-depend on one another. Evangeline {Evie} has bad headaches that her sister Jade helps her to deal with but they both understand the only true way to make them go away is for her to go into the Faerie woods. Eventually she gives in and they go. At this point they both meet a Faerie guy in which they become involved with, however the one Jade meets has an odd belief in what a relationship truly means. If you want to know what happens to Jade and Evie you will need to read this short book. It is well written, it is engaging and it leaves you with a few questions.

{reason for reading} - There are three reasons for reading this book. The author had given me a copy in return for a review, I received a copy through netgalley in return for a review and I had downloaded it for free through amazon.
CrimsonSoul | 6 altre recensioni | Jun 1, 2024 |
Originally, I was attracted to this series because of the modern fantasy setting and the inclusion of Faerie. I've not really enjoyed the series, and will not be reading the rest. The writing is awkward enough to make me grit my teeth, and the plot is thin. The characters are pretty shallow and some are terribly naive.

Some of the character interaction seems forced and / or stupid. For instance, there is the overly drawn out love triangle, or Soap's too convenient rebound / consolation prize relationship. I don't even like Shade, the main character. She's selfish, impatient and whiny.

This book (and series) reads more like a first draft from a relatively new author that hasn't been through proper editing which would have smoothed out issues with characters, plot and pacing. There are even plain grammatical errors that should have never made it to final publication. I hope the author learns from experience and finds a better editor.
TraceyC77 | 2 altre recensioni | Oct 29, 2023 |
Great Boxed Set

Each of the 15 books included here a great books in and of themselves. All 15 books go together great.
Diamond71Sapphire | Aug 12, 2022 |
Very fun read! Kindle version needs a tighter copy edit, though.
cmcall | 5 altre recensioni | Jun 21, 2022 |
The first 50% of this book was great, it was bleak and compelling but as soon as the heroine meets a boy, she becomes a simpering, teenage ninny. Unfortunately a DNF for me.
yas4735 | 5 altre recensioni | May 1, 2018 |
I have mixed feelings. I want to like it. I like the idea of this story, but everything is so goddamn convenient. A magic back pack, a magic canteen, a magic bathroom, a magic rock, magic spells and potions for everything. Shade doesn't have to work for a single thing. It's all just handed to her. There's no hardship, no treacherous journey. It's really just a walk through the park with some friends.

The love interest is obvious. The dialogue is unrealistic. There are too many characters too follow too soon. No one has any good development. And Shade is a dumbass. Seriously.


Gah. I just want it to be a nice adventure story with magic and monsters and a cute boy. It's not that hard.
1 vota
Shahnareads | 13 altre recensioni | Jun 21, 2017 |
Cranston! NOOOOOO!!!

What happened!? gah.

I better be able to find out. gosh darn it.
Shahnareads | Jun 21, 2017 |
Wish there was more background on the relationships. Seemed cut short. It was probably interesting. Not bad, just want it a little bit longer. I was just getting into it and then, it just ended. Poop
Shahnareads | 6 altre recensioni | Jun 21, 2017 |
The description of an enlarged mass of earth is enlightening, Shade kissed that wooden prince, for him to return means that she is a queen by birthright. She seems very gullible to me though, everyone has his or her characteristics.
Rikudouensof | 13 altre recensioni | May 23, 2017 |
Once again I am in the minority because I could not get into this book. I felt like the main character was whiny and annoying and therefore ruined the entire story. I liked what it could have been but only because I can guess how great it would have been if I would not have wanted to fight with the main character for the entire book. She was awfully annoying and therefore ruined it for me. ... I think there was a good story in there somewhere but I could never get past my annoyance with the main character to find it.
1 vota
Angel.Carter | 13 altre recensioni | Aug 11, 2016 |

Read all my reviews on

I received a free copy via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review...

It's said to be 'a dark faerie tale'. All my book-encounters with faeries have been quite grim though. Does this book has something extra that can make this 'extra' dark?

