Immagine dell'autore.

Terri Molina

Autore di Forget Me Not

4 opere 11 membri 5 recensioni


Comprende il nome: TERRI MOLINA

Opere di Terri Molina

Forget Me Not (2011) 5 copie
House of Cards (2012) 4 copie
Her Will, His Way (2011) 1 copia
Dark Obsession (2012) 1 copia


Informazioni generali



Forget Me Not by Terri Molina is a great suspenseful romance with a hypnotic plot. Casey’s character is interesting because underneath the stoic façade she portrays to the public is a woman still haunted by her mother’s death and father’s subsequent incarceration. Who can blame her for wanting to forget such a past? However, she can’t run forever and she ends up going home to hide from a psychotic stalker out to kill her. Casey’s homecoming gets rather interesting when she meets detective Scott Weller. Although they profess to disliking each other, it is clear there is more to their keen mutual dislike than meets the eyes. Scott is a very perceptive man and quickly realizes Casey is not as tough as she portrays to the world. However, Scott is fine with Casey being tough for the sake of her image as long as he experiences her softer more passionate side when they are together. This is the side he hopes to nurture because he knows he’s fallen in love with her. Unfortunately as much as he loves her, someone hates her and wants to see her dead, but not if he can stop them.

Casey Martinez is a successful writer who has gone to great lengths to shed her painful past. She moved away and changed her name, severing all ties to memories that still leave her with terrible nightmares. Unfortunately someone has not forgotten Casey and has resorted to killing women who bear a startling resemblance to her. The murders are linked to her novels, and the FBI suggests she leave town until they can solve the case. Casey’s decision to return home however, could mean her death because instead of running away from her stalker, she’s going right towards him. Detective Scott Weller is not happy about babysitting some rich writer but Casey turns out to be more than he imagined. Beneath their antagonistic relationship simmers a passion both wrestle with. Scott has worked many big cases but keeping Casey safe has become his most important because she’s not just a case but also the woman who has got this confirmed bachelor thinking about kids and a picket fence.

~ Susan for AReCafe
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AReCafe | 2 altre recensioni | Apr 24, 2013 |
Forget Me Not is romantic suspense and was good. At first, I was having issues with Scott until I realized he was teasing her the whole time! Then I loved him and he cracked me up. I liked Casey and watching her relax. The one thing that bothered me was her inability/unwillingness to admit that there was actual danger. It took her much too long to admit that to herself, let alone to the people trying to protect her. I did figure out who the "bad guy" was pretty early on but was still surprised by the end.… (altro)
Irishcontessa | 2 altre recensioni | Mar 29, 2013 |
Author: Terri Molina
Published By: Crimson Romance
AgeRecommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 4


"Dark Obession" by Terri Molina was a suspenseful thriller paranormal romance that once you started reading, it was hard to put down until the end. This authors style of writing was very good keeping you in touch with just what was going on even with the ghost magic imagery. The two main characters Lexie Solis and Ray Chavez will take the reader on a roller coaster ride...yes sometimes even creepy...and let me mention a few other characters that were simply off the chart good...really drawing you into the read...Sylvia..who had very good 'protective qualities'(I really love her)...and black magic with Jerry..the bad guy.Now, I know you are wondering where is this taking the reader...Well, this is where I say you must pick up this well written novel "Dark Obession" to find out what this is all about. You will definitely see it is one of those story of good vs evil. OK, here is a little bite..Lexie who is on the run for her life, is rescued by Ray and his sister. With all that Lexie has been through she finds it hard to trust and definitely love wasn't in the picture..but after some defenses are let down with the help of Ray...will they be able to defeat the black magic (Jerry)?..Will they finally find love?....I will leave that up to you to find out from the read.

If you are in for a good paranormal romance read you have come to the right place for "Dark Obession" will give it to you and YES, I would recommend this novel as a good read.
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arlenadean | Feb 13, 2013 |
Book Title: Forget Me Not

Author: Terri Molina

Published By: Decadent Publishing Company

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Recommended Age: 18+

Reviewed By: Emily Tuley / AngelsCryHavoc

Blog Reviewed For: Great Minds Think Aloud Literary Community

Rating: 5 Ravens

Romance novels, Unless they are Paranormal (yes, I know typical for most) I have not had a knack for them. Suspense, Thriller it didn’t matter no matter what I did I had a hard time getting into them and then. I was given this book as a Review assignment from my director Kitty Bullard, She told me I just had to read it that I would enjoy it and that it would change my mind. I’m always open to try new things. Give them that good old fashioned try and so I did. Never will I admit this often but she was right. I didn’t just enjoy it. I loved it. I loved it. It was fast paced and suspenseful but left me guessing at each possible angle and scenerio that could come of the multiple stalker situation. It had me grow that affinity for Casey where one minute I wanted to hug her and try to help comfort her from her horrible past to where the next I wanted to shake some sense into her out of frustration and the situations she allowed herself to get into.

Casey is clearly suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) where it affects some and they shut down or close themselves off , This is what I’ve heard call the Fight or Flight response. she has chosen to take what I call the Fight approach in stead of flight making her strong willed and defiant to the end. Refusing to admit that she can’t handle anything on her own. She struggles like some of the men that have this disorder to relinquish control and to admit that this is a moment they need help. It shows just how much of that can be destructive to herself and others. Maybe I read a little more into the character than I should have but I found her well developed and proof of ones life , trials and tribulations things that happen some of them more shocking than one might admit or know can alter a person and their personality greatly. It’s this and coming home that is allowing Casey to do the one thing she never really thought she would be able to do and that is face her past and possibly heal herself to save her future.

Scott is the good cop with a family background but he himself has issues refusing to settle down or make anyone deal with what his mother had to go through as being a cop ran in the family. He’s just a good ol’ boy that never expects to find a woman completely off what he figures to be his “type” in Casey not only is she his best friends sister but she’s everything that infuriates and frustrates him but all in a completely good way. Making his job as bodyguard only that much harder while she’s back home in her home town. The two having to deal with her family hiding the fact she’s been stalked by a crazy serial killer and the rest of the stalkers who have a claim to her one odd way or another. Thinking everything she says or does is about them.

Once again I thoroughly enjoyed this book and perhaps , perhaps I’m definitely looking for more from this Author ;)
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Angelscryhavoc | 2 altre recensioni | Dec 16, 2011 |

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