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134 opere 1,203 membri 31 recensioni


Inglese (15)  Francese (11)  Spagnolo (2)  Svedese (2)  Catalano (1)  Tutte le lingue (31)
FILBO | Apr 25, 2024 |
This book is a favorite of my childhood, a delight and a treasure. I first read it when I was 8, when 10-year-old were cool older kids, and have read it at least a dozen times, most recently, today. The kids in it are the kinds of kids I, as a child, wanted to be like. They are idealized maybe, but not in a Pollyanna-ish way (she is the kind of child adults would like children to be, I think), just--kids who are unabashedly and entirely themselves, interested and alive and kind and passionate.
localgayangel | 8 altre recensioni | Mar 5, 2024 |
Short and funny. Another great recommendation for a hesitant chapter-book reader. Translated from French.
rebwaring | 3 altre recensioni | Aug 14, 2023 |
A Lea no le gusta nada su nueva casa. Está lejos de todo, al lado de un campo de patatas (o de vete a saber qué). Y encima no tiene amigos. Pero Lea es lista y sabe que, para encontrarlos rápido, solo necesita la información precisa. Por eso un día coge papel y boli, y redacta el test más divertido del mundo para encontrar a su nueva mejor amiga: ¿Qué te gusta más, la mayonesa o el kétchup? ¿Prefieres hablar o escuchar? ¿Prefieres que tus amigas se te parezcan o que sean totalmente diferentes de ti? ¿Para qué sirven los amigos? Armándose de valor, se repite: "¡Estoy sola, pero no soy tímida! ¡Lo conseguiré!". ¿Lo conseguirá?
bibliotecayamaguchi | Nov 11, 2020 |
This book is about a boy who dreams of making the world a better place. He dreams of all these things that he could do to better the world, but first he must learn to read and write. I could use this book as an introduction to English and to show students the importance of reading and writing.
efairman4 | 2 altre recensioni | Mar 17, 2019 |
A Emma le hacen un regalo especial, un cuaderno para guardar su secretos. No sabe escribir, pero guardará en el todas sus vivencias y sus sueños.
emmacamba2 | Aug 15, 2017 |
Qu'on soit gourmand à l'extrême ou non, ce témoignage de l'auteur sur ses comportements alimentaires est touchant, courageux et sincère. On ne regardera plus les grosses dames de la même façon, surtout avec un cornet de glace à la main.
COSTE | 1 altra recensione | Feb 4, 2016 |
Translated by Gill Rosner. Booktalk with gift prop: It's the first day of school after a long summer. You're all looking forward to starting school with a hip, young teacher who's athletic and good-looking. Instead, who you see at the teacher's desk is a fat, old, wrinkly man with messy hair. And instead of saying "good morning," or "Hello, my name is..." this old man says "I have a present for you." And he goes around giving all of you a gift-wrapped package. (Unwrap prop) And in your package is a book of coupons. It is no ordinary book of coupons. There is one coupon for sleeping late. One coupon for skipping a day of school. One coupon for losing your homework. One coupon for not listening in class. On and on, more coupons, right up to One coupon for giving the teacher a kiss on the cheek. And as you look at your coupon book, you wonder: Are these coupons for real? Who is this old man? Do I really want him for a teacher? Before the year is out, the answers may surprise you...
Salsabrarian | 3 altre recensioni | Feb 2, 2016 |
Susie, jeune adolescente juive new-yorkaise, parle. De ses états d'âme... "La première fois que j'ai eu seize ans, j'étais moche et je n'arrêtais pas de le dire au miroir de ma mère. Je jouais de la contrebasse, sans doute ressemblé-je à cet instrument." Ainsi commence cette confession au ton doux-amer. Luttes au lycée, amours réussis ou contrits, fugue, entrée dans le jazz band de l'école, déboires et aventures. Scénario a priori classique pour un récit qui ne l'est pas. L'auteur a pris le parti de parler des états d'âme de son héroïne, chapitre par chapitre, explorant à chaque fois une nouvelle facette de cette jeune adolescente. Difficile pour le lecteur de ne pas retrouver des bribes de-ci et de-là de sa propre adolescence dans ce roman qui traite toutes les difficultés comme les bonheurs d'une période réputée compliquée. Un livre original pour découvrir la vie d'une jeune new-yorkaise des années soixante, pendant féminin et plus sage des célèbres Basketball Diaries de Jim Carroll.
AFNO | Oct 21, 2015 |
Nathan est toujours mécontent, c'est un vrai raleur. Mais, un jour il se met à écrire et voit sa vie changer. Enfin, c'est plutôt la façon dont il voit la vie qui change. Une fable agréable sur le bonheur et la quête de soi.

8 ans
Relais | Mar 25, 2014 |
Relais | Feb 4, 2014 |
Vous vous apprêtez à entrer en sixième ? Vous avez peur de tout, des profs, des devoirs, des bousculades à la cantine ? Ou bien, vous avez brillamment passé le cap de cette année fatidique et vous voulez vous remémorer quelques souvenirs ? Ce livre est pour vous !

10 ans
Relais | 1 altra recensione | Feb 4, 2014 |
Susie Morgenstern, auteure jeunesse réputée, dévoile son problème de poids. Elle raconte ses régimes, ses efforts pour ne plus penser à manger, son rapport particulier avec la nourriture.

