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I really enjoyed Bittersweet by Candice Poarch. This is one my favorite types of books Romance with a little mystery mixed it. Bittersweet is the first book I have read by Candice. I can tell from this book she is quickly going to be one of my favorite authors.

Desiree Prescott is a busy woman in New York with her carree & her husband to be, living what she thinks is the perfect life. Her whole life changes when she gets a phone call in the middle of the night. She soon finds herself raising 4 children with the help of the famous baseball player Gerard Kingsley from next door. Desiree is a woman that will not let these children down now that she is their main caretaker. Desiree got my full respect when she was willing to take on these kids she had never meet and love them like her own. She is not going to let anyone or anything hurt them.

Gerard Kingsley is a famous baseball player living the life he chose for himself. He thinks he is a disappointment to everyone in his life. When his best friend died suddenly he found himself in the role of male influence of 4 children. He will always be there for him but he's not ready for marriage. He doesn't want to settle down until he retires. Who could help but fall in love with Gerard he is a dreamboat and he's living right next door. Desiree and Gerard spend a lot of time together with the kids and sparks fly pretty quickly.

When strange things start happening and danger enters their lives they find themselves dealing with a woman that is unhinged. They have to pull together has a family to figure out what is going on & who is a danger to them.

This book is full of love, laughter, tears, and some drama mixed right in there.
MinDaf | Oct 25, 2012 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per gli Omaggi dei Membri di LibraryThing .
Deadly Intentions is part of a suspense series written by Candice Poarch. It's not hard-boiled, nitty-gritty mystery. Rather, I'd consider this to be in the "romantic suspense" genre. I found much of the suspense to be predictable, which left me slightly disappointed. However, Poarch's characters are well-developed and overall, likeable. I enjoyed the way in which she weaved both the history of the setting and the history of her characters' families together. While this was not a favorite, I would certainly read another Candice Poarch book.

Received this from the publisher and I'm grateful.
shanaelyse | 4 altre recensioni | Nov 9, 2011 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per gli Omaggi dei Membri di LibraryThing .
A straightforward romantic suspense. Lisa and Brian meet under unusual circumstances. They stay together through the book for several reasons. She thinks he needs someone to look after him. He thinks she knows something she isn't telling him. They both are attracted to each other but don't want to be. This isn't a mystery. You know who the killer is from early on. You know who is arranging things from about midway through the book. Lisa and Brian have to figure out what the reader already knows and deal with the dangers that face them both. This is the last in a series of books which I haven't read. It wasn't necessary to have read the others but I could tell that it might have helped to have read them to better understand some of the lesser characters and even to better understand Lisa's motiviations. She was a minor character in the earlier novels as explained at the end of the book..

All in all an interesting, quick read for me. It was a change from my usual mystery and fantasy novels. I received this book as part of Library Thing's Member Giveaway and wanted to be sure to review it as promised. Thanks to the member who provided this. I enjoyed the read.½
BDavis54 | 4 altre recensioni | Jul 15, 2011 |
DEADLY INTENTIONS by Candice Poarch is an interesting romantic suspense set in present day Paradise Island,Virgina.It is well written with depth and details.The plot is easy to follow and interesting.The characters are engaging,determined,and will capture your heart. It has lies,danger,murder,romance,suspense,intrigue,love,family heirloom,and mystery. Lisa Claxton,is searching a family heirloom,she works her way into the home of who is believes stole the heirloom through her housecleaning business.Brian Knight,an injured Navy Seal who is staying with his grandfather.When Lisa arrives at the suspected house of who she believes possesses the heirloom,who runs into a murdered servant and than trouble really begins,as danger looms not only from a killer but also from the handsome Brian.Together Brian and Lisa is out to find answers and love in the process.Sometimes this story is a little confusing but you soon get the hang of it and it turns into an interesting and intriguing story. If you enjoy suspense and mystery you will enjoy this one also. This book was received for the purpose of review from the publisher.Details can be found at Kensington Books and My Book Addiction Reviews.
tarenn | 4 altre recensioni | Jul 6, 2011 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per gli Omaggi dei Membri di LibraryThing .
Lisa started a cleaning business to find a stolen family heirloom. After a woman is murdered in a house she cleans, she meets Brian, an injured Navy SEAL. As romance between the two blosom, so does the danger. Lisa and her family aren't the only ones looking for the golden bowl. Others are. . .others who are willing to do whatever it takes to posses it. Even if that means killing Lisa's entire family...

Deadly Intentions is part of a series but I understood the book just fine having not read the others. It was ok. There were a few grammatical and spelling mistakes throughout the book. Also I thought Brian and Lisa's relationship moved extremely fast. There were also other characters in the story that recieved more attention than they should have which slowed down the progression of the story. The entire book builds up to a showdown between Lisa and Brian and those that want the bowl but when it came time for it, the author rushed through the ending. The whole situation took only a few pages. As for Lisa herself, I liked her character and her strengh and determination to change her life. She didn't like how her family viewed her as a mooch and she didn't like how men treated her so she set out to become a better version of herself. I don't know if I would recommend this book to anyone unless they already like and are following the series.
CassandraLynne | 4 altre recensioni | Jul 4, 2011 |
Questa recensione è stata scritta per gli Omaggi dei Membri di LibraryThing .
Great romance with perfect suspense is the wonderful combination in this book. The charactors were entertaining and witty while moving the plot along at a fast pace.½
jynxpierce | 4 altre recensioni | Jun 27, 2011 |
A surprisingly good book. I had not idea what to expect when I chose this book to read out of the hundreds I still have left to read.
But after I'd finished, I wondered what took me so long. It is a romance book but is not too romantic.
The characters were great and I thought they were realistic. There wasn't a lot of non-believable scenes and that was good.
I had never heard of Candice Poarch but wouldn't mind reading other books by her.
jrpatterson | Dec 14, 2009 |
This is the second story in Candace Poarch "Quest for the Golden Bowl series" Where Paradise Island only detective Alyssa Claxton find herself caught up in investigating both family and friends in the island murders of a family member an family friend while also trying to fight the attraction she has for businessman Jordon Ellis who has unsucessfully been trying to get a date with her for months without success but the two manage to share a night of love making while away on a Biker's weekend trip which for Alyssa was a one time deal but Jordon has other plans for it to go beyond that one night but with the murders of people they both know they seem to be thrown together while both try to fugure out why and what the victims has in common to cause their death so sit back and enjoy a little romance with a lot of mystery and suspense in the search of the killer and the mysterious Golden Bowl it was a nice read and fun visiting with some of the chacacters from the first book Golden Night while this story can be read as a stand alone I suggest reading the first one also as it will enlighten you on the search of the missing Golden Bowls and how it all came about from years back through family history. I can't wait tfor the third book in the serious.½
juateen | Aug 14, 2008 |
Not great, not horrble. Good story line. Cute characters. The problem seemed to be that there really weren't any emotions. Um, it just jumped around. Usually, as the characters interact and do things, you know how they're feeling, but with this one, it's like you'd find out after the fact. 3hrs 5mins
Araya05 | Oct 24, 2007 |
Araya05 | Sep 15, 2006 |
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