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Each of us is called to discover our own unique way to grow in holiness whether it be as a parent, spouse, babysitter, beautician, bartender, or business person. And no matter the occupation or role we play in life, there are ten characteristics that should shine in the life of every Christian disciple. These are what Fr. Albert Haase calls “The BE Attitudes”.
OwensboroDioMedia | Sep 26, 2019 |
Ask most Christians what the word "stewardship" means to them, and you will most likely get answers that center around giving money to the church. But in reality, money is just one of the gifts God has given us to use to His glory. James 1:17 says, "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights." Faithful and Wise looks at how we can expand our giving into every facet of our lives: our possessions, our time, our talents and skills, our physical environment, our spiritual environment, our money.

When we serve God with all the gifts He has given us, the blessings to ourselves and others will be multiplied far beyond what we can imagine.
StFrancisofAssisi | 2 altre recensioni | May 3, 2019 |
Tony Jones portrays the community of the Didache as "trying to figure it out." Tony seems to have lost sight of Tradition. The community of the Didache did not spring up out of no where. It was certainly started by people who had some connection with the Apostles, and, in fact, was probably founded by the Apostles themselves. This community wasn't trying to "figure it out" as if they didn't have the basics. The things stated in this document were not pulled out of a hat. Rather they were teachings the community had received within the stream of the Apostolic Tradition. Certainly, traveling prophets spoke and helped them understand more, at times, the Tradition they had already received. The were not creating the substance of the Tradition, however, which is Jesus Christ working in the Church through the Holy Spirit.

Tony also seems to be unaware of the Orthodox practice of fasting before reception of the Holy Mysteries, such as Baptism and Holy Communion.

The discussion group Tony leads seems to think that if the Didache doesn't mention a particular phrase such as "the Blood of Christ," then it must have been unaware of any teaching about the Blood of Christ. Such an assumption is unfounded and is a largely useless argument from silence.

On the distinction between bishops and presbyters, read the following article in OrthodoxWiki:½
sagocreno | 2 altre recensioni | Sep 22, 2018 |
In this powerful new DVD presentation, Father Thomas Scirghi introduces parents, godparents, and those involved in RCIA to the Sacrament of Baptism and its role in the church today. He answers coming questions:
- Why do we baptize?
- Why did John the Baptist baptize Jesus?
- When did the Church begin baptizing infants?
- What’s the role of a godparent?
- How is ritual important?

Authoritative, lively, and full of video examples of baptisms and insights form lay Catholics, Fr. Scirghi then walks through the “Five parts of the ritual of Baptism,: one-by-one, in detail, explaining wheat each step means. he answers tough questions that Catholics have today about this Sacrament, explains what it means to “remember” our Baptism, and how, as Catholics, our Baptism carries us through until our death. (64 minutes)
OwensboroDioMedia | Mar 29, 2018 |
Introduce your kids, your classroom to the sacrament of Baptism with this lively new video presentation. Each segment includes explanations from Father Ken, interviews with kids, on-screen storyboard Bible teaching, images from around the world, and “on the road” field trips to explore in depth where certain things come from, like Baptism’s water. Your class will enjoy paying attention to this way of instruction! 11 minutes
OwensboroDioMedia | Mar 29, 2018 |
I have been known to steal crayons from my kids when we go out to eat so I could draw and color too, but I don't totally get the adult coloring craze. If I am going to sit down with a crayon in hand, I want to create something new—sketching, drawing, creating. I don't want to color inside the lines, or outside. In my world, there are no lines.

But Words of Healing: A Coloring Book to Comfort and Inspire is a fantastic coloring book. Like other Paraclete Press coloring books, the right-hand page has a pattern and design with a Capital letter, the left-hand page has a word that begins with that letter, and a Bible verse. So on one page, you read the word Deliver with Psalm 91:14, "Those who love me, I will deliver; I will protect those who know my name," on the corresponding page, is a calligraphic "D" with a leafy pattern behind it. Coloring the letter provides space to meditate on the word and passage, and to pray. A full-color Lectio Divina.

This is great when you consider the coloring book's theme, healing. The words and verses speak of God's kindness, healing, renewal, hope, light, freedom, grace, good news and more. In the Christian sense, healing means being made whole. It is always God's work.

When we are in need of healing—when we are broken or wounded, in pain or suffering from a chronic illness—we do not have the mental space for study, hard work or creative endeavor. Spiritual practices that are too demanding will not be helpful because we do not have the mental capacity for them. Coloring in a book like this is a way of quiet way of being in God's presence, to allow Him to work.

As someone who has been privileged to walk alongside people in pain, and provide pastoral care and home visits, I appreciate a resource like this. It provides people an easy way to connect with God when they don't have the psychological wherewithal for reading, theology or heroic spiritual disciplines. I may not be an avid colorer, but I can commend this book for the simple way it enables us to be available to God when we feel broken, tired, hurt and like we have nothing left to give. This is the sort of resource that is nice to hand off to someone who is going through hard times. I give it five stars.

