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Opere di W. C. Peever


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I was blown away by Quest for Merlin's Map. I'm not sure exactly what I expected, but it definitely wasn't the perfect blend of boarding school, mythology and Arthurian legend that I was given.

Any young adult book that includes a boarding school for magically inclined students will forever be compared to Harry Potter. While Quest for Merlin's Map brings to mind the Harry Potter series as well as the Percy Jackson series, the similarities are all positive. This first book in The Jumper Chronicles is every bit as enchanting, entertaining and well written as those big name books.

Charlie Burrows is a World Jumper. He can travel into different dimensions, which is a very rare and coveted ability. This ability makes him a target for all those who wish to control his power. That's an awful lot for a 12 year old to deal with, especially since he just learned that abilities like these exist at all.

Quest for Merlin's Map is richly detailed, providing just enough history to understand the meaning behind certain events, but without revealing more than is needed. This is a complete novel, with an epilogue promising much more trouble for Charlie. I'm definitely excited for more adventures from The Jumper Chronicles.
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TequilaReader | 2 altre recensioni | Dec 7, 2010 |
As a reader and reviewer, I do like to check out what others have to say about the book we have read. Now, while there may be a few grammatical errors in The Jumper Chronicles, I personally will not hold that as a huge strike against the content of the book. No one person is perfect and that goes for technology as well, but I do expect a story to flow in a way that will hold my interest. The Jumper Chronicles did indeed; hold my interest and it was a fast read. Granted, I am in my thirties and I am a mother, but this is a book I would love to read with my six-year old son soon. There is some action, but not as much violence that I would be overly concerned with for this young adult science fiction/ fantasy tale. Now, many of us admirers of Science Fiction /Fantasy typically enjoy the lore of mythology. I have seen many authors use lore, myths and the Gods to create their own worlds for the basis of their tale. I for one do not have an issue with it as there are many deities in mythology and in current religions to inspire and create with. I also appreciate it when the author makes it clear up front that those are the intentions as it was done in this novel.

There are some similarities with the Harry Potter series that many will notice, especially the ‘die-hards’ of the series like me. During the explanations of the space time parallels, I had visions of The Doctor (character) from Doctor Who. While there are those feelings of familiarity, with the ‘three best friends’ and ‘headmaster’ of a ‘special school’; for me, that was the extent of it. There was also a brief Sword in the Stone reference for a moment; however the story shifted gears, going with a different approach with the Merlin story.

I think many young adult readers can identify with the storyline in one way or another. Fantasies aside all of us do face some type of adversity in our life, and I feel that some of those were captured in this novel. I am not sure how fast this story would be wrapped up, as it has many options to explore in what was presented, but I would enjoy going along for the ride to discover what happens.
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AHauer | 2 altre recensioni | Nov 27, 2010 |
Reviewed by Theresa L. Stowell for

Charlie Burrows' twelfth birthday brings a few surprises that concern both himself and his best friend, Bailey Relling.

First, they see a strange man watching them ice skate at the local pond. Then, when they get home, hoping to share a meal and some birthday cake, they overhear their mothers arguing with that same man. He introduces himself as Professor Henry Grayson, and he is the headmaster at a private school where he wants the children to attend. He tells them that their fathers worked for the British government, and he has been sent to take the children into protective custody due to the case that resulted in the disappearance of their fathers ten years earlier.

Overwhelmed by the information and frightened by the idea of leaving their mothers, the children attempt to run away. To their surprise, Professor Grayson appears on the road in front of them. A bright light flashes, and the next thing they know, they have been transported to Thornfield Academy.

Charlie and Bailey adapt quickly to their new environment, meeting a new friend to make their duo a threesome, trying out for new sports (lacrosse), taking on new classes with quirky professors, and learning about the magical world in which they now belong.

The most shocking piece of information they learn is that Norse gods exist and they created nine worlds and that there are different dimensions. The gods, however, have been at war for eons and have closed themselves off from our world. This has not kept the battles between the Asgardians (the good gods) and the Vanari (the jealous lesser gods) from affecting Earth. The lives of Charlie's and Bailey's fathers are at sake as the children search for a magical object that could change the outcome of everything they know.

Readers who enjoy the Harry Potter, Charlie Bone, and Percy Jackson series' will also embrace this new group of youngsters. This combination of magic, Norse mythology, and Arthurian legend is a creative and fun addition to the fantasy genre. Finally, a touch of family, friendship, and conflict keep the characters real enough to allow readers to easily relate. I'm looking forward to a new installment in what is an exciting new series.
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GeniusJen | 2 altre recensioni | Aug 5, 2011 |

