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If you as a teacher librarian think it is difficult to get into the classroom to collaborate, then read this book about the role of the reading coach. Yes, they are supposed to collaborate and coteach. Yes, they have difficulties. It is fascinating to read another perspective on this problem and ther theire recommendations for solutions. Read and find out that teacher librarians, reading coaches, and by inference, any other specialist in the school has lots in common. Do we as teacher librarians explore the commonalities? Are we in competition for attention with other specialists? When we really collaborate with classroom teachers, are two heads really better than one? This book is worth acquiring and requiring both the reading coaches and the teacher librarian to read it. Perhaps reading two titles such as Behond Bird Units by Loertscher, Koechlin, and Zwaan would be instructive for both professionals. Certainly the question comes around to: how could we as specialists combine our efforts and unlock that classroom door to the miracle of collaborative education rather than isolated frustration. It is an idea worth investigating and thus, this is a great title to start exploring the possibilities. Highly recommended.
davidloertscher | Dec 13, 2007 |