Note: I received this book from Paraclete Press in exchange for my honest review.
Jamichuk | May 22, 2017 |
The Paraclete Book of Hospitality is a small but thoughtful volume which treats this theme. If you want to learn about hospitality as a Christian practice, one of the best place to start is the Benedictines. Paraclete Press, a Benedictine publishing house staffed by the membership of an ecumenical Christian community, The Community of Jesus, has produced a short book to help people explore hospitality and ‘deepen their lives with Christ.’ Drawn from their experience as a community in offering hospitality, the wisdom of the Rule, and generously peppered with quotations of Paraclete’s many fine books which treat the theme, this book inspires and gives practical advice about how to live more welcoming lives.

There are stories here about how the simple act of welcoming, or offering something special touched someone’s heart in a special way. there are also ideas, and practical advice about incorporating the rhythms of hospitality in your daily life. There is advice about meals, seasons, prayer for enemies and people we find difficult to welcome. The many quotations, scriptures and passages of the Rule of St. Benedict (and other communityrules) invite reflection on how we can incorporate hospitality into daily life.

My Hospitality Shero, Christine Pohl says of this book, “Grace-filled, wise, beautifully written and practical, this book welcomes readers into the life-giving practice of hospitality. It’s a treasure!” I couldn’t agree more and warmly commend this to any one who wants to discover (or rediscover) this practice. This book brought me back to my first encounter with this Christian practice and got me to reflect anew on the ways I can be more welcoming with those around me and the context I currently find myself in. We who are recipients of God’s hospitality in Christ Jesus need to grow in extending welcoming love for others. This book is helpful toward that end.

Thank you to Paraclete Press for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for this review.
Jamichuk | May 22, 2017 |
The most nerve-wracking time of the year with the hurlyburly, hustle & bustle of the holiday season. We are busied by shopping, baking, Christmas parties, concerts and events. Great stuff but we are a harried people. This Advent, Paraclete Press offers the Advent Coloring Calendar as a daily coloring book to 'bless and de-stress through the season.' The calendar is available à la carte or paired with music— with Beloved Carols or with Gregorian Chant.

There is a coloring sheet for each day of December leading up to Christmas and six coloring sheets for the Christmas season. Each daily design has a number for the corresponding day and a design. Paired with the coloring sheet is a verse or inspirational quote related to the season.

This is marketed as an adult coloring book and is a great way to slow yourself down to enter to the sacred season. On the other hand, the coloring sheets are not so ornate that children and youth can't enjoy them as well. I think it is a wonderful way for youth and children to engage in Advent together.

What about the music?

As I said, the book is available with one of two companion CDs, both performed by Gloriæ Dei Cantores under the direction of Elizabeth Patterson. The first option is called Keeping Christmas: Beloved Christmas Carols and the Christmas story. The second option, is entitled The Coming of Christ and contains performances of Gregorian chant and pipe organ works of composers Alexander Guilmant and Charles-Marie Widor.

Keeping Christmas (2010) is like listening in on a Lessons and Carols service. Gloriæ Dei Cantores performs carols and Christmas anthems. Interspersed are readings from Matthew's gospel. Many of these carols are familiar, old favorites, though a number are new to me. The Coming of Christ (2002), combines Gregorian chant and organ music. The familiarity of the first CD the English lyrics and the format of readings and songs makes it a more engaging presentation; however the Gregorian chant and organ is beautiful, especially as background music. The chants are in Latin (translated in the linear notes). Both CDs are meditative. If I had to choose between the two CDs, I think the Coming of Christ is pretty incredible.

If you are looking for something to do through December for Advent, this is a really fun option.

Note: I received a copy of the Advent Coloring Calendar and companion CDs in exchange for my honest review.
Jamichuk | May 22, 2017 |
This week I partook in a popular new trend: coloring for adults. I had seen this at art therapy displays at fairs, bookstores and big box stores–coloring books made for kid in you. So this week when I sat my eight-year-old and six-year-old daughters at the dining room table to work on their homework, I sat with them, a box of colored pencils and my brand new coloring book– Words of Faith, part of the Words of Faith: Color and Sound Set from Paraclete Press.

words-of-faith-color-and-sound-set-16The coloring book is comprised of hand-drawn designs created by the monastics of the Community of Jesus. The left-hand pages have a word with a Bible verse, the right-hand pages have a letter design corresponding to the word and passage. The large letters surrounded by ornate designs reminded me of illustrated medieval manuscripts.

