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Candace Nola

Autore di BISHOP

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Opere di Candace Nola

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The Perfectly Fine Neighborhood — Collaboratore — 1 copia


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This was right up my alley! Meaningful characters, interesting lore, thrilling, a little gory and a little heartwarming. The length of this novella is perfect.
yeffin | Jul 15, 2024 |
Hey all, we’re having a beach party…AND you’re invited. HA HA HA HA HA

No one is safe when the lava spiders come rolling through town in Earth vs Lava Spiders by Candace Nola. This was a super quick read and unfurled like film on a B movie reel. We start with a beach party, and any horror lover knows how bad that can end up., whether in the water or out. Blood and guts fly right out of the gate. You can run, but you can’t hide…from these guys. One touch, poof, up in flames.

Like a B movie, there is no depth and detail, but I got what I expected…and that is never a bad thing. With a little more…the rating may have been different, but that won’t stop me from grabbing more like Earth vs Lava Spiders by Candace Nola.

I thought it was funny that all the chapter headings were 1950s song titles.

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sherry69 | Oct 27, 2023 |
This was an excellent anthology!

A "taste" of what lies within:

There are 13 stories that lay within this book and I will list them out along with a cryptic statement for each one.

Pretzels of Gods by Christine Morgan: You don't want to eat these kind of pretzels!

Apple Pies & Diamond Eyes by Chris Miller: A pie and robbery don't mix!

The Piebird by Ruthann Jagge: Be careful swallowing this pie as you might choke on feathers!

Next Best Baker by Jeff Strand: Baking cakes becomes twisted!

A Muffin in the Oven by Aron Beauregard: Baby alien? Or something else?

Blueberry Hill by Carver Pike: Blueberry muffins of a different variety!

They Are Always Watching by Patrick C. Harrison, III: Memories disappear in an unusual way.

My Lil' Cupcake by Lee Franklin: Being called "Lil Cupcake" comes at a great price!

Just a Local Thing by Kenzie Jennings: Is this what is meant by "local flavor"?

Of Dough and Cinammon by Daniel Volpe: Revenge is sweet.

Homegrown Comeuppance by Rowland Bercy, Jr.: A different type of tree.....alive and free.

County Contest by Candace Nola: A jam with a special flavor added.

Death and a Donut by M. Ennenbach: Don't mess with the Reaper!


Wow! This book was one twisted mess that is wrapped around everything "baking"! This could be considered the "Horror Baking Book" for everyone that loves horror, but beware as the ingredient's within are of the "twisted hell variety" and you might be picking out of your teeth bone and gore matter the whole time you are reading this book!

All the stories just drew me in and I have discovered some new authors to explore as well along with revisiting authors I have read in the past. All in all there is quite a bit of melting goo along with dripping icky trails of wet matter that will leave the extreme horror lovers salivating for more!

So if you are in the mood for a "baking book" like no other with graphic descriptions of blood, gore, and anything else that you find in a baker's kitchen or bakery, then grab your dessert plate and dish up these delicious "twisted" stories! Giving this one five Baker Maker stars!
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BookNookRetreat7 | Jul 25, 2022 |
This was an interesting story as it was a combination of horror and dark fantasy.

A small backstory:

A woman goes out camping with some friends and then witnesses them all getting killed by an unknown creature. She barely escapes with her life as she hides out in a thicket of trees. She stays there within the trees for a long time and when she thinks the creature is not paying attention she sneaks off into the forest.

The woman ends up being able to flee the horrible scene but then ends up in a place that she is totally unprepared for as she lands in a whole different reality filled with different types of creatures as some want to help her and some want to attack her. She ends up fighting for survival in this new world as she tries to make it back to her own reality.


The story is told in first person as the woman goes from one extreme to the other as there is lots to take in at first with the attack on the campsite (that was very gore descriptive) and then finding herself in a whole new world with these cute dragonfly creatures that she named Jackflys and Jillflys. Of course there are some other creatures that she comes across that are not so cute and that really want to rip into her.

The story is kind of a mix between horror and fantasy with the different worlds and creatures. As much I enjoyed the created world of the different creatures the story was a little drawn out for me with attention span as the woman goes from one thing to another. It kind of reminded me a little bit of the movie Castaway with Tom Hanks as he tries to survive on the island as this is basically the same type of story except there are fantasy creatures involved. So with that being said I am giving this book three stars as I did like it, but not enough to give it four stars.

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BookNookRetreat7 | Jul 25, 2022 |


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