Shade witnesses a fight between two faeries after the voices in her head lead her to an abandoned warehouse on her way from school. She joins one the faeries as he shows her his powers and tells her they might have a solution or at least an explanation for her problem back at his place. Straight after hearing she isn't crazy, but in fact half-faery, they ask her to take part in a very dangerous journey to retrieve some very special water they'll need to win the war against some very evil faeries.

Overall, this was a very enjoyable read. I was immediately sucked into the story, and it was hard to stop reading. I don't really know a lot about faeries, so I just sat back and enjoyed it. The writing was quite nice too, and easy to read. The story moves very fast, especially when you keep in mind it all happens in just over 200 pages. This means that there aren't really that many details, and sometimes I'd liked to see a bit more character development and interactions between different characters. Shade talks to most of the group members only once of twice and too short for us to get a real sense of their relationships. Shade is supposed to get magical training during their trip (I always enjoy such scenes) but this is somehow forgotten a bit during the story. I'd liked to see more of that.

Shade, being the main character, being a 17 year old girl, has many of the symptoms of a classic YA heroine. Not extremely pretty or popular, she's learned to take of herself (as her mother is a single mom with four children). She's not quite the outdoorsy type, as the book tells us multiple times. But why was it necessary that her father learned her basic survival skills, as she wasn't the 'outdoorsy' type and they only went camping within reach of a bathroom and car?

My biggest problem though was the enormous power the magic has in this book. It literally solves every problem in the book! A few things, I wouldn't have mind, even though I sometimes think it's an easy plot device. But the things that were solved went almost ridiculous, as there are spells/charms to 'keep you dry when walking through a river', 'auto-refill your water bottles', and when they make camp (near that same river) they brought toilets and showers. That doesn't really sound like a real quest! (Okay, I admit I would like to have the Hermione-style bag).

It's a nice and quick read if you don't bother too much about magic solving the characters' problems. I'm certainly curious enough to read the other books in this series, if I can find the time to do so.
Floratina | 13 altre recensioni | May 26, 2016 |
2.5 Stars

Read all my reviews on

I read the first book in this series last year, my first book from Netgalley (oh, the memories). However, I have since collected this prequel as well as the second book from Amazon/Smashwords and was planning on reading them for some time. Starting with Evangeline.

It's a very short story in which there isn't too much to be told. It's hard to really rate a short story without putting it in the bigger picture. However, I thought it was quite a nice introduction but for one thing: there was so much emphasis on the fact that she was different that it really annoyed me. Even though the story was very short.

I'm still planning to read the second book, Ever Fire some time soon.

Evangeline is a short prequel story to the Dark Faerie Tale series. The other books in this series are Ever Shade, Ever Fire, Ever Winter, The Cursed, Ever Wrath, History of Fire, Ever Dead and Legends of Fire.
Floratina | 6 altre recensioni | May 26, 2016 |
Ever Shade (A Dark Faerie Tale, #1) by Alexia Purdy

Shade is not the ordinary teen. One day she meets a young man who happens to be Teleen Faery Warrior. She is taken to a magical land, where she learns she has special powers. Together with her new friends, they are on a mission for the good Seelie Fairie Court.

They (Shade and friends) encounter many battles along the way. One being the Evil Unseelie Queen, who will stop at nothing to get her way. But Shade is not ready to give in, as she discovers who she really is and what she is capable of doing.

A fantastic fantasy story. I love anything Fairie, the story line is original and I really liked Shade. The story is fast paced, easy to follow and an overall fun read. I recommend Ever Shade to Y/A as well as Adult readers who love a great fantasy story.
SheriAWilkinson | 13 altre recensioni | Mar 11, 2016 |
Evangeline (A Dark Faerie Tale, #0.5) BY Alexia Purdy

This is a short story and the prequel to Ever Shade. We learn what happened to Evangeline and her sister Jade. We are introduced to the magical land of Fairie.

A nice short story , with a good introduction to the Dark Faerie Series.
I really enjoyed it, and feel that fantasy lovers will enjoy Evangelineas well. I look forward to reading Ever Shade also by Alexia Purdy.
SheriAWilkinson | 6 altre recensioni | Mar 11, 2016 |