Because it was the third week of Advent, I turned to ‘Joy,’ and began to color the letter “J” a cheerful yellow reserving my deep greens-and blues, my fiery orange and red for the ornate outer rim. As I colored I kept glancing back at the brief scripture, “May the God of hope fill you with joy and peace” Romans 15:13a. This is a passage I have reflected on some in my devotional reading for the week, so the coloring became a chance for me to meditatively enter a space of prayer. A colorful lectio Divina

But this is just one part of the Words of Faith: Color and Sound Set. Providing the soundtrack for my coloring session was a CD recording from Gloriæ Dei Cantores, His Love Endures Forever: Pslams of Thankfulness and Praise. Twenty psalms of praise were set to Anglican Chant and recorded at The Church of the Transfiguration in Orleans, MA under the direction of Elizabeth Patterson. Beautiful, meditative melodies certainly enhance the overall experience. The CD also has extensive linear notes so you could listen more actively (instead of using it as background music).

I really like both elements to the Color and Sound set. I have a ten-months-old who we lull to sleep with sacred song-Taize, hymns and psalms. The music is calming, the lyrics from psalms, and the arrangements beautiful. The coloring book is both fun and relaxing as well as meditative. When I tucked my six-year old in that evening, she said, “Daddy you are a good artist like me. I mean your coloring.” That adds to me delight. I give this a joyful five stars.

Note: I received this coloring book set from Paraclete Press in exchange for my honest review.
Jamichuk | May 22, 2017 |
Do you need a spiritual “tune-up? Ever wonder how some people become enthusiastic and on fire about their relationship with God? In this six-session video presentation, Father Albert Haase gives you the tools and kindling to prepare for the spark of God in your4 life—and then shows you how to fan it into flame until you are set ablaze. His teaching glows with time-tested wisdom as an experienced spiritual director shares the secrets of the saints. With supplemental reading suggestions and reflection questions, this eminently practical video functions like a personal, spiritual retreat.
There are six 30 minute segments on the DVD.
OwensboroDioMedia | Dec 16, 2016 |
In "Demystifying the Book of Revelation," Fr. William Burton, OFM, accomplishes a difficult task: unpacking the complex symbolism of apocalyptic literature – and the Book of Revelation in particular – in a manner consistent with Catholic tradition while combating distorted interpretations that have come to dominate modern Christianity in recent decades.

Through six video segments Fr. Burton carefully lays out the historical and literary background of the Book of Revelation. Significant time is spent discussing the genre of apocalyptic literature in Jewish tradition and making connections between the symbols employed by John of Patmos and the situation of the early Church under Roman rule.

Fr. Burton also spends an entire segment debunking the popular “rapture” theory popularized by fundamentalist Christians and the Left Behind series.

The lecture by Fr. Burton is punctuated with artwork and video illustrations which, while not rising to the quality of other Catholic video series on the market, nevertheless serve the purpose of the material.

The DVD comes packaged with a short discussion guide containing questions for small groups, making the videos easy to use in a parish formation or educational setting.

Recommended for all libraries.

N.B.: I received a free review copy of this DVD from the Catholic Library Association. This review was originally published in the September 2015 issue of Catholic Library World.½
sullijo | Jul 2, 2015 |
Join these two dynamic Christian teachers – a founder of the New Monastic movement and a professor of Christian spirituality – and your group will learn about five of the essential classic spiritual works of the Christian tradition. With Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove and Lauren Winner you will discover:
• The meaning of conversion and prayer from the Desert Fathers and Mothers.
• How to love from the sermons of St. John Chrysostom.
• St. Benedict's Rule of Life and how it became one of the foundations of Western Christian spirituality.
• How to have an intimate relationship with God according to The Cloud of Unknowing.
• What it means to "pick up your cross" in the Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis.
Discovering Christian Classics: 5 Sessions in the Ancient Faith of Our Future provides a five week study with Jonathan and Lauren that is excellent for any high school or adult formation process. In addition, this Discovering Christian Classics DVD includes a Leader's Guide that enables you to extend the length of the learning, creating a summer-long program, a ten week class, or whatever fits your needs. The Study Guide provides summaries for each session, discussion ideas, and group exercises that are designed to make this resource an essential part of Christian formation teaching and discovery in your congregation.
Includes a leader's Guide
Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove is a leader of the New Monasticism movement and the author of many books including The Wisdom of Stability: Rooting Faith in a Mobile Culture. Lauren F. Winner is the bestselling author of Mudhouse Sabbath and Girl Meets God, and is Assistant Professor of Christian Spirituality at Duke Divinity Sc

Running time: 92 min.
Questa recensione è stata segnalata da più utenti per violazione dei termini di servizio e non viene più visualizzata (mostra).
OwensboroDioMedia | Aug 21, 2015 |
A moving Christmas drama of forgiveness and reconciliation which unfolds in another stable in Bethlehem on that holy night.
Running time: 22 min., (J.H. - Adult)
Questa recensione è stata segnalata da più utenti per violazione dei termini di servizio e non viene più visualizzata (mostra).
OwensboroDioMedia | Jul 13, 2015 |
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