10 ans
Relais | 1 altra recensione | Feb 4, 2014 |
I enjoyed the individual stories, but as a cohesive theme, the book fell short for me. The cover and title suggests more travel and adventure than is to be found inside. Even so, most of the stories did illustrate the point that exposure to differences positively influences a person.
Tables | Jan 29, 2014 |
Mycket fransk, mycket underhållande och så där smårolig och charmig. Om en ensam pojke som lever ett mycket inrutat liv som förändras totalt då livfulla Victoire börjar i hans klass. Han som ensambarn boende hos sin dystra farmor, hon som den enda flickan i en lång rad med pojkar. En ovanlig vänskap tar sin början, och visar sig resultera många fler förändringar i Ernst liv.

Lagom tunn bok som med korta kapitel passar utmärkt som högläsningsbok samt som egenläsning för de lite vanare läsarna som inte räds en del franska namn.½
moa.ryrlind | 8 altre recensioni | Jan 22, 2014 |
Relais | Sep 5, 2013 |
This book was a great story about a teacher that used non-tradtional methods to teach his students life lessons as well as academic lessons. The Book of Coupons is a book that I would use as a read aloud in my classroom, and I think that Morgenstern did a fantasitc job writing this short novel.
ghimbert | 3 altre recensioni | Apr 27, 2013 |
This book is about a boy who just wants to make the world a better place. He wants to stop crime, solve world hunger, stop natural disasters and cloth every person around the world.
dwall011 | 2 altre recensioni | Apr 11, 2013 |
Kan inte sätta fingret på vad som gör det, men den känns väldigt fransk tycker jag. Mina tankar går både till Tillsammans är man mindre ensam och Igelkottens elegans. De två böckerna är jag inte så imponerad av, men i en barnbok tycker jag att stilen passar bättre. Trivsamt, mysigt och underhållande men förenklat, inte särskilt trovärdigt och med ganska klichéaktiga karaktärer. Skulle kunna bli en söt film.½
LottaBerling | 8 altre recensioni | Apr 11, 2013 |
Margot découvre le secondaire et ses aléas. L'histoire est racontée avec beaucoup d'empathie : on ressent le questionnement et l'envie de bien faire de Margot, ses angoisses et ses victoires, les premiers débuts dans le monde adulte, aussi, avec les garçons et les négociations avec les profs. Margot est un peu pimbêche : elle veut trop plaire et par là même, n'interpellera peut-être pas tous les jeunes.
Ce que je trouve fascinant, pourtant, c'est que cette histoire date d'il y a trente ans et n'a pas vieilli d'une ride : je ne sais pas si ça en dit long sur la pérennité de l'histoire ou sur le système d'éducation encroûté. Ça attendrit peut-être les parents, mais il y a sans doute lieu à une réforme... la même dont parle Margot dans le livre!½
Cecilturtle | 1 altra recensione | Nov 12, 2012 |
Où l'on demande à un petit garçon ce qu'il veut faire quand il sera grand...
CHINEDESENFANTS | 2 altre recensioni | Jun 24, 2012 |
Ernest lives a constrained, boring life. His mother died when he was born, and his father disappeared shortly after, so Ernest is being raised by his grandmother, a woman so wrapped in the past that she has forgotten how to live. Every day Ernest walks the same way to school, eats the same foods, and studies diligently alone in his room. The ten years of his life had passed so far at a turtle's pace, as if it had been slowed down by the premature onset of old age. Then one day, a new girl appears in his class who changes everything with her forthright manner and large, boisterous family. Victoria introduces color and vivacity into the lives of Ernest and his grandmother.

He repeated {to his grandmother} something Victoria had said: "Energy is like eating. Once you try a little, you get an appetite."

With newly found confidence and togetherness, Ernest and his grandmother are able to confront the family's ghosts and move on.

My daughter and I read this aloud, and we both enjoyed it a great deal. My daughter relished the relationship between Ernest and Victoria and their escapades. I appreciated the relationship of a child and family member who are trying to overcome emotional inertia to reconnect and find a new way forward together. The language is smart and the story is touching without being sappy. Nicely done.
1 vota
labfs39 | 8 altre recensioni | Apr 14, 2012 |
I really enjoyed reading this book, even the second time around. I'd say it was suited for children in 5th-6th grade
jmantzura | 8 altre recensioni | Apr 27, 2010 |
10-year-old Ernest lives a quiet, regimented life with his 80-year-old grandmother and their elderly housemaid in France where there is no TV, no telephone, and absolutely no discussion of the past, which includes the death of his mother during childbirth and the disappearance of his father the day Ernest was born. Suddenly one day Ernest’s life is turned upside-down with the arrival of a new girl at school, named Victoria, who informs Ernest that they will be getting married in the future. Victoria has a passion for life and in giving Ernest her friendship she introduces him to things such as eating chocolate, fondue, riding in cars, watching movies, going out, and her enormous quirky family that show Ernest a side of family life he never knew existed. With the help of Victoria, aka “the Bulldozer,” Ernest attempts to reintroduce his grandmother to the joys of the little things in life and discover the mystery involving his father.
A pure delight to read, this book was at times quite humorous and touching. When the other little girls are jealous of Victoria's relationship with Ernest and send her nasty notes, she replies that she can't help it, recites their future wedding date, and adds that her response doubles as a wedding invitation. The Batchelder Award goes to books considered to be the most outstanding published in a foreign language in a foreign country. While Secret Letters From 0 To 10 was only recognized as an honor in this category, I still believe this is a wonderful book. Though some teens might consider this book to be a little juvenile, the more challenging vocabulary and mature writing style probably makes this title better for middle school aged readers than elementary, but even older teens can enjoy its unusual charm for a quick read.
ajramsden | 8 altre recensioni | Nov 26, 2008 |
I thought that this book was such an adorable, entertaining, and quirky read.
librarychicgeek | 8 altre recensioni | Sep 1, 2008 |