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In this adventure, Kat wants to be Mary is Totsville’s Christmas pageant. Three of her sisters have been Mary and now it is Kat’s turn. She is everything that the committee wants, yet a lesser candidate gets the prized role. Kat happens to run into the girl’s father, knocking an envelope full of money—a bribe for the principal who chooses the girl who plays Mary. No one believes Kat, not even a sister who is actually mean in her response to Kat. A rotten day for Kat until she gets home and finds Gram waiting for her. Gram gives her a snowglobe that transports Kat to the North Pole and a visit with Gram’s old school chum, Sadie Claus. From there Kat has an excellent adventure that will entice everyone who reads about it.

Kat McGee is a stereotypical middle child. She easily goes unnoticed, pales in comparison to her brothers and sisters, and feels left out and usually is. For some reason, Kat is an irritation to her siblings. There is only one real bright spot for Kat and that is Gram. Gram seems to understand Kat and knows what Kat needs and when she needs it. When Kat is having an especially trying time, Gram makes a visit. Actually, Gram shows up, as if she has a crystal ball directed on Kat. Every protagonist needs a cheerleader, and Gram is that for Kat.

The well-written story has excellent editing. No typos, grammar, or punctuation problems, not even a misplaced or forgotten comma. The plot is believable. Scoogie (an early nickname for Scrooge?), is plotting to take over Santa’s job and institute many changes he believes are important for the North Pole to stay abreast of technology What Scoogie does not understand is that Santa and the North Pole have had the best technology for eons and there was nothing to improve upon. Still, Scoogie sabotages Christmas to make Santa look old and senile, incapable of handling the duties of the North Pole or delivering gifts to little kids.

The techniques Scoogie puts in place make a lot of sense on the surface, but do not work alongside the magic of the North Pole. Kat happens upon the evidence and takes it to Mrs. Claus, sure that this time an indifferent sister will not shoot her down. I like how everything ties together. Kat does not suddenly have abilities or knowledge she did not gain earlier in the story. The transition from North Pole student to North Pole hero is an easy jump.

The only problem is the ending. All is fine until Kats siblings suddenly take an interest in Kat because of a magic snowglobe Santa has left for her. The ending feels forced and fake. The ending would have been better to leave it at the point of either Gram waking Kat up and serving her breakfast or Kat opening the snowglobe and smiling as she thinks back on her adventure and realizes it actually happened.

There are a few illustrations at the top of each chapter. They are all cute elves that will put Christmas spirit in those that view them. Mrs. Claus and the School of Christmas Spirit is an inspired chapter book that even reluctant readers will enjoy. Is it a coincidence that there are twelve chapters? For a bedtime read, one chapter a night will get kids and parents through the long twelve days of Christmas. Mrs. Claus and the School of Christmas Spirit is the best new Christmas story for 2013 and could easily become a classic if enough people find a copy of this adventure under their tree.

originally reviewed at KidLitReviews
smmorris | 1 altra recensione | Jan 14, 2014 |
This was a well-written, creative story which
broadens the positive meaning of Christmas.
This puts a different twist on he usual
Christmas stories.
I would recommend this to the older elementary
age students and advanced elementary reading.
LAWonder10 | 1 altra recensione | Jun 20, 2013